Post your input on Amazon here ASAP

Yeah, just post with stuff us MR members would be interested in. I just want the link when I go for my laptop in June/July. So you guys can make whatever off my 900 dollar purchase.
I would be lying if I said this new sponsored spam did not terrify me. It makes the site look really cheap. Before the homepage had a very clean, professional look. Now it strikes me as if we are looking to spam rather than maintain an epic site. I know that isnt the case, but still.
samjc3 said:
I would be lying if I said this new sponsored spam did not terrify me. It makes the site look really cheap. Before the homepage had a very clean, professional look. Now it strikes me as if we are looking to spam rather than maintain an epic site. I know that isnt the case, but still.
I agree. The affiliate stuff is great, but the links to the offers are trashy looking.
I tend to agree, actually. Like I said in the other thread for those offers, it is just a test run to get feedback.
Where does Amazon draw the line for reasonable use on their system? I would hate to see you guys get cut off because they think you're a link farm or something.
Amazon does not particularly care, actually. There are tens of thousands of blogs that are nothing but links to products with blurbs about them that use PPC advertising to drive traffic to them, and then on to Amazon. As far as they are concerned, a sale is a sale is a sale is a sale, and they do not really care where or who it comes from. With something like Adsense, they have reason to flag suspicious traffic, but if people are buying things through Amazon, then Amazon is not likely to really care who they are or how they got there.
not sure if this is possible, but i've always liked buying cheap random crap of amazon, so if you guys feel the need to throw random crap (vcrs/tapes/old cds/ action figures/ comic books) that you think only us would buy, i think that would be pretty cool.

or if there was like a community chest, were everybody mailed in crap and then you threw it in a lot and sold it.

both ideas are pretty flawed but... eh
I will be buying a T25 turbo, brake rotors, and nitrous components off amazon through Modretro links when I get money next week/ month.
NOS? Wasnt your car like $200? Somehow I cant picture that turning out well. Thats a good idea though. I need parts for my car, and I am sure I can get the generic stuff on amazon. Will be doing that.
samjc3 said:
NOS? Wasnt your car like $200? Somehow I cant picture that turning out well. Thats a good idea though. I need parts for my car, and I am sure I can get the generic stuff on amazon. Will be doing that.
Haha, I'm putting it on a 1991 Ford Festiva with a stock Mazda B3 engine and a 5spd manual transmission modded with a Honda Civic short-shifter. I'm going to rebuild the B3 and Trans before I install the upgrades, and KNOW for a fact that a T25 is not too much power for the engine. If (or when) I kill the engine, I'm dropping in a KZLE V-6 from a Ford Probe, for the extra win. I'm also going to need a new (possibly racing grade) clutch for the boosted engine, which I will get off Amazon if I find it, which is unlikely.

Also, I'm probably gonna die when I crash a Festiva at 120 mph... :awesome:

Edit, amazon has no clutches that will suit my needs, but JCWhitney has one.