Post your input on Amazon here ASAP


Founder of Modretro
Staff member
MR has had an Amazon Associate account for quite a while, and I finally got it all set up with a bank account and tax information.

Basically, we can link to any product on Amazon, and earn a 6% to 15% commission on all purchases, depending on what the item is (Well, right now, minimum commission is actually 4%, but we only need to have 7 items sold before that gets bumped to 6%).

Right now, MR loses money. We DO make a tiny bit of money off ads, but it does not even cover hosting at this point, much less anything extra. Even worse? As long as we have Adsense enabled, we cannot talk publicly about our financial situation, or our advertisements, because it is against Adsense terms of service. In light of this, I have disabled Adsense for the time being, and I would love to be able to keep ModRetro an advertisement free forum if at all possible.

We could just have a straight up link to Amazon from the top of the forums, but I have also been considering making a forum section where we can link directly to things forum members here would be interested in, like the 3DS, gaming laptops, solder, games, etc. Any thoughts?
I don't often buy off of Amazon, but when I will, I will use your affiliate link.

Hm, also, a whole forum full of things people would like would be alright, I suppose.
I like this idea, usually when I buy stuff online it's off of newegg or ebay. A lot of the stuff on newegg could be bought on amazon. For example I just bought an external dvd drive for my netbook, the ide/sata adapter was getting annoying to carry around, I could have just bought one off of amazon through you guys.

Give me a link and I'll buy stuff through there! YAY MODRETRO! :awesome: HAZAAA!
You have the Bush stamp of approval. Honestly, it isn't an important stamp, but you have it nonetheless. :dah:
It gets the DK seal of approval :awesome:

I just ordered a 3DTV last month. You could've gotten about 50 bucks from me! Well, I'll sure use this link for next time!
Thanks for the input, guys, keep it coming!

As an aside, ModRetro might be launching an email newsletter, so we can keep y'all updated on the site, a cool thread or two that might be missed, and to shamelessly remind people about our Amazon thing. :P

I will be posting a few more threads in the coming days asking for input on several other new MR features, so watch for that.

I am in the process of getting our Newegg affiliate account approved. I applied for eBay more than a year ago but got declined, I will try again.
You already told me about this, but I'll say it again, it's a great idea and I support it. DX has really horrible commission rates, but they also have certain items people only get from them, so that might be worth setting up an account for too.

mymixed said:
You should sell N64's and 30+ gauge wire. An amazon store seems great.

- mymixed

No one here is making an amazon store. :/
I am for this 100%. If done, I will buy everything I buy from now on with amazon or newegg with the modretro link. Heck, I'll buy stuff on newegg in parts vs. as a whole assembly just to increase item count. :P
We might make an actual Amazon store, but that would likely be better served by the real MR store, which will actually be launching this summer. :)

Here is something else to consider:

Basically, they have affiliate accounts with tons of other sites. I could set it up so that every link anybody posts on our forum, in any section, would automatically be converted to a ModRetro affiliate link. We would only get 75% of the commission, since VigLink takes a cut, but it would still be better than nothing. Would people be okay with that in general? Buying from our actual Amazon or Newegg affiliate links would still be best, since we get full commission, but VigLink seems like an interesting backup.
I approve in full.

I buy stuff off amazon all the time. I use newegg for fans and connectors fairly frequently.

Eventually I want to buy a used nintendo 3ds off of amazon. that would be a nice commission. ;)