ModdedByBacteria Announcement

Is Bacteria a hypocritical egotist?

  • Yes, most definitely

    Votes: 55 74.3%
  • Perhaps, maybe

    Votes: 10 13.5%
  • No, certainly not

    Votes: 9 12.2%

  • Total voters


Founder of Modretro
Staff member
“If you attack them, delete the database and the myswdl file (or whatever file it is) and the config file, and general damage - also rename old backups to appear to be new ones, and delete the new ones.” ~Bacteria
“Good, i'll leave it to you to have fun going on destruction over there - give no warning, just do it. Only you and hailrazer are aware of this (ie yesterday's chat), although only you have the passwords for their FTP. If you attack, bring them right down; if they reinstall and have to upload an old database it will cause them pain! 8-)” ~Bacteria
“[1:59:44 PM] John (aka Bacteria): Did you bring the site down?
[12:00:05 AM] John (aka Bacteria): I got accused, nothing to do with me though!
[12:00:15 AM] John (aka Bacteria): Not shedding a tear it is down.
[12:00:36 AM | Edited 4:38:27 AM] John (aka Bacteria): Don't worry, I will never tell! :x I keep loyal to friends.”

Why am I doing this? Here is the bottom line: Bacteria and his site have attacked both MR and me personally ever since he left ModRetro, and guess what? I am the one who has to deal with the fallout. I continually have to put up with drama, the accusations, and the “omg u guyz are such haterz” comments, and all the while, I have been VERY low key. Whenever we get attacked, I play it off as site bugs. Whenever we get damning logs of things MBB members have said, I order the staff to not make it public. Despite continual, aggravated, and proven attacks from Bacteria, with logs to back it up, I have refused to take any of it public, because that would be stooping to his level. In light of recent events, I have no choice but to show WHY, exactly, ModRetro as an entity is so hostile towards ModdedByBacteria. MBB members, if you keep reading, you will be very surprised at what you see.

TL;DR of the text below? It can be summed up as: Bacteria is a skilled modder with hypocritical morals, fond of empty grandstanding against things that he himself is guilty of doing, including the actions below, and we have plenty of proof if you scroll down a bit.:

-Multiple attacks on ModRetro, including trying to wipe our entire server, backups and all
-Giving away private ModRetro information to other people to aid him in his attacks
-Giving tips to members and staff of his site on how to evade being caught in attacks on MR
-Supporting the vandalization of the MR wiki with pornographic material by a MBB staff member
-Supporting the release of PalmerTech’s personal information by the same staff member
-Directing MBB staff to spy on MR members by making multiple fake accounts to evade bans
-Slander and libel, notably the false accusation that ModRetro logs user passwords
-Denying all of these allegations, to the point of making up entire stories to prove his innocence
-There are lots of other small irks, but nothing worth writing about

Let us go in rough chronological order:

1. Bacteria Leaves ModRetro

This topic has been talked to death, but here is a recap:
Bacteria left his position as administrator on MR by choice, due to difference between him and the staff. The only way he was willing to stay was under the condition of ShockSlayer being demoted from his own position as Administrator and MR co-founder, with no chance to ever be promoted back. This was not something I could do, so Bacteria left quietly and without a fuss, just as he promised he would

Oh wait, he did not! He actually made a big announcement thread where he raged about ModRetro, and then abused the PHPBB mass PM feature (Which we had never used before, nor used since) to send a PM and email to EVERY SINGLE MEMBER, over 1000 people, with a several paragraph long explanation of why we had “forced” him to leave ModRetro. He did this with no prior warning or permission.

He then demanded that we delete his profile, and all of his posts and threads from ModRetro. Problem is, he had several thousand posts, it would have screwed up hundreds of threads. I told him that was not an option, and he threatened us with legal action, over “copyright violation”. Luckily, the law does not work that way, so nothing actually happened. We did change his old username to something else, though, to “preserve” his good name, or something like that.

