ModdedByBacteria Announcement

Is Bacteria a hypocritical egotist?

  • Yes, most definitely

    Votes: 55 74.3%
  • Perhaps, maybe

    Votes: 10 13.5%
  • No, certainly not

    Votes: 9 12.2%

  • Total voters
PalmerTech said:
. I assume you will back me up in that they are 100% real?
For sure, I can even re-provide most of those logs in needed. Maybe even the skype logs, but I'm not sure if I can still get them.
I really wish I still had access to CSP, there were a TON more nasty PM's in there.
PalmerTech said:
@Raizer and Wolf: Stop spamming this thread, stay on topic, or heed the call of my banhammer.
Also DNT i dont believe you even tried to hack MR i dont think you really can.
Wolf, I am trying to avoid banning you, since I know you will tell everyone on MBB about how we unjustly banned you, but I might have no choice. You are a moderator there, try and act your age, please.

And you are correct. DNT did not hack us, Bacteria gave him all our FTP passwords we did not know he still had, then told him to erase ModRetro. That is not hacking.
Palmer, today's youth doesn't know the difference between "Your facebook account was still logged in!" and rootkits.
How do you expect them to know the difference between getting site info yourself and being given the info? :lol:
Here's an exchange between me and Bac a year ago on Instructables. Take this how you like.

Mario said:
Hey, it's Mario, from the forums. :) Fancy seeing you here.
I just noticed your new Instructable under related when I was looking over mine, and thought I'd drop you a line.

I'm sure you've got plenty of contributions to the site you'd like to make! I can't wait to see them. :)

- Mario / 1up
Bacteria said:
Hi Mario!

Nice to hear from you.

Thought I would upload a few things here, over time.

I notice it makes rather georgeous PDF files too, so also have the benefit, as well as "reaching more people" of also making better looking documents for me to use on my site - also, much smaller files too = quicker to download.

Is Instructables still a popular site? There seems little forum activity here I notice!

Comments? You have been on this site far far longer than me! lol

Thought also about "Make" magazine - any others you can think of?

How's life with you generally, Mario?

Keep in touch,

Best wishes,

Mario said:
Instructables is extremely popular; you will notice that the activity here is not in the forums, but in the uploaded projects. :) Every day there is at least two new featured Instructables. There's probably 7-10 Instructables uploaded daily, though.

If you want a small explanation of how Instructables works, or whatever, just ask.
What about Make magazine? :P

Life is okay, school isn't that great. You?

Also, I really don't want to re-open old wounds, but why did you try to crash ModRetro? Really, that wasn't kind. ._. I never imagined you to do that kind of thing. :(

I don't want to upset our friendship this early, but I'm sure it's on both of our minds and I want to get it out of the way quickly
Bacteria said:
Feb 14, 2010. 8:25 AM
re: Hey, Bac!
Thanks for the info on Instructables, I am new to the site so good to have some explanations. Any tips?

Life is good with me, very good actually. I also have lots of time for project work which is nice, I spend a bit of time on the forums I am on a day, but not too long, spend longer keeping my own Wordpress site running, improving it and adding to it. I also have a following, which is lovely on my site. I get a lot of pleasure looking at my Wordpress site stats a few times each day and seeing it rising - I get about 100-250 visitors every single day - fantastic!

Regards ModRetro - fair question, and as always I will be entirely honest with my reply. Bear with me on the reply - covering a few bits here, so a bit lengthy:

After SS trashed my avatar and was posting crap about me, I told Palmer I wanted all my posts deleted and my presence from there removed; he couldn't/wouldn't do that as I had been so active on the forums, ok; although I lost access to all of my PM's some of which I would have found useful (never mind).

Wanna know why I had to leave, and did leave MR? Ok - I tried to "correct" SS's behaviour, then Palmer posted in the Mod forum (you can see it, probably still there) about getting rid of SS; I stood up for him but on the basis that he heavily modified his behaviour (as others echoed), I used my position as his equal to bring him to touch, thinking I had backup, which I didn't as it transpired. The tables turned at that point, and SS became stronger when Palmer changed his alliance to him, and SS turned on me as I had tried to kick him to touch with full authority, he removed my "founder" status, demoted me to Mod and sent me PM's to say "GTFO". Yeah, you probably didn't know that. I read reams and reams of chat logs and posted parts in my resignation PM I sent to everyone (If I posted a topic, it would have been deleted, however PM's can't without taking over an account, hence why I did that way). The reason that SS and Jlee didn't post their versions of the logs was that mine were a true reflection and the snippits were in context. I read all about Bibin, Drue, SS, Afro and Jlee's plans to oust me and other things and considered I was not going to be treated in such a bad way, so I left. Worst thing I did on that site was to persuade SS, when he was at his low point over this matter, to stay on MR and not leave it, even though all my instincts were telling me he had to leave for the good of the site. I kept telling him how awesome he was and was needed (I was lying, didn't really think that of him, but was trying to build him up and re-inflate his ego) I should have used my powers and kicked him out instead. Nevermind, i'm too kind natured sometimes! Hindsight is wonderful! ;)

I had the FTP passwords to MR. I even read up about what you can do to hack a site to gain Admin power on it, and also what to delete on FTP to bring a site right out of existance to all ends and purposes. Research is one thing, I never did it though, was just curious. It isn't in my nature to do that. Also, I wanted a clean break, which I got, after a short "transition" period. I didn't want to attack MR as I wanted peace, and going on a wave of destruction would not end in peace!

