N-SexyFour Buildlog [CANCELLED]

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Re: N-SexyFour Buildlog [ALL WIRED UP PG.7]

Is that why SS has told me several times in om that he did not rcp wire his x64 lite? :roll:
Re: N-SexyFour Buildlog [ALL WIRED UP PG.7]

If he replaced the board later, than he probably didn't, but he originally did, and I can back that up with pictures and a youtube video.
Re: N-SexyFour Buildlog [ALL WIRED UP PG.7]

Hey guise wats goin on in this thread guise. Get back on topic. There is not enough talking about ME going on.
Re: N-SexyFour Buildlog [ALL WIRED UP PG.7]

Maybe put up YOUR FACE.

Here's the current status: it's all wired, one of the wires on the cart slot came off and I need to resolder it. I need to wire my audio lines, they're just taped right now. I need to LED mod my screen, and then I'm going to trim it. I can cut off the whole bottom, because I just soldered straight to the resistors and stuffs on the back. it's easier than soldering to the pads under the cable slot.
Re: N-SexyFour Buildlog [ALL WIRED UP PG.7]

Yes. Yes it is. It is MUCH easier. And hot glue is a magical thing.
Re: N-SexyFour Buildlog [ALL WIRED UP PG.7]

Hot glue is for quitters. I use strong ass solder joints and fine craftsmanship instead.
Re: N-SexyFour Buildlog [ALL WIRED UP PG.7]

Holy dogflax! Where the *Can'tSayThisOnTV* has this been my whole life, Julian? 2 weeks ago you didn't know how to solder, now you're gonna have a better portable than me :D
Re: N-SexyFour Buildlog [ALL WIRED UP PG.7]

Ordering Polystyrene tonight. Trimming boards tomorrow. Making case mold on Thursday and Friday.
Re: N-SexyFour Buildlog [ALL WIRED UP PG.7]

I'm in the midst of relocating all of the ports prior to trimming. I have 12v wired to the 7805, and 3.3v/ground wired to the large capacitor to the upper right of the CPU. I am not getting any sound right now, but I'll play around with it. Any insight on why I'm not getting sound?

On a separate note, I hate the high-voltage noise the inverter makes. Once LED modded, that sound goes away, right? I'm not the only one that can hear it, am I?
Re: N-SexyFour Buildlog [BEGINNING TRIMMING PG10]

So, I don't get sound unless the right connector on the bottom of the PSOne LCD is plugged in. I need to figure out what needs to be bridged for this to work, because the bottom of the LCD isn't staying around for long.

Here are the places I am connected to. Should I use different ones?

Re: N-SexyFour Buildlog [BEGINNING TRIMMING PG10]


Broke a trace trimming next to the CPU. I'll relocate it, one sec.

YES, salvaged. first I broke the trace, then I pulled it off the board checking my solder joint. Once it's off the board some it's really easy to solder to. XD

I'll throw up a picture after I trim the rest of the side.
Re: N-SexyFour Buildlog [BEGINNING TRIMMING PG10]


So, C151 on the back of the board near the power jack is important. I tried bridging it before I cut it off, and it didn't work. Guess I'm not trimming that part. It's okay.

My solder-to-the-torn-up-trace gig didn't work for long, so just wired straight to the RCP. That's right, I ACTUALLY RCP wired.


See it?
Re: N-SexyFour Buildlog [BEGINNING TRIMMING PG10]

My audio has been weird for a while, and I lost video while trimming over the cart slot. Anything up there I could have cut?
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