2. Bacteria’s bumbling butthurt blow against MR bombastically backfires

When Bacteria left, he did not forget about MR. In fact, despite his claims that he had moved on, he must have been pretty upset at being rejected by a group of teenage nerds! I will skip the BS and cut to the chase: Bacteria had an FTP account when he was an admin, which we deleted when he left MR. However, we forgot that he also knew my own (PalmerTech) FTP login info. Bacteria gave this info away to people on his site and directed them to wipe out our server, corrupt our backups, and vandalize the site. For fairness, here is how Bacteria claimed everything happened (What actually happened is afterwards):

“I had the FTP passwords to MR. I even read up about what you can do to hack a site to gain Admin power on it, and also what to delete on FTP to bring a site right out of existance to all ends and purposes. Research is one thing, I never did it though, was just curious. It isn't in my nature to do that. Also, I wanted a clean break, which I got, after a short "transition" period. I didn't want to attack MR as I wanted peace, and going on a wave of destruction would not end in peace!

Months/several weeks later, DNT asked me to set up a forum, I told him I wasn't interested as I wouldn't want "the same crowd" on my site (in many cases), they would be liable to behave badly, also I didn't have the time or interest in having one - if it proved popular I wouldn't have the time to maintain it and no project time, and if it failed I would be disappointed: so better not to bother in the first place. DNT decided however to set up his own forum and bring me along as Admin, so I thought "why not, nothing to lose here". During an initial chat he, hailrazer and I were talking about what if CyberSteam got DOS attacked by some of the smegheads on MR, and I said to him that if they brought the site to its knees, we could to them too via the FTP passwords, however I stressed that it would be a bad idea to do so and a last resort: anyway discussion got deeper and he gained my trust, so I told him the passwords (really easy to guess anyway - login was "palmer" and password was "freeman" - I could have guessed them myself!) in case he needed them. In subsequent chats later though, I made more of a case to never use them however (after I thought about it more) and thought I had persuaded him off any ideas of it. I regretted telling him the codes so instead set about instilling to him why he should never do it, that way, no issue.

Project a few weeks later, he was talking about a hacking book he had and techniques he could use on MR as he was bitter about his site failing from the attacks to it (spamming, DOS attacks, etc) - as he said, I *was* the site, when I left, the site died. BTW - I left CSP in the hope that MR would stop their DOS attacks. Although I was curious about his methods, I said it was a bad idea, IP can be tracked, don't do it, etc etc. I wake up the next day to a couple of PM's about people wondering why I had attacked the site - news to me - I looked on BH and MR for any information, and also chatted to Klay and DNT on Skype. Turned out DNT had been chatting with Klay and between them they changed the MR logo to a dick going through Palmer's head, and messed about with the forum, then getting towards total destruction of MR, Klay changed his mind and copied back many files to the FTP to bring it back. All this was news to me, heck, I was asleep at the time all this was going on! I was absolutely furious with DNT (and Klay but especially DNT) on Skype chat, I told him I never wanted him to attack MR, called him a Playstation for what he did, really flew at him in a major way; Klay was in on the conversation too, although kept quiet during most of my rant at DNT. I told DNT he betrayed my trust and I was furious with him.” ~Bacteria

It is a really nice story, but for lack of a better term, the only thing to call it is bullflax. Bacteria TOLD people to attack us, KNEW about the attacks while they were happening, and CONGRATULATED them immediately afterwards. DNT has since apologized for his actions, realizing that they were wrong, and was also kind enough to hand over a big, fat stack of PMs and Skype logs he had, talking with Bacteria. So much incrimination, so little space! Here are the gems:

Message subject: Re: site stopped
Folder: Inbox

BTW, if you want it, the FTP info I mentioned yesterday, don't know if still works:
username: palmer
password: freemoo

If they changed their password after I left in case I "tried anything" it won't work - may though, they are lax.

If you attack them, delete the database and the myswdl file (or whatever file it is) and the config file, and general damage - also rename old backups to appear to be new ones, and delete the new ones.

Reply from DNT:
Message subject: Re: site stopped
Folder: Sent messages
Good news!, the password works! we have total control over them!