Months/several weeks later, DNT asked me to set up a forum, I told him I wasn't interested as I wouldn't want "the same crowd" on my site (in many cases), they would be liable to behave badly, also I didn't have the time or interest in having one - if it proved popular I wouldn't have the time to maintain it and no project time, and if it failed I would be disappointed: so better not to bother in the first place. DNT decided however to set up his own forum and bring me along as Admin, so I thought "why not, nothing to lose here". During an initial chat he, hailrazer and I were talking about what if CyberSteam got DOS attacked by some of the smegheads on MR, and I said to him that if they brought the site to its knees, we could to them too via the FTP passwords, however I stressed that it would be a bad idea to do so and a last resort: anyway discussion got deeper and he gained my trust, so I told him the passwords (really easy to guess anyway - login was "palmer" and password was "freeman" - I could have guessed them myself!) in case he needed them. In subsequent chats later though, I made more of a case to never use them however (after I thought about it more) and thought I had persuaded him off any ideas of it. I regretted telling him the codes so instead set about instilling to him why he should never do it, that way, no issue.

Project a few weeks later, he was talking about a hacking book he had and techniques he could use on MR as he was bitter about his site failing from the attacks to it (spamming, DOS attacks, etc) - as he said, I *was* the site, when I left, the site died. BTW - I left CSP in the hope that MR would stop their DOS attacks. Although I was curious about his methods, I said it was a bad idea, IP can be tracked, don't do it, etc etc. I wake up the next day to a couple of PM's about people wondering why I had attacked the site - news to me - I looked on BH and MR for any information, and also chatted to Klay and DNT on Skype. Turned out DNT had been chatting with Klay and between them they changed the MR logo to a dick going through Palmer's head, and messed about with the forum, then getting towards total destruction of MR, Klay changed his mind and copied back many files to the FTP to bring it back. All this was news to me, heck, I was asleep at the time all this was going on! I was absolutely furious with DNT (and Klay but especially DNT) on Skype chat, I told him I never wanted him to attack MR, called him a Playstation for what he did, really flew at him in a major way; Klay was in on the conversation too, although kept quiet during most of my rant at DNT. I told DNT he betrayed my trust and I was furious with him.

So, thing is, I had a lot of motive to attack MR and the means and knowledge to do it - I knew the FTP passwords, how to delete the backups, the main database, change the whole site to something else and bring it to its knees. I know enough to have been able to do it, and hide behind a proxy if I wanted too as well - I didn't however, nor intended to; you are right - I would never do that kind of thing, no matter how badly I had been betrayed by SS and Palmer especially. There are things you don't know too, to further enforce this view, no point digging up the past though. I am a nice guy. I could also have reported to HostGator about the DOS attacks and posts (I had saved some evidence) and got HostGator to shut MR - again, not my style, but could have - also, my pics and projects are still on MR, hence copyright infringement (I asked for all my posts to be deleted and they weren't) - again, I could close MR on copyright infringements any time I wanted to/want to - again, "I has da powerz" but not in my nature - I prefer to let sleeping dogs lie, however, "don't wake up the giant"...

So, bottom line is, I could have been really nasty if I had wanted to; however i'm a really nice guy, better than many give me credit for. I think I had a lot of restraint, especially when SS was posting photoshopped images of my face to his ends, and other offences including taking the piss about "an old guy with Aspergers" - yeah, poke fun at the guy with a mental disorder who can't fight back, why not? (I learnt of this when I got PM's from a couple of people with a copy of the posts).

Perhaps the real question Mario, is why was I so generous in NOT having my own "lolz"? Here's your answer - I was always promoting a strong forum with standards for respect to other members, enjoyment of the forums, and common decency. I failed because SS and Palmer so not have such standards, ok, that's life "itz da internetz". However, I have the standards myself so wasn't going to crash or damage the site or harm it in any way. After all, even though I have nothing more to do with MR at all, phpBB is very hackable, so they should really be thankful that I am like I am, just a nice bloke doing my own thing, left alone from the idiots I left behind me (there were some great guys too, like you, i'm not stating everyone, only the majority, not all) and doing my own thing, and being left alone to do so. If I were a vendictive guy with an axe to grind, well, ... good thing i'm not! lol

It was a big pity with MR, I had plans to really make that site what BH should have become. Never mind, distant memory now; i'm not going back there, because the only way I would would be as Admin with Founder status, other Admin (inc Palmer) with no Founder status, and i'd clear up the site of all crap ruthlessly, wheat from chaff and develop the site differently with a different team of Mods/Admin there (you would stay, that's about it). That isn't going to happen, I would have to own the site to be able to do that, I know it, and i'm therefore not interested in ever being a part of that site again; and I know the feeling is mutual!

