Great bargains from E-bay / Garage / Yard / Car boot sales

Yeah, I heard it could be used as a webcam, so I'd thought about picking one up for a while. Since I was at GameStop anyway to put some money on my New Vegas preorder, I found it there and saw it was three bucks, so I figured "Why the Heck not?"
Used it as a webcam for nearly 3 years on xp/vista. Never worked on 7. I was disappoint. :(
I bought a very interesting (to me) LP at Savers yesterday. It's called "The Beetle Beat" by a band called The Buggs, and it's pretty damned obvious it's a Beatlemania cash-in. If the title alone doesn't do it for you, there are covers of "I Want to Hold Your Hand" and "She Loves You" along with a list of very Englandy-sounding songs. Even though it claims to be "The original Liverpool sound" and that it was recorded in England, the guys in the band are from Kansas or something and the album was recorded in Missouri. For a dollar, I sure couldn't pass it up. XD

I also got a PlayStation demo disc in a Square Enix RPG (can't remember which one >_>) case for $2.
I got a few tapes today for a buck a piece (I know a bit too much, but I couldn't pass these bands up).

ozzy osbourne- bark at the moon
ozzy osbourne- no more tears
motley crue- shout at the devil
van halen - II

also bought an optimus lab 1000 turntable for $7. i'm gonna sell this because I'm happy with my pioneer pl-516

oh and there was a bake sell and a few girls I knew were working it so I humored them by buying some cookies.
Got a bunch of old video game stuff from my aunt and uncle. Kept Metal Gear Solid, a couple of Dualshocks and SNES controllers, and a couple of SNES games. Selling everything else in my FS thread.
Picked up a 7" screen with VGA, 2x composite, and a USB touch overlay for 140$, about $200 less than every other comparable screen I found. (and $400 less than the one I really liked)
Went to the local record store today. I found a few copies of the LP I bought at Savers the other day there -- the cheapest one was $12. I got a good deal!

While I was there, I also bought the remastered Beatles' Past Masters. The thing is, it's used, and the sticker said $18 (I can get a new copy at Walmart for $20 >_>), but I had a stamp card good for $10 in store credit, so I ended up only paying $8 for it. It's in like-new condition, and I couldn't even get it online for that cheap after you factor in shipping and all that. Score! :awesomeTW:

Then I went to Goodwill and I got a GameBoy Printer for $1.99, and a tiny wired USB mouse for another $1.99. Another good deal!

Found 5 Atari games at a thrift store today for $1 USD each.
The games are as follows:
Basketball, Reactoid, Downland, Combat {5 in 1} (Tank, Tank-Pong, Invisible-Tank, BiPlane, Jet-Fighter), and Plaque Attack.
And few weeks got a PS1 SCPH-9001 for $5 (console only). Also 4 games for about $5 (Twisted Metal 1 & 3, Tenchu; Stealth Assassins, and Qix Neo) :awesome:
Oh, hey, I went to the local Dollar Tree today. Didn't totally make up for all the times I haven't gotten to go garage sale hunting this summer, but it helped.

I got myself a toy revolver I plan on painting up to look like the Spy's, a wrist pad for use with a mouse, a lumbar support for my desk chair, two sets of five slim CD cases, a CD holder you put on your car's visor, and two pairs of fuzzy black gloves, one of which I immediately cut the fingers off of and am now going to use for when I'm on my computer. Keeps my hands warm but my fingers free to type, click, what have you. :D
Went to the usual Salvation Army thrift store. Had an N64, but I didn't buy it because it was $30. They've been raising their prices- I saw a GameCube for $35 and a PS2 for the same price. I did buy a neat looking calculator for 50 cents though.

Then I went to another thrift store. This one sells absolute crap at much lower prices. I got a camera junkier than a Holga but 35mm for $2, 2061 Odyssey 3 (the book) for $1, and a random index card case thing that would be decent for storing things for 50 cents I think. I also got some sort of clip light thingy for 50 cents- I plan on LED modding it- and a really long 4-conductor phone cable. I'm not sure if those prices are correct but I know it worked out to $5.25.
Last week I grabbed a slot-load iMac G3 DV400 for $20 at Savers. After I got it working it turned out to be one of the better ones! :awesome: I did some ghetto-testing* at the store and figured out it wouldn't boot because the hard drive was dead, so I upgraded it with a spare I had around. Threw some PC133 memory into it, installed OS 9 and OS X, and it's been working fine since! Yay I can finally use all the software from those magazine discs I collected 10 years ago! (Apparently these usually go for more than double that at thrift stores, even more on eBay, but this one had a very fixable simple problem that the clothes-tagging old ladies in the back room didn't understand so they gave it a "damaged goods" price. It was only there for a couple days according to the sticker!)

Slot-loading iMac G3 DV 400
400 mhz PowerPC 750 (G3)
80 GB HD (Upgraded from the stock 6 gig, which was completely dead)
512 MB RAM (Not sure how much I got it with because I replaced both sticks first thing, but it came from the factory with 64)
Mac OS 9.2.2 / OS X 10.4.11 Tiger dual-boot (with Classic; it will run Solitaire games from 1984 side by side with Opera 10.6)
2x USB 1.1 buses
2x FireWire
Latest firmware
15" CRT display
Blue USB iMac keyboard (acquired a couple years ago)
Logitech 2-button scroll mouse THAT WORKS PROPERLY WITH BOTH BUTTONS AND THE WHEEL IN OS 9 AND X so don't give me that :wtf:

Now comes the hard part: making room for it on my desk!

* I need to remember to bring a cheap multitool with me when I go junk shopping. Testing a TiVo using twist ties as an RF cable, opening an iMac's service hatch using a lamp cord as a screwdriver... It's annoying.