Reply from Bac (Note: Hailrazer was not in on this, he was actually kind enough to warn us, but it was too late by the time he did. Not sure how he rationalizes being an MBB moderator, though. Anyways:

Message subject: Re: site stopped
Folder: Inbox
Good, i'll leave it to you to have fun going on destruction over there - give no warning, just do it. Only you and hailrazer are aware of this (ie yesterday's chat), although only you have the passwords for their FTP. If you attack, bring them right down; if they reinstall and have to upload an old database it will cause them pain! 8-)
What an absolutely colossal dick. That is right, ladies and gentlemen, he was willing to, unprovoked, wipe out more than a year of posts on MR, made by over a thousand members, with tens of thousands of man hours worth of guides and tutorials... Because of a several month old grudge against two people. I repeat, a colossal dick move. Ooooh, lets see what happens now! Bac and DNT moved to Skype to discuss the ongoing attack:

Message subject: Re: site stopped
Folder: Inbox
Good - and yes - let's go to chat!!

Luckily, I have logs of those, too! Let us skip the BS and get right to the point:

[12/19/2009 9:54:26 PM] Charles Laing (DNT): Bacterium
[12/19/2009 9:54:36 PM] Charles Laing (DNT): I killed the chat
[12/19/2009 9:58:25 PM] Charles Laing (DNT): got rid of their crap ass backups too
[12/19/2009 11:59:44 PM] John (aka Bacteria): Did you bring the site down?
[12:00:05 AM] John (aka Bacteria): I got accused, nothing to do with me though!
[12:00:15 AM] John (aka Bacteria): Not shedding a tear it is down.
[12:00:36 AM | Edited 4:38:27 AM] John (aka Bacteria): Don't worry, I will never tell! :x I keep loyal to friends.
[12:00:46 AM | Edited 4:38:03 AM] John (aka Bacteria): cover your tracks. People on MR (from the BH post) think you are too thick to know how to hack a site; I have no idea or comment on that, however, agreeing with their point in this case is positive!

Huh? That is so weird, I thought that Bacteria said he had no idea about the attacks, and that he was furious with DNT for going through with them? Oh, wait, I forgot that we are dealing with a hypocritical liar. Silly me! I have actually given Bacteria several chances to admit this via emails we have exchanged where I accused him, but because I never showed him any proof, he insisted that he did not know about or approve of the attack.

Look, if Bac wants to claim all kinds of falsehoods about me, act like an arrogant asshole, and generally make a fool of himself, that is fine by me. But wiping out a massive community over a personal grudge? What is this, kindergarten? The ONLY reason we got MR is back is because Klaymator and DNT had a change of heart, and against Bac’s orders, they had made a backup of our server before wiping it. Thank God, they gave it back to us, we would have lost more than two months since the last backup! Bacteria was perfectly happy with that scenario, though. *Can'tSayThisOnTV* you, Bacteria.

3. Bacteria/Raizer vandalized our wiki

Raizer, a longtime moderator and staff member on ModdedByBacteria, decided to vandalize our wiki. Here is an excerpt from message I sent to Bacteria about it:

“Raizer vandalized our wiki sometime between 48 and 24 hours ago, replacing the front page, article descriptions, and articles with several hundred words worth of calling myself, SS, Mario, and Jlee homososexuals, describing the sexual acts we engage in, and attacking MR on the whole. We know it was him because he did it with his own account (A forum ban does not ban you from the wiki) under his own IP address.

Raizer also posted a link to my personal Facebook on the wiki, inviting people to solicit me for homosexual acts. Posting my private information is not something I appreciate.”

