Origins of your username?

my last name is Thornton I shortened it to thorn
I then added the 96 because I was born on 1996

I added super (cuz thorn96 sounds lame)

thus superthorn96
I chose my name because I got confused for around half an hour and was convinced that Miyamoto Musashi's book was called TheNineRings and not The Five Rings, which it is. I then realized that in LotR there are nine rings that Sauron gave to the human kings and over time they were corrputed and turned into the ringwraiths. I then decided I liked the name and decided to change my Modretro account name to that. I even made an avatar loosely based off of the name, except with the sheikah symbol on it.
Yesterday, I was signing up for another forum and couldn't come up with a good name. Jewjo might have been found to be too offensive, so I didn't go with that. So I thought about what I liked, and I thought of modding/video games. I ended up with the SN of DMG-01. I'm sure everyone here understands the reference.
Honestly, I have no idea where this name came from. All I know is that I have been using it forever.
Tibia is the medical term for shinbone. It's also the Latin word for flute, and a specific type of organ pipe. I like flutes, I like bones, I like pipe organs.
Tibia said:
Tibia is the medical term for shinbone. It's also the Latin word for flute, and a specific type of organ pipe. I like flutes, I like bones, I like pipe organs.

Also it means warm in spanish :neutral2: