N-SexyFour Buildlog [CANCELLED]

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Re: N-SexyFour Buildlog [SEXY MOCKUP PG12]

I found it!

In 7th grade, I was bored in history, so I drew up a N64p idea that was side loading like this. (but with a D-pad, seperate screen controls, and no cart cover.

edit- :facepalm: Didn't realize this was a double post.
Re: N-SexyFour Buildlog [SEXY MOCKUP PG12]

Double post, it's a free country. Scan it, I'll see if I can find my original drawings from World Literature.
Re: N-SexyFour Buildlog [SEXY MOCKUP PG12]

I've been at my mom's house. I'm not making my case mold until I decide on how I'm doing the R button. It has to bottom out as close to the cart as possible. Any ideas?
Re: N-SexyFour Buildlog [SEXY MOCKUP PG12]

You're funny. I'm not using tacts for shoulder buttons, that looks terrible. I'm thinking about building my own pivoting shoulder buttons that don't take up a lot of space. Since the R button is going directly on top of the cart, the should button is the limiting factor for height in this design.
Re: N-SexyFour Buildlog [SEXY MOCKUP PG12]

You could use regular buttons. I used a B button from a superpad plus for the Z on my elephant and it works great. its really comfortable and easy to press. Not sure how much space it'll save though :P
Re: N-SexyFour Buildlog [SEXY MOCKUP PG12]

I used tall tacts on my AG-64p, it allowed me to easily get all 4 shoulder buttons (dual z, r, l) to fit in the small space, and they didn't stick out terribly far, looked good. Just preference I guess.
Re: N-SexyFour Buildlog [SEXY MOCKUP PG12]

I'm thinking of making something like this:

Re: N-SexyFour Buildlog [SEXY MOCKUP PG12]

Use some of those slim radioshack tacts like the ones on the psone screen.
Re: N-SexyFour Buildlog [SEXY MOCKUP PG12]

I have a bunch of tacts like that.

Click the tacts on your psone screen- you'll feel, the slim ones don't have terribly much clickiness to them, but not much travel either.
Re: N-SexyFour Buildlog [SEXY MOCKUP PG12]

No picture or audio, and when I take out the cart, the LED goes out. Thoughts?
Re: N-SexyFour Buildlog [SEXY MOCKUP PG12]

Add another 3.3v line across the board, and check to make sure that the 7805 is giving out 5v and taking in 7.4v or whatever.

Re: N-SexyFour Buildlog [SEXY MOCKUP PG12]

I borked my multimeter. What do you mean by "across the board"?

I have double IDE going from the TI reg to the top of the upper left-hand capacitor on the front of the board.
Re: N-SexyFour Buildlog [SEXY MOCKUP PG12]

And if you chopped your mobo like I think you did you efficiently cut off 3.3v from the right half of the board. Reconnect it to one of the large 3.3v traces.

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