Great bargains from E-bay / Garage / Yard / Car boot sales

I think I scored well today.

Thanks to Freecycle, I got my self a Vtech Laser 128EX. With the Following: Magnavox RGB monitor, Manual, Laser Branded Mouse, external Laser Floppy drive, loads of software including GEOS, and a Epson printerr. All for free!




And I found a Radio Shack TRS-80 with manual. From a local classifieds site for $5!

I'm happy with my finds today :mrgreen:
Re: Great bargains from E-bay / Garage / Yard / Car boot sal

Bought a Dreamcast keyboard at Goodwill for $3 today. :D

The funny thing is that I wouldn't have even given it a second look had I not spotted the "Dreamcast" text on it since it looks exactly like every other late '90s PC keyboard ever made. :P
Re: Great bargains from E-bay / Garage / Yard / Car boot sal

My friend and I got a dualshock 1 controller, a working Psone, and a Psone screen on eBay for thirty-five bucks. No memory card or TV cables. We are modding a snes at present, and we found it while looking for a psone screen. the psone screen wil be used with the snes, In the future, I think it would be simply funny to make a psone mod without a psone screen.
Need games though, and the memory card as I said before, for testing. I was never really a Sony guy, all the consoles I've owned are Nintendo, so I have none. Why am I telling you this? because a guy on my swim team has agreed to let me have all his old PS1 games. So count that in the "amazing deals" aspect of this thread. Hope he has Xenogears or FF tactics, but what are the chances? But knowing my luck, it will be whole bunch of Crash Bandicoot.
Re: Great bargains from E-bay / Garage / Yard / Car boot sal

So for those of you who don't know, I thought I'd post this.

Broken Magnavox Odyssey2 at a yardsale for $5. A simple fix to get it working, cart slot needed cleaned. I then resold most of the games for $170. Good deal, no?
Re: Great bargains from E-bay / Garage / Yard / Car boot sal

Well, guess who was bored and decided to wander around Savers again? :V

I spotted this 25-in-1 thing hanging on the wall mixed with the random remote controls, Selectric ribbons, and 35mm cameras, and figured for $3 it should be good for a laugh.

(Click for full size)

The controls seem to line up with the NES as well.
D-Pad - Duh
Square - B (w/ turbo button)
Circle - A (w/ turbo button)
Reset and Start - Select and Start
L1 Shoulder Button - B
R1 Shoulder Button - A

It came with manuals in French, English, and Spanish. I only know one of those languages and unfortunately it appears to have been properly translated so there's no pigeon English to laugh at. :( At least our old friend the Sad Onion makes an appearance on the back cover. The booklet shows you the "wide" range of games, including a couple vertical shooters, a couple Hang On clones, and the obligatory Bejeweled clone.

Page 1, Page 2, Page 3, Page 4

Five screws later here's the insides:

(Click for full size)

And finally a glory shot of its brains:

(Click for full size)

It seems to have some of the same games as the Gamespower 50 that Dr. Ashen reviewed a few years ago. Hmm.

I'll try making a video of the games on it later.

Re: Great bargains from E-bay / Garage / Yard / Car boot sal

Got a bunch of books for $3 at a charity booksale. Some of them are pretty good books. However, I'd like to mention three in particular.


A Commodore 64 User's Guide, Commodore 64 Programmer's Reference Guide, and a Computer Dictionary from 1984. Now if only I had a C64. I've looked through them a bit. The User's Guide is a typical manual but the Reference Guide has some interesting stuff in it, including details about the SID and a schematic of the C64. I wonder if they're worth anything...
Re: Great bargains from E-bay / Garage / Yard / Car boot sal

I own both of those commodore books, came with a C64 i got. i have no idea how to use it, it is complicated.
Re: Great bargains from E-bay / Garage / Yard / Car boot sal

I just bought a snes with over a hundred games as is out of my local pawn shop for 30$
Re: Great bargains from E-bay / Garage / Yard / Car boot sal

I found Australian dirt out side!

Anyone want to buy it at the bidding price of $13 Australian Dollars?

WEEEE :dahroll:
Re: Great bargains from E-bay / Garage / Yard / Car boot sal

*Can'tSayThisOnTV*. I paid $60 for that same game. Is that just me or does Games for Windows look like a cheap knockoff of Steam?

Anyway, I got two Cambridge Soundworks PCWorks subwoofers at a thrift store for $2.99 each. I had found a Sansa cable a few weeks ago, and plan to make a dock. The PCWorks subs are nice because they have normal connections- they don't need a special right speaker or anything. No power adaptor- I picked up a 12V 1.25A one while I was there, but the connector was weird so I had to mod a normal one on. I hooked them up to some random PC speakers I had ripped apart some time ago and it sounded pretty good. I bought a little iPod/MP3 speaker for $4 earlier but I think I'm going with the sub. Gotta find some better speakers though.
Re: Great bargains from E-bay / Garage / Yard / Car boot sal

mako321 said:
Yeah, it's GFWL. Yeah, but I also found the money for the game under my pc.
Pic for fun, why not?
Huge, so link'd.
Since it is only 10 cents, I think I'd rather pirate it, without that Games for Windows bullflax.
Re: Great bargains from E-bay / Garage / Yard / Car boot sal

I found one of these guys in a dumpster :shock: ... =25694.jpg

Its in pretty good condition with the exception of some bent up metal on its shoulder where someone must have tried to pry off the top (for free gumballs). I'm lucky the snow didn't damage any of the electronic components inside. There's no lock box for change on the back either, but I'm going to try build one.

I'll be dumping its eproms later today, so I can protect them from bit-rot, and transfer them to flash memory. And who knows... maybe I'll be able to hack it to say something other than "Halt! My friends get presents when their good." as well as other cheesy lines :roll:
Re: Great bargains from E-bay / Garage / Yard / Car boot sal

Got a free cardboard Fable III sign from the trash can in front of Best Buy today.

Whoever just threw it out was a dumbass. >_>

Oh well, free video game loot for me. :D
Re: Great bargains from E-bay / Garage / Yard / Car boot sal

Got a digital caliper on sale for $20. It came with a bonus (non-digital) micrometer as well. I don't know how often I'll use it though.

Also bought an N64 at the thrift store for $16.99, including an RF modulator, power supply, Diddy Kong Racing, and grey controller. Pretty good condition, analog stick is okay. It said "tested and working", but I don't see how that's possible since there is no jumper or expansion pak. It has a pretty low serial number- my fingers are crossed.
Re: Great bargains from E-bay / Garage / Yard / Car boot sal

The first expansion pack for Atmosfear (Nightmare to you Americans) for the grand total of 99p. Bring forth Baron Samdai :D
Re: Great bargains from E-bay / Garage / Yard / Car boot sal

I went to play n trade and got a copy of castlevania bloodlines and a game genie for genesis, a dreamcast, and a third party dreamcast vga box for $42
Re: Great bargains from E-bay / Garage / Yard / Car boot sal

psone with screen, carrying case, and doualshock controller. three loose games: test drive 5, spyro: year of the dragon, and rayman.

somebody gave this to my computer teacher and he didn't want it so sold it all to me for $50
Re: Great bargains from E-bay / Garage / Yard / Car boot sal

So... someone gave it to your computer teacher... and he didn't want it... so he decided to turn a profit on it?

What a jackass.

Not a bad deal anyways, though. :P