See, the funny thing is, Bacteria actually left the BenHeck forums because of an incident with some similarities. Triton, a moderator on BH, made a signature with the letters “LOTWRDB” (League of those who rather dislike Bacteria). Bacteria insisted that it was hate speech, and that because Triton represented the BH community as a moderator, he should be demoted. Here is a link to a fantastic thread about it: ... lit=triton

However, when one of his own moderators posts pornographic materials on our wiki, wipes out hundreds of hours of hours of work of innocent community members, and releases my personal information, what does Bac do? He approves. He tells Raizer that what he did is hilarious, does not punish him, deletes several posts that call for his demotion, and has him make a mock apology. He also tells him that he needs to avoid getting caught next time. The hypocrisy is truly staggering.

Why did Raizer feel the sudden need to attack us, you ask? Well, turns out he had a spy account on ModRetro that Bacteria told him to make, and his feelings got hurt when I insulted him in MY chatroom, on a site where he is banned, for banning me without reason on MBB.

Oh, you guys want proof of everything I just said? Well, I have none to give you, I am sorry. However, I stake my honor, my word, and the integrity of my entire name on all of the facts above being true. Who are you going to trust, me, or Bacteria?

4. Bacteria Loudly Lays Libelous Accusations

Basically, Bacteria claims that ModRetro somehow logs passwords via PHPBB ACP. Unfortunately for him, this is actually impossible, but it sure is funny that he thinks it is!

“Last night, according to logs forwarded to me, it seems that at least one member account was compromised when passwords were logged via ACP (an Admin function) from "a juvinille forum who have little regard for others" of members here who are on this forum too.” ~Bacteria
This is simply not true. Like, at all. Not only is it IMPOSSIBLE to log passwords with ACP (It does not even make sense), but MR does not utilize any means to record any private user data. Jleemero, a member of MR, DID use Zenloc’s account, but that was an independant action, I had nothing to do with it. That had nothing to do with ModRetro in any way, shape or form, it was a PHPBB3 exploit that could have been used on literally any site.

Want to know something crazy? There is even MORE stuff that Bacteria has done under the moddedbybacteria banner, but the stuff above is the most relevant. Bacteria is a lying hypocrite who claims he is all for peace, treating others well, and “letting go of the past”, but the fact of the matter is that he is an egotist of the worst kind, who does not care the slightest bit about the community at large, and would trample all over it for the sake of boosting his ego.
. Bacteria/Raizer vandalized our wiki (This is a lie....i have already laid this to rest...bacteria had nothing to do with was all me)

Raizer, a longtime moderator and staff member on ModdedByBacteria, decided to vandalize our wiki. Here is an excerpt from message I sent to Bacteria about it:

“Raizer vandalized our wiki sometime between 48 and 24 hours ago, replacing the front page, article descriptions, and articles with several hundred words worth of calling myself, SS, Mario, and Jlee homososexuals, describing the sexual acts we engage in, and attacking MR on the whole. We know it was him because he did it with his own account (A forum ban does not ban you from the wiki) under his own IP address. (The reason i did this is solely because Palmer called me an N1663R, had nothing to reflect on was me toward MR.)

Raizer also posted a link to my personal Facebook on the wiki, inviting people to solicit me for homosexual acts. Posting my private information is not something I appreciate.” (you all go into ppls accounts here, my first example...jlee using zenlocs account)

See, the funny thing is, Bacteria actually left the BenHeck forums because of an incident with some similarities. Triton, a moderator on BH, made a signature with the letters “LOTWRDB” (League of those who rather dislike Bacteria). Bacteria insisted that it was hate speech, and that because Triton represented the BH community as a moderator, he should be demoted. Here is a link to a fantastic thread about it: ... lit=triton

However, when one of his own moderators posts pornographic materials on our wiki, wipes out hundreds of hours of hours of work of innocent community members, and releases my personal information, what does Bac do? He approves. He tells Raizer that what he did is hilarious, does not punish him, deletes several posts that call for his demotion, and has him make a mock apology. He also tells him that he needs to avoid getting caught next time. The hypocrisy is truly staggering. (flat out lie.....but what is funny is palmer went into the MBB chat and posted pornographic material, yet bac did tell me that I cant act like that, and did tell me that i would have to go under review to see if i would lose moderator status.)

