Post your input on Amazon here ASAP

Basement_Modder said:
I will be buying a T25 turbo, brake rotors, and nitrous components off amazon through Modretro links when I get money next week/ month.
Turbo and nitrous? Why not just make it capable of more boost? And what about all the other parts you need to hook the turbo up (and increased fuel delivery, tune, etc)?
Palmer, can any of us post an amazon link on in this thread and let other people click on it to buy stuff?

Or do you have to do something special? If not, I will post links on special stuff and things I buy a lot.
Right now, I believe that all Amazon links will be helping us, we are testing VigLink.

Thing is, that only gives us a 75% cut of the commission on your links, so I need to post links myself. I am 99% sure that if people follow ANY of the links I give, that every single item you buy in that visit gives us a commission. So in theory, if you click that arctic silver paste link, then buy a 3DS, we still get about $15. :P Let me get back to everyone once I figure it out. :awesome:
Hey Palmer, if you can make an affiliate link for a 8GB Memory Stick Pro Duo, I will be buying it any day now. Just post the link and I shall buy. Only a few more purchases till we hit the 6% commission rate!
PalmerTech said:
Thanks! Apparently, these do not count towards our item shipped limit, but we get a 10% cut of all Amazon MP3 downloads.
But but but music is free. so 10% of 0 is 0, so thats a silly marketing ploy. :P
STFU, I buy my music now. On sale. I even have Pandora One, I only buy music so I can listen to exactly what I want and without internet.
vskid3 said:
STFU, I buy my music now. On sale. I even have Pandora One, I only buy music so I can listen to exactly what I want and without internet.
192kbps :trollface:
No need to convert anymore, just click the links you posted. :)

I will post more once I sort out exactly how this best works, but for now, you can just click the links the way you posted them, they should autoconvert.