In 7th grade, I was bored in history, so I drew up a N64p idea that was side loading like this. (but with a D-pad, seperate screen controls, and no cart cover.
I've been at my mom's house. I'm not making my case mold until I decide on how I'm doing the R button. It has to bottom out as close to the cart as possible. Any ideas?
You're funny. I'm not using tacts for shoulder buttons, that looks terrible. I'm thinking about building my own pivoting shoulder buttons that don't take up a lot of space. Since the R button is going directly on top of the cart, the should button is the limiting factor for height in this design.
You could use regular buttons. I used a B button from a superpad plus for the Z on my elephant and it works great. its really comfortable and easy to press. Not sure how much space it'll save though
I used tall tacts on my AG-64p, it allowed me to easily get all 4 shoulder buttons (dual z, r, l) to fit in the small space, and they didn't stick out terribly far, looked good. Just preference I guess.
And if you chopped your mobo like I think you did you efficiently cut off 3.3v from the right half of the board. Reconnect it to one of the large 3.3v traces.