Why did Raizer feel the sudden need to attack us, you ask? Well, turns out he had a spy account on ModRetro that Bacteria told him to make, and his feelings got hurt when I insulted him in MY chatroom, on a site where he is banned, for banning me without reason on MBB.

(you didnt answer "why did Raizer feel the sudden need to attack us"....i did that wiki thing because of the constant chat raids from MR and Palmer calling me derogatory n word) (I had no spy account at all.....its called proxies....and you got banned from MBB for causing chatroom uproars and not acting accordingly in the forum)

Oh, you guys want proof of everything I just said? Well, I have none to give you, I am sorry. However, I stake my honor, my word, and the integrity of my entire name on all of the facts above being true. Who are you going to trust, me, or Bacteria?

I only judge ppl on how i see them. I cannot account for what bacteria did in the past, when i arrived at MBB he showed me nothing but the utmost respect and since then I see him as a respectful person. I dont deny the MR wiki incident...i edited it...on my own one elses. Stop bringing up past things, MR is not innocent in things as well.
Palmer never claimed MR to be innocent, and this is about who Bac is, not who he appears to be.
Please provide the appropriate proof and we'll believe you Raizer.

And it isn't ancient history, you guys did something toward us just recently. That's why Palmer is so upset and why this whole thread was made. And there's evidence of that too.
You might have done it on your own account, Raizer, but Bacteria thought it was funny, made sure you did not get punished in any way, and would be perfectly fine with more attacks, as long as you are not caught. Same as endorsing it, IMO.
Zero said:
Please provide the appropriate proof and we'll believe you Raizer.

And it isn't ancient history, you guys did something toward us just recently. That's why Palmer is so upset and why this whole thread was made. And there's evidence of that too.

And what recent thing was that?
Your attack on the wiki, for one, and also the fact that your staff (Or former staff/people claiming to be staff) is PMing new members on MR, telling them to join MBB.
"Hi, you probably don't know me but im from MBB and the staff and some members would like for you to try our site and join us. We have a friendly helpful site where no one is ignored or treated badly just follow the rules and I promise you'll love our site. We would love for you to join us and consider our offer.


Nachoz12341 and the MBB staff

Not cool, guys.

(21:01:26) Hackerbilly: actually nachoz12341 invited anyone ever heard of this guy
(21:01:39) Hackerbilly: invited me
(21:01:43) Zero: Where did he invite you?
(21:01:50) Hackerbilly: here
(21:01:54) Hackerbilly: in a pm
(21:01:59) Zero: He PM'd you here?
(21:02:06) Hackerbilly: yes

And you were actually present in the chat at the time Raizer, so don't say you had no idea either. Palmer is nice enough to leave you guys unbanned, even past the June 1st deadline, and you guys use it for this? That's pretty low, and a sign that even when the olive branch is extended to you guys, you continue.
This is real funny. I just realize who it was nachoz was pming and remember everything very clearly now.

If im not mistaken, and correct me if im wrong, but he was inviting HackerBilly.

Yes hackerbilly the one that you all make fun of so much, the one you all call retarded, stupid, and say that he is the new most hated person on this site.

And i clearly remember in chat ppl saying to go ahead and invite him to MBB because Modretro didnt want him anymore...and that MBB was taking "All the dumb" members of Modretro.

I dont know about you, but I dont see ppl as dumb members and dont try to sell them off....So I was the one who was going to initially invite Hackerbilly, but nachoz said that he would......even though hackerbilly made it loud and clear that he wanted to stay here.....
Actually, it was more than Hackerbilly the PM Palmer quoted was sent to, but nice attempt at avoiding the accusations and twisting the subject.
Nobody hates Hackerbilly, we just kid around with him like a little brother. He has never complained about it, and he knows we all pretty much like him overall. I guess you guys cannot understand that kind of humor? We like him, newby as he is, and he knows it.

And we still have no idea how many people you have been PMing, we only found out about Billy by pure chance. For all we know, the entire MBB staff is PMing our new members, we cannot really be sure.
PalmerTech said:
Nobody hates Hackerbilly, we just kid around with him like a little brother. He has never complained about it, and he knows we all pretty much like him overall. I guess you guys cannot understand that kind of humor? We like him, newby as he is, and he knows it.