Please maintain contact.


I know my PM is long, and it will sound like built-up frustration, etc - however I can assure you (in spite of the length of my reply above) I am entirely at peace with things and all is done, dusted and forgotten in the distant past. You asked a question so I answered it fully and as truthfully as I can. I hold no grudges however and as always, look to the future and not the past.

Just for everyone's information, JJWolf, a moderator on MBB, had to be banned. He made multiple accounts with the same IP address to troll our chat, and when asked if he was trying to get banned for trolling, he said:
lol, i only do this because i hate you guys

In addition, he posted massive walls of broken text to spam our chat, even after multiple warnings. I have tried to avoid banning you guys, but if MBB moderators cannot behave any better than 9 year old children, I do not really have a choice. Don't complain about your "unjust" bans.

EDIT: Also, humakabula1 just signed up as King_Zalgo, and is posting in scads of old threads with walls of corrupt text, and PMing ModRetro members with the same broken text. Come on guys, grow up.
bacteria said:
I failed because SS and Palmer so not have such standards, ok, that's life "itz da internetz".

I rarely read what bacteria says, in fact I just skimmed that message, but this stuck out to me.

This, this is probably the real reason why he didn't really fit in and as a result was never really an effective administrator here. This is actually the reason why I believe Palmer and I are such a strong administration combo.

We remind ourselves that the internet is not serious business. That gives us the willingness to argue, but the ability to step back and really realize how silly we are. It then gives us common ground and a 3rd person perspective to analyze and understand each others viewpoints and arguments, so that we can re-unite for a common purpose, and be able to make better decisions, not only as a staff but as people. That's the forum-ula for success.

We are a prosecutor and a defense attorney. We are an unstoppable force and an immovable object. We are ModRetro.

It's why OUR luscious, firm, kinky MANLOVE IS LIKE NO OTHER...tomorrow.

ShockSlayer said:
bacteria said:
We are a prosecutor and a defense attorney. We are an unstoppable force and an immovable object. We are ModretroPhoenix Wright and Miles Edgeworth.

It's why OUR luscious, firm, kinky decision is always "truth"...tomorrow.

