Well, that was bizarre. I couldn't get video. I thought that maybe there was something on the 12v line that I had disconnected somewhere, so I bridged power straight to the pin on the power switch. It worked. In disbelief, I yanked on the wire. It broke off. The game didn't stop. I restarted and it worked fine.
SS, it's wired like you told me, thanks a ton. Still no sound though. I'll try my other screen.
Controller board will go under the controls on the right.
Same dimensions as 3 N64 carts in a row, so you can pretend you have one too.
Supa thin.
Why is it focused on the screen dust?
Estimated final dimensions:
I need to get a controller board and trim it; LED mod, antiglare mod and trim my screen; and then make a case. That's all. Oh, and a low battery LED, and an integrated screen control circuit.
I am using a D pad for the C buttons. It will be yellow. I don't think I'll be including L or the D pad, but I suppose I could.
The yellow button is for integrated screen controls. I COULD use the start button, but I prefer symmetry.
The cart will not only sit flush, the cart cover will hide it entirely. The cover will be slide off like some battery covers do, giving access to the cartridge.