And we still have no idea how many people you have been PMing, we only found out about Billy by pure chance. For all we know, the entire MBB staff is PMing our new members, we cannot really be sure.

i havent been pming nobody...and the mbb staff isnt pming nobody. I was going to invite him from what was mentioned in the chat that day (even though yawl say you dont hate him, but talk about him like he is the plague), and that instance is the only one that i know of. The only reason nachoz invited him....was because i told him that i was....dont blame him....again if u want to blame someone for that blame me...this one should be put to rest.
Zero said:
Actually, it was more than Hackerbilly the PM Palmer quoted was sent to, but nice attempt at avoiding the accusations and twisting the subject.

Im not twisting anything at all....get ur head out of ur ass.
raizer04 said:
Zero said:
Actually, it was more than Hackerbilly the PM Palmer quoted was sent to, but nice attempt at avoiding the accusations and twisting the subject.

Im not twisting anything at all....get ur head out of ur ass.
You're doing it again. Insults don't win arguments.
raizer04 said:
and the mbb staff isnt pming nobody

Nachoz12341 and the MBB staff

raizer04 said:
Im not twisting anything at all....get ur head out of ur ass.

Reduced to juvenile insults already? That didn't last very long.

I'm not sure what you call avoiding the accusation made and changing the topic to somehow justify yourself, but it certainly seems like twisting.
lol @ Raizer trying to actually justify anything

Bacteria is an overgrown man-child with a serious ego and mental health problem, any 40 year old that gets upset over what some 18 year olds on the internet said to him needs a serious reality check.
I laugh at how there is not a single thread on his site about this. I am 100% positive he has been told of this several times already. He's just ignoring it like the pompous ass that he is. :wtf:
(but we all know he's raging like a mofo right now)
I do not care if he ignores it, what other choice does he have? He knows it is all true, so responding is just an admission of guilt.

The point of this was not to start a war, it was to show people that we do not hate MBB for no reason. I have to deal with an absurd amount of drama because of MBB, the least I can do is show why it pisses me off so much.

The really funny thing is that people in the MBB chatroom wanted to post a link MR on /b/ in retaliation for these "lies" (As the MBB staff/members are calling my logs), because they sincerely think that they would mass spam and troll us for no reason. :lol:
I like Hackerbilly, he seems like a cool guy and I helped him with some stuff for his school project, albeit due to my own school obligations it wasn't as timely as it could've been. :sweat:

Bacteria, to my knowledge, still hates me. I think that's silly, but he hasn't indicated to me any will to change, so I pretty much abstain from any involvement with him whatsoever. I still seem to get blamed often, though, for things I have no involvement in other than being associated with ModRetro. I don't really care, to be honest. There's nothing I can do about that, so no reason for me to bother with it, aside from addressing it when prompted.

I'm going to be frank, my experience with adults in the modding scene has been....interesting. Like I said, bacteria still has issues with me, and for awhile hailraizer and I had issues. What separates the two though, is that, like an adult, hailraizer came to me and we talked, and we basically both agreed that what's done is done, and we both have better things to do so there is no point holding any grudges. Robm has been nothing but kind to me. Ben(benheck) has been a pretty good example, too.

I'm going to summarize my thoughts with these quotes from hail and robm:
hailraizer said:
In other words, whats done is done. Yell, holler, kick scream, punch. Tomorrow it doesn't matter anymore. Life is way to short to worry about yesterday, I have tomorrow to worry about.
robm said:
That's the whole reason he started his own forum. Can we please leave it at that? It's been, what, a year? Or nearly so? I'm tired of the back-and-forth, even though I'm not particularly "active" these days. I still hit this site everyday to check out what's been going on, and I'm still working on projects of my own - just not as quickly as I'd like.

And one from Triton for good measure:
Triton said:
I wash my hands of this.