(17:01:10) PalmerTech: People keep saying that MR is dead
(17:01:15) PalmerTech: Naw, we just have ups and downs
(17:01:18) Bush: its like summer :D
(17:01:19) ToastBucket: Japanese Shiny Blaine's Moltres
(17:01:19) PalmerTech: OH
(17:01:20) PalmerTech: GUYS
(17:01:24) PalmerTech: I FORGOT TO TELL YOU
(17:01:25) ToastBucket: Porygon2
(17:01:25) Mako321: MR is SO DEAD :stare:
(17:01:27) PalmerTech: Would you like to lul?
(17:01:28) Bush: were more alive thanBH
(17:01:29) ToastBucket: Celebi
(17:01:31) Mako321: TELL US WHAT
(17:01:34) ToastBucket: Japanese Kabutops
(17:01:36) Bush: yes lul
(17:01:42) ToastBucket: Japanese Hitmonchan
(17:01:46) Bush: TB STOP WITH THE CARDS
(17:01:49) ToastBucket: Dark Magneton
(17:01:52) PalmerTech:
(17:01:54) ToastBucket: Japanese Zapdos
(17:01:58) Bush: seen
(17:02:02) ToastBucket: all dose were shiny :3
(17:02:09) PalmerTech: Bac forgot to register his domain
(17:02:09) PalmerTech: :3
(17:02:11) Bush: and enormous lulz
(17:02:14) ToastBucket: LOLREDIRECT
(17:02:16) Mako321: LOL PALMER
(17:02:25) Bush: you should tell him
(17:02:27) PalmerTech: Yep
(17:02:31) PalmerTech: Check the reg info
(17:02:33) PalmerTech: It is all mine
(17:02:34) PalmerTech: :3
(17:02:35) ToastBucket: REDIRECT IT TO TOASTTECH
(17:02:36) ToastBucket: :3
(17:02:45) ToastBucket: or to porn
(17:02:46) Bush: toast
(17:02:57) grossaffe: Palmer, epic win
(17:03:01) PalmerTech: Also
(17:03:01) Bush: the most active members of TT are bots
(17:03:04) PalmerTech: I put it up YESTERDAY
(17:03:07) ToastBucket: nah Bush
(17:03:07) PalmerTech: With literally no content
(17:03:10) ToastBucket: deleted all of them
(17:03:11) ToastBucket: :3
(17:03:17) Bush: and I posted the only project
(17:03:19) PalmerTech: We are #5 in Google for "moddedbybacteria"
(17:03:20) Bush: oh well thank god
(17:03:35) Bush: palmer
(17:03:37) PalmerTech: We are the #1 result other than his own sites
(17:03:44) PalmerTech: We beat all his profiles on other sites
(17:03:44) Σigma: omg amazing
(17:03:46) Bush: you need a modretro show
(17:03:49) PalmerTech: His youtube
(17:03:52) Bush: or a palmer show
(17:03:53) PalmerTech: etc
(17:03:56) Bush: to 1up BH
(17:03:59) PalmerTech: lol
(17:04:04) PalmerTech: We have been talking about it
(17:04:11) PalmerTech: An MR podcast is in the works for summer
(17:04:12) Bush: really lol?
(17:04:15) bassmasta: 6301 E. Seaside Walk, eh?
(17:04:19) Bush: kick ass
(17:04:23) ToastBucket:​m/
(17:04:29) Mako321: Palmer, let us join too
(17:04:31) CHATROOM: ToastBucket is now AFK
(17:04:36) PalmerTech: Feel free to mail me
(17:04:38) PalmerTech: Or phone me
(17:04:40) PalmerTech: :P
(17:04:42) Mako321: I wanna rant and let everyone else to hear
(17:04:52) CHATROOM: ToastBucket is no longer AFK
(17:04:52) ToastBucket: I will do flax, Palmer.
(17:05:00) ToastBucket: More interested in the blog tbh
(17:05:02) CHATROOM: ToastBucket is now AFK
(17:05:08) Bush: blog?
(17:05:11) Bush: i like blog
(17:05:21) Bush: what makes MR cool
(17:05:23) PalmerTech: I see
(17:05:28) CHATROOM: ToastBucket is no longer AFK
(17:05:28) ToastBucket: I said Bog
(17:05:31) ToastBucket: it's a big toilet
(17:05:33) PalmerTech: lawl
(17:05:34) PalmerTech: So
(17:05:34) Bush: is that it is not a single user centric site
(17:05:43) PalmerTech: What do we do with Bac's domain?
(17:05:49) Bush: its not benhecks, or crackterias
(17:05:50) CHATROOM: Σigma has been logged out (Timeout).
(17:05:53) ToastBucket: redirect to porn
(17:05:57) Bush: palmer
(17:06:02) Bush: parody site
(17:06:03) grossaffe: a picture of a dick exploding his head?
(17:06:08) ToastBucket: or just a bunch of pictures of Chrome NES 2000
(17:06:28) Bush: guys
(17:06:41) Bush: i want to kill haunted360
(17:07:15) PalmerTech: lawl
(17:07:16) ToastBucket: Palmer
(17:07:23) ToastBucket: Romlop's "blog" :3
(17:07:33) Bush: romlop?
(17:08:03) Mako321: polmor
(17:08:06) Mako321: Romlop Yekul
(17:08:13) PalmerTech: I kinda wanna just keep the redirect
(17:08:14) PalmerTech: for the lulz
(17:08:25) Mako321: Palmer
(17:08:30) Mako321: Clone of the MBB forums
(17:08:40) Mako321: People login and get their passwords changed
(17:08:47) Mako321: :trollface:
(17:09:00) ToastBucket: brb
(17:09:00) CHATROOM: ToastBucket is now AFK
(17:09:13) Bush: make a fake forum
(17:09:15) Mako321: Steal Raizer's password and ban erryone
(17:09:20) Mako321: Bush, exactly
(17:09:25) Mako321: Steal passwords
(17:09:27) PalmerTech: I have considered it
(17:09:30) PalmerTech: Question
(17:09:35) Mako321: Answer
(17:09:36) PalmerTech: If I made a fake forum
(17:09:40) PalmerTech: Would you guys sign up as clones of their members?
(17:09:42) grossaffe: don't steal passwords
(17:09:45) Bush: lemon scent yes
(17:09:45) PalmerTech: And make lulzy threads?
(17:09:47) Mako321: Maybe
(17:09:54) Bush: lemon scent yes
(17:10:01) Bush: brb
(17:10:01) CHATROOM: Bush is now AFK
(17:10:03) CHATROOM: <AFK>_Bush logs out of the Chat.
(17:10:03) PalmerTech: I call dibs on Bac
(17:10:34) Mako321: I call dibs on the IGNOREER
(17:10:53) Mako321: Palmer, are we really going to go password phishing?
(17:11:02) PalmerTech: No
(17:11:07) Mako321: Drat
(17:11:09) PalmerTech: It would just be to make them rage
(17:11:13) Mako321: I still call Raizer :P
(17:11:14) PalmerTech: Although
(17:11:20) PalmerTech: We could copy all the finished project logs
(17:11:26) PalmerTech: Then tip the gadget blogs
(17:11:28) PalmerTech: ;)
(17:11:33) Mako321: ;)
(17:11:38) PalmerTech: Wait
(17:11:40) PalmerTech: Screw that
(17:11:49) PalmerTech: I can make a way better version of his site
(17:11:53) PalmerTech: Better looking, that is
(17:11:59) PalmerTech: Not his flax web design skillz
(17:13:07) bassmasta: what, freeforums and wordpress? is that even design?
(17:13:21) bassmasta: click template and go
(17:14:10) Zero: back, just in time it seems too
(17:14:32) PalmerTech: Bass
(17:14:38) PalmerTech: His wordpress is a "custom" theme
(17:14:50) PalmerTech: TBH
(17:14:58) PalmerTech: I will probably just keep it as a redirect
(17:15:05) Zero: I call dibs on Hail
(17:15:08) Zero: aww
(17:15:19) Zero: Plamer
(17:15:38) Zero: find whatever thread on modretro mentions bacteria or moddedbybacteria the most
(17:15:45) Zero: redirect to that
(17:15:56) Zero: get #1 spot on Google :trollface:
(17:17:04) CHATROOM: kylechu logs into the Chat.
(17:17:06) PalmerTech: Hmmmm
(17:17:08) PalmerTech: Naw
(17:17:12) PalmerTech: Hey, Kyle
(17:17:15) kylechu: Beating Super Mario World is worth is just for the credits
(17:17:17) kylechu: Also, hi.
(17:17:31) PalmerTech: Kyle, did you know of the MBB redirect?
(17:17:39) kylechu: Yeah
(17:17:44) Zero: It would be so awesome if we stole all the pageviews he is so proud of
(17:17:45) PalmerTech: So cash
(17:17:50) Zero: since like he gets SO MANY
(17:17:56) Zero: *sense
(17:17:59) kylechu: Yeah, like 500
(17:18:01) PalmerTech: lawl
(17:18:03) PalmerTech: He emails me
(17:18:04) kylechu: Holy flax, man
(17:18:07) kylechu: So much
(17:18:12) PalmerTech: Tells me MBB is more popular than MR
(17:18:17) Zero: He really needs to lern2internet
(17:18:22) PalmerTech: I explain to him that we have 52x as many pageviews
(17:18:36) Zero: page views =/= unique hits
(17:18:45) PalmerTech: Zero
(17:18:51) PalmerTech: We have 29x the unique hits
(17:19:03) PalmerTech: So we have more uniques, AND people stay longer, on average
(17:19:06) kylechu: Oh yeah, he stopped emailing you then, didn't he
(17:19:11) PalmerTech: Yeah
(17:19:13) PalmerTech: lawl
(17:19:30) grossaffe: are the Ben Heck forums aware of what you've done?
(17:19:35) Zero: I know Palmer, I was just making fun of him because I don't think he knows the difference
(17:19:39) grossaffe: they may give you a medal
(17:19:40) kylechu: Why would BH care?
(17:19:43) kylechu: oh, lol
(17:19:47) Zero: BH hates him
(17:19:49) PalmerTech: Actually
(17:19:55) PalmerTech: BH does know
(17:19:56) PalmerTech: The mods anyways
(17:19:56) grossaffe: chairman of the League of Those Who Rather Dislike Bacteria
(17:19:58) PalmerTech: I told Triton
(17:20:02) PalmerTech: And he apparently told all the other mods
(17:20:06) Zero: lol
(17:20:10) PalmerTech: Because I got 4 mod messages in 10 minutes
(17:20:13) PalmerTech: All congratulating me
(17:20:14) PalmerTech: :P
(17:21:15) Mako321: Dayum Palmer, you slick
(17:21:24) CHATROOM: ToastBucket is no longer AFK
(17:21:24) ToastBucket: I got one of those automated "come back we miss you" emails
(17:21:30) kylechu: I got one too
(17:21:41) CHATROOM: Error: Connection status: 500
(17:21:43) CHATROOM: Error: Connection status: 500
(17:21:47) ToastBucket: :/
(17:21:47) ToastBucket: even though I'm IP banned
(17:21:47) kylechu: But it was even better then usual
(17:21:56) kylechu: Mine didn't have the forum name filled in
(17:22:15) kylechu: So it was like "Hey {Username}, please come back to {Forum Name}."
(17:22:20) ToastBucket: LOLOL
(17:22:23) ToastBucket: mine was like that too
(17:22:25) ToastBucket: Palmer
(17:22:32) PalmerTech: Kyle
(17:22:34) PalmerTech: I got them, too
(17:22:35) ToastBucket: any idea how Bac could get our chatlogs
(17:22:35) PalmerTech: :P
(17:22:36) ToastBucket: here
(17:22:41) PalmerTech: TB
(17:22:42) PalmerTech: Yeah
(17:22:45) Mako321: Toasty, spies
(17:22:47) Mako321: :stare:
(17:22:47) Zero: Spies
(17:22:47) PalmerTech: He has spies all the time
(17:22:50) kylechu: Palmer, you going to track how many people come through the MBB link?
(17:22:53) kylechu: That would be interesting
(17:22:53) Zero: MasenkoBlaster
(17:22:54) ToastBucket: I don't see them?
(17:23:01) PalmerTech: Heck, alareac could be a spy
(17:23:05) PalmerTech: I just do not care
(17:23:06) PalmerTech: Kyle
(17:23:07) Mako321: MasenkoBlaster is the most obvious spy ever
(17:23:07) PalmerTech: I can check
(17:23:12) Zero: MasenkoBlaster is a spy Toast
(17:23:26) ToastBucket: That was probably it then
(17:23:28) Zero: "THERE'S A SPY ROUND HERE"
(17:23:35) kylechu: That doesn't mean we should accuse all new members of being spys
(17:23:57) ToastBucket: "Here's why you were banned; Raizer kicked you and recommended I IP banned:

(21:52:17) Kickback: shall we spam porn pics and flax on MBB?
(21:52:27) ToastBucket: not just yet
(21:52:40) ToastBucket: we should do it with my account though

(21:27:43) ToastBucket: probably shouldn't have picked that name :/
(21:27:49) Ampersand: nvm can't post it guess that's porn
(21:27:54) ToastBucket: I didn't really plan to go undercover though
(21:28:56) Ishmael1010: toast blew it

(22:27:03) ToastBucket: banned once again
(22:27:09) ToastBucket: that raizer kid is a "Flamboyant Homosexual"
(22:27:21) Kickback: lmao, again?
(22:27:34) Ishmael1010: OH MY GOD
(22:27:38) Ishmael1010: WHEN I SCROLL OVER REPLY
(22:27:47) Ishmael1010: THEY CHANGE COLORS!
(22:27:52) Ishmael1010: HOLY lemon scent
(22:28:04) ToastBucket: He started talking about how talking about drugs in the chatroom is bad

(22:53:03) ToastBucket: Raizer04 is complaining that I'm trying to cause an uproar
(22:53:07) ToastBucket: I wasn't going to
(22:53:11) ToastBucket: but I sure as Heck am now

So, why do you portray yourself as a good, friendly member - look at the above logs, they say the opposite. You were talking about causing us trouble, talking about drugs and calling someone a ""Flamboyant Homosexual"". Do you really think that is acceptable behaviour and justified??! That is the behaviour suitable for ModRetro, not on my forum. Bad behaviour like that on my forum means ban and deletion. Put yourself in my shoes, with the above information - how would you react to this data and would you do anything differently? I'm sure when you prove yourself to be decent, we'll give you a chance as I always like to prefer to believe the nice side of people wins out in the end."
(17:24:03) Zero: No one said that Kyle
(17:24:29) kylechu: I know
(17:24:43) ToastBucket: I wiggled my way out of that one and became a member again
(17:24:46) ToastBucket: for about a week
(17:24:57) ToastBucket: then Raizer banned me when I went in the chatroom again
(17:24:59) ToastBucket: :3
(17:25:17) PalmerTech: Also
(17:25:19) Zero: They just try and make drama out of nothing
(17:25:24) PalmerTech: We get over 100 visits a day to
(17:25:25) PalmerTech: Wow
(17:25:34) Zero: Palmer
(17:25:37) Zero: you mean the index?
(17:25:42) grossaffe: alareac can't be a spy. He sounds too not-retarded-and-immature.
(17:25:56) ToastBucket: Yeah, alareac is fine
(17:26:02) ToastBucket: He actually did something I believe
(17:26:06) ToastBucket: dsv is a spy
(17:26:11) ToastBucket: because he is a Chicken
(17:26:15) Zero: I hope he is
(17:26:25) Zero: because I dislike him very much
(17:26:29) grossaffe: haha, if only that were true
(17:26:32) Zero: DSV that is
(17:26:42) ToastBucket: I'm gonna go get some tacos
(17:26:43) ToastBucket: brb
(17:26:43) CHATROOM: ToastBucket is now AFK
(17:27:18) Zero: I wish we had a /spy command
(17:27:28) Zero: that would play TF2 clips
(17:27:42) kylechu: Any command that plays a sound ends badly
(17:27:47) PalmerTech: Ok, I just changed it to a permanent redirect
(17:27:50) Zero:
(17:27:52) PalmerTech: Which should, in theory
(17:27:53) Zero: like that?
(17:28:06) PalmerTech: Make Google think that since it is a newer site, it is the new location of MBB
(17:28:14) Zero: Palmer

So lets was suggested that you all redirect MBB to porn, clone the forum to cause mischief, suggested to your ppl to sign up as clone members, and at "(17:27:47) PalmerTech: Ok, I just changed it to a permanent redirect" You redirected our site....

That doesnt sound like a just and fair forum administrator, one who would never harm an entire forum...
raizer04 said:
So lets was suggested that you all redirect MBB to porn, clone the forum to cause mischief, suggested to your ppl to sign up as clone members, and at "(17:27:47) PalmerTech: Ok, I just changed it to a permanent redirect" You redirected our site....

