Sponsored Post trial, post thoughts here ASAP

o rly?

That is something I will have to set up, then. In the meanwhile, every time you click one of those offers and submit your email (No need to do the steps afterwards), you help MR. And I am actually allowed to tell you that, I checked with our ad provider's customer support. :P

We have tried donations in the past, like Zero said, and they have never been successful. Even raffles with prizes did not fare very well, mainly because our userbase just lacks money in general. :roll:

Thanks for the continuing input!
If/when I sell the Ccube and assuming it doesnt break/explode on arrival..

I'll give modretro 25% percent cut

And yeah, donate button. I'd be all over that. Especially when I book more commercials. :awesome:
I'd donate once I got a job. I was planning on cutting a part of my check into spending money and the other part into saving money. I can break part of that spending money into MR Donation Money :P
I would donate religiously. Palmer shouldn't have to come up with the bulk of the money by himself.
Wow, thanks, guys. :)

I need to get my Paypal sorted out (They limited my account because of some buffoon on eBay complaining that I shipped him an empty box), but I will put up some kind of donation link by the weekend. :awesome:

Side note: I removed the sponsored posts from the index. I might try placing them somewhere less conspicuous.
I'll make sure to click that button, and put in a small chunk o monies when I get my next paycheck... Until then, I've already reached my entertainment budget for the last one with Portal 2, so... uh... yeah.

Edit: Caved and got The Potato Sack, so helped out MR a bit too. I hope...

Edit2: OMFG, It's hard for me not to donate... what is this? How do you do this... *fights the urges* I can't afford this. <3 MR.
Yeah. I know, I know, header is evil, I will likely put it in the footer later. I just don't have to time to configure our advertising plugin to work there yet. :P

Bitcoin is a really neat idea, it would be pretty sweet if forum members could use it for inter-member deals. No Paypal fees!
If you make it so you can donate maby make some kind of reward system like for each dollar you donate you get say 50 ModCoins should make em look like MR logo on top of this page and make it so you can purchase viritual things like less ads pay 500 coins you get 10% less ads and donate moe you get even less ads. Could make it a MR viritual store or such . :wink: