The tinyPNES worklog. EDIT: UPDATE!

Re: The UltraPNES worklog.

Well, at least ask them for a photo of it working. If they don't comply, you don't buy. Simple as that. (Pretty good rhyme for being made up on the spot, eh?)
Re: The UltraPNES worklog.

Just letting you all know. This project is going to be a bit slow for a while. I still need a game genie for the cart slot( Heck, maybe I'll put the game genie in the portable as well) and get a psone screen. All I have really done lately is sane the ABS goop down. Not worth taking a picture.
Re: The UltraPNES worklog.

themadhacker said:
Just letting you all know. This project is going to be a bit slow for a while. I still need a game genie for the cart slot( Heck, maybe I'll put the game genie in the portable as well) and get a psone screen. All I have really done lately is sane the ABS goop down. Not worth taking a picture.
I think you should call this the blackpnes. :mrgreen:
Re: The UltraPNES worklog.

The screen works!

Ok, so yesterday when bacteria mentioned himself getting scammed and then fixing his item, I was inspired to try to get my screen working. I went into poll barn, turned on metallica, turned on soldering iron, and connected 5v to pin 12. I put batteries to it. The screen flashed, then nothing. Well, I thought, At least the backlight works. So then I bypassed the fuse. Same issue. so then I take my battery and use my radioshack super fast charger thingy on it. Five minutes later I wired the battery to the screen and it worked. There is a bit of damage to the LCD, though, because I did the anti glare mod too fast, but hey, I have a spare LCD.

Pic of screen.


BTW what looks like a crack in the screen is actually a hair.

looks like I just saved myself $50.
Re: The UltraPNES worklog.

no. That one I finally fixed the problem on, and then later while I was working on it I fried it.

This is the verge screen that I recieved faulty.
Re: The UltraPNES worklog.

Thanks, but I probably won't be doing the mod on my replacement LCD. If I mess that up, then i'm screwed over!
Re: The UltraPNES worklog.

For the antiglare mod, if you heat it up quite a bit first, the adhesive is much more cooperative.
Re: The UltraPNES worklog. EDIT: the curse returns

Well, it seems my screen curse has again returned to me. I get out my screen, turn it on, and start playing with th volume buttons. They show up as green bars as usual. So then I hook up my snes to test out composite.....And it's in black and white? I don't know. It's just odd. The composite wire was attatched to the back of the board. Where the wire was when I bought the screen. So I connect composite to the front of the board where the wires are when you get a zenith/ps1 screen. Same scenerio. I have no Idea what is going on. And for those of you wondering, no I did not use my PAL snes. I was using my NTSC one. When I change the aangle of the screen I can see a few red, green, and blue lines along the sprites. I cn not begin to think what is wrong with my screen If it continues to screw up on me, I will be going with a dealxtreme or AEIcomp screen. But then I will have to deal with crappy small display.
Re: The UltraPNES worklog. EDIT: the curse returns

Do you have it connected to composite and not Luma? I've done stupider things.