That doesnt sound like a just and fair forum administrator, one who would never harm an entire forum...

It was a joke, Raizer. We never did any of those things, and that site has not redirected anywhere for more than 3 weeks, it has nothing on it at all. We were just joking around in private, while Bacteria tried to wipe out our entire forum, I fail to see how those are even roughly comparable.

Also, this just proves that you have spy accounts on MR, I hope you know that evading bans with multiple accounts is against the rules?
(23:53:45) zenloc: Someone leaked it at one point, I'm thinking it was a sibling of his, and point is it was made public
(23:54:09) zenloc: Being Jelly, I fixed things up, got rid of some stuff, it's like it never happened, and made sure that nobody had seen it
(23:54:17) zenloc: But, of course, being Jelly, I wrote it down
(23:54:19) frostedfires: you shouldn't be in other people's accounts without their permission...
(23:54:32) Raizer04: respect for him im going to need you to get off that account.
(23:54:35) Raizer04: seriously.
(23:54:41) zenloc: FrostedFires, I agree entirely, but Raizer banned my other account earlier, makes things difficult
(23:54:46) Fox: ya
(23:54:59) Fox: to raizers comment
(23:55:01) zenloc: Well, please, give me something to log in as, I don't want to have to make multiple accounts here
(23:55:16) Fox: kylesimmons
(23:55:23) Fox: no1 will care then
(23:55:23) zenloc: I don't see logging in as any of your other members helping, so, what then?
(23:55:24) dinscurge: trade raizers for jl's? :p
(23:55:26) frostedfires: doesn't mean you can log into people's accounts like that... just wrong you know?
(23:55:40) Fox: This^
(23:55:56) Fox: JUST LOG OFF!
(23:56:07) zenloc: Raizer blocked me from all contact with you guys, and Bac won't speak directly with me
(23:56:23) zenloc: I was not going to sit back and let nothing at all happen, which is what would have happened if I hadn't done this
(23:56:26) Raizer04: .....then dont make multiple accounts, we will view the thread (view​topic.php?f=2&t=6494) and make a ruling after the outcome of that thread, in the mean time it is wrong to use his name....i must ask you to log off, fox is unbanned there so he can be a liason in fairness.
(23:56:31) zenloc: I've been pressing that we take care for this for HOURS now
(23:56:53) zenloc: And instead of that, you just kick me off before I can even finish my business that I came here for
(23:57:12) dinscurge: q-.-p
(23:57:12) zenloc: I have something to do here, so I need a way to be in here, I would like some proposal as to what that might be
(23:57:14) Raizer04: if you really want to talk with bac then you all will unban him or simply email him.
(23:57:36) zenloc: I don't want to talk to Bac, he's not who I'm here to talk to, and he refuses to reply to my emails
(23:57:37) dinscurge: again trade? unban raizer un ban jlee? :p
(23:57:51) zenloc: Trust me, I've been trying to have a one-on-one with Bac for some time
(23:58:12) Raizer04: ......i really dont want to kick you, plz get off of zenlocs account.
(23:58:18) Fox: liason?
(23:58:30) Fox: let me do it raizer
(23:58:48) zenloc: Tell me how I'm getting back in chat, or I'm just going to get around it in a way you don't want me to, which isn't very nice for you
(23:59:21) zenloc: If you're not willing to work with me, how can we possibly work together?
(23:59:35) frostedfires: make a new account and chat that way
(23:59:37) Fox: (whispers) can i ban for 3 hrs?
(23:59:47) zenloc: Multiple Accounts is a no-no
(23:59:59) Raizer04: ....
(00:00:19) zenloc: Raizer, are you telling me to make a second account? Because if you tell me to, I will
(00:00:54) Raizer04: im telling you to "GET OFF OF ZENLOCS ACCOUNT" and we will view the thread and decide on the decision after one is different from what you all are doing on your side.
(00:00:54) frostedfires: (whispers) If he agrees to use his second account for only chat is that ok?
(00:01:05) zenloc: But I need to be in the Chat tonight
(00:01:07) zenloc: So, suggestions?
(00:01:11) Raizer04: (whispers to frostedfires) no thats no okay....
(00:01:11) Fox: (whispers) plz?
(00:01:21) Raizer04: no suggestions.....get off the account.
(00:01:23) Fox: why do you need to be here tonight?
(00:01:29) zenloc: Talkin' to someone
(00:01:41) Fox: like who?
(00:01:54) frostedfires: (whispers) ok sounds good, hes being real jerky anyways and needs to get off zenlocs account :/
(00:02:26) dinscurge: maf?
(00:02:43) zenloc: I went over this with MrAfterFx, and I don't feel like going over it again, I'm not going to tell you who, it's not my place to do so
(00:02:56) ChatBot: zenloc has been logged out (Kicked).
(00:03:15) Fox: i never thought i would see that^
(00:03:24) Raizer04: yea...
(00:03:42) Fox: how long you kick him?
(00:03:51) Fox: i would have put 9999
(00:03:51) Raizer04: didnt set a time period
(00:04:27) frostedfires: good job raizer

