The tinyPNES worklog. EDIT: UPDATE!

Re: The UltraPNES worklog. EDIT: the curse returns

HOLY BUTTMONKEY! those screens cost way more than I could ever afford. The 110 dollar one is a whole paycheck.

An interesting thing about the lockout chip. A while back I disabled it and connected pin four to ground, and paperboy wouldn't work. Other games did, but not paperboy. So I re-enabled it.
Re: The UltraPNES worklog. EDIT: the curse returns

themadhacker said:
HOLY BUTTMONKEY! those screens cost way more than I could ever afford. The 110 dollar one is a whole paycheck.

An interesting thing about the lockout chip. A while back I disabled it and connected pin four to ground, and paperboy wouldn't work. Other games did, but not paperboy. So I re-enabled it.

The usual method involves adding a switch. That way you can turn it on and off. You might as well do it to add to the ultra factor, and because you are already halfway there.
Re: The UltraPNES worklog. EDIT: the curse returns

yeah, but there would be too many switches. The main power switch, te P1 on/off switch, and then the lockout switch. I'm just going to have to find some small matcing switches then. Time to go to radioshack
Re: The UltraPNES worklog. EDIT: the curse returns

Another update.

I got some supplies from radioshack today. Igot the transistor for the video mod, switches, and some 30 gauge solid wire for cart slot relocation. The wire looks a bit too thin, but whatever.

And if all of you are wondering why no pics lately, it's because my camera battery is dead and I have yet to get one.
Re: The UltraPNES worklog. EDIT: the curse returns

Is it the kynar wire? That stuff is good for cart slot relocations. Marshallh used it for the SNESp cart slot.
Re: The UltraPNES worklog. EDIT: the curse returns

i found "32 awg" kynar great for cart slot relocation, minus the fact its hard/ takes a long time to strip because i cant find wire strippers small enough, anyone know of any?
* it was described in ebay as 32 awg but i think its just 30 awg
Re: The UltraPNES worklog. EDIT: the curse returns

for wire strippes, sometimes I just use an exacto knife and carve the insulation off the ends.
Re: The UltraPNES worklog. EDIT: the curse returns

themadhacker said:
for wire strippes, sometimes I just use an exacto knife and carve the insulation off the ends.
yeah, I use a razer or a pocket knife, or any other blade at my disposal.
Re: The UltraPNES worklog. EDIT: the curse returns

The cheapo kind of wire strippers can stip pretty much any gauge wire, but it takes skill to use. I'm talking about this kind:


(pic shamelessly stolen from the interwebz)
Re: The UltraPNES worklog. EDIT: the curse returns

Those are the kind I use. :dah: Mine just have a little adjustable wheel that allows you to select guage.
Re: The UltraPNES worklog. EDIT: the curse returns

I have found a 4 inch screen at an affordable price. I looked back in Ben's book because I remembered a section of other screens you could use for portables. It mentions the casio EV-4500. Thebook says it has a fairly sharp resolution, so that's good. It is probably in mono, so I will have to make my own stereo audio amp so I can try out the NES stereo mod. Time to look for one on ebay. My only concern with this screen is pale colors. My casio EV-570 had pale colors and I couldn't find a way to fix that.
Re: The UltraPNES worklog. EDIT: the curse returns

update time. I got much case work done in the last few weeks. pics.

got the start and selet buttons placed and everything is sanded down.

the game genie is mounted on the back of the unit.

To cover up the bottom half of the genie, I have ABS cemented a piece of plastic from a playstation case on it.

the inside where the hole for cart slot wires and genie's screws are.

That's all for now. I have yet to do any electronics work.
Re: The UltraPNES worklog. EDIT: the curse returns

Yes i have been waiting to see this like the way you monted the GG but i would have went a bitt lower so the cart dosn't stick out so far. But hay casework looks great!
Re: The UltraPNES worklog. EDIT: the curse returns

thanks. I too wish the genie could be lowered, but that is where my external battery is going.
Re: The UltraPNES worklog. EDIT: the curse returns

As of now I may just leave the current case for a different project, as I had a brilliant idea for a case. I was looking over at the nes's mobo, and was looking at how much more could be cut off. Quite a bit more could be removed. So then I looked at different cases I had in my room. Small ones. Then I found a relatively small case that the nes would fit in with a bit more cutting. With the case I will use (not telling, it's a secret), this will be the smallest nesp (with actual nintendo hardware) ever! I'll still be using the genie BTW.
Re: The UltraPNES worklog. EDIT: the curse returns


Be careful, I do that a lot... I have made 1 complete N64 case, 1 almost complete case, and 1 half done case. And guess what? I found a better case AGAIN. :evil2:

Oh well, this sounds sweet! I am betting on either an external hard drive case, or a modem/router.
Re: The UltraPNES worklog. EDIT: the curse returns

Nope and nope again. I'll give you a hint. The device could play master system games.
Re: The UltraPNES worklog. EDIT: the curse returns

Stock? Is it a gamegear?