This is your moderator jlee using zenlocs account on moddedbybacteria, i notified zenloc of the issue. is proof that Modretro individuals steal ppls accounts and have no problems using them.
Yes, you are right, that was wrong, Jlee did it without permission, and Jlee was punished appropriately. Still has nothing to do with Bacteria, though, he is still a lying hypocrite who attacks and encourages attacks on ModRetro, and the community as a whole.
Guess what, it's also your moderating team doing *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ING EVERYTHING TOWARDS US.
I'll let someone else explain his actions later though, I don't want to make any false accusations and look stupid later.
MR chat:

(21:51:57) Twilight_Wolf: XD
(21:52:11) Kickback: TB
(21:52:17) Kickback: shall we spam porn pics and flax on MBB?
(21:52:27) ToastBucket: not just yet
(21:52:40) ToastBucket: we should do it with my account though

(21:26:42) Ampersand: *PS2 emu
(21:27:02) Ishmael1010: TOAST
(21:27:05) Ishmael1010: NOW YA *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ED UP
(21:27:16) Mako321: amper
(21:27:22) Mako321: there's a pc version, you know
(21:27:29) Ampersand: wat
(21:27:30) Ampersand: cool
(21:27:34) Ampersand: lol
(21:27:36) Ampersand: open homepage
(21:27:43) ToastBucket: probably shouldn't have picked that name :/
(21:27:49) Ampersand: nvm can't post it guess that's porn
(21:27:54) ToastBucket: I didn't really plan to go undercover though
(21:28:56) Ishmael1010: toast blew it

20:55:54) Ishmael1010: this thing goes for 100-200 on ebay
(20:56:12) CHATROOM: ToastBucket has been logged out (Timeout).
(20:56:21) Ishmael1010: KB
(20:56:28) Ishmael1010: get out of MBB chat

(22:36:24) Ishmael1010: you're not gonna post big nude pics?
(22:36:44) Ishmael1010: <3 KB
(22:36:44) Kickback: maybe tomorrow :P
(22:38:17) CHATROOM: Kickback has been logged out (Timeout).
(22:38:34) Ishmael1010: zero
(22:38:43) Ishmael1010: what does it mean when they say dicks everywhere?
(22:42:31) CHATROOM: Mako321 has been logged out (Timeout).

This shows proof that your people go undercover and attempt (YES ATTEMPTED, and got caught) to post porn on MBB.
Toastbucket: Banned for conspiring to cause an uproar.

(22:27:03) ToastBucket: banned once again
(22:27:09) ToastBucket: that raizer kid is a "Flamboyant Homosexual"
(22:27:21) Kickback: lmao, again?
(22:27:34) Ishmael1010: OH MY GOD
(22:27:38) Ishmael1010: WHEN I SCROLL OVER REPLY
(22:27:47) Ishmael1010: THEY CHANGE COLORS!
(22:27:52) Ishmael1010: HOLY lemon scent
(22:28:04) ToastBucket: He started talking about how talking about drugs in the chatroom is bad
(22:28:05) Zero: Ish
(22:28:12) Zero: probably a party thread
(22:28:13) Mako321: oh man, zero
(22:28:14) ToastBucket: and how someone might actually be having troubles
(22:28:21) Ishmael1010: yus
(22:28:23) Mako321: first real ps3 cfw also?
(22:28:26) Ishmael1010: i lurve part threads
(22:28:30) ToastBucket: and our conversations may tip them off to ckill themselves

Part 2:

(22:53:03) ToastBucket: Raizer04 is complaining that I'm trying to cause an uproar
(22:53:07) ToastBucket: I wasn't going to
(22:53:11) ToastBucket: but I sure as Heck am now

Good ole toastbucket decided to come through our chat and cause uproars and not follow the rules. i clearly said that "someone might be having troubles" for a reason, and he decided not to respect that. A number of MR members DO NOT respect the rules on MBB site..point blank period.
He thinks that our mods are plotting against MBB because KB and Toosty were being trolls.
Also, Raizer.
Is there any proof from YOUR OWN SITE'S CHATROOM that they went through with not following the rules? How do we know that they didn't do half the things they said they would?
I mean, if there is, it would be cool to see it.
Still has nothing to do with MR's staff.
Ok, what is your point? Yes, some of our members have trolled your chat, but not our staff. Oh, funny thing, less than two hours ago, your own staff member JJWolf was spamming our chat with blocks of broken text, trying to get banned on purpose. I suppose you guys are the mature ones? :neutral2: I cannot control what my members do when I am not around.

Also, this still has nothing to do with Bacteria being a liar.
So, like 4 people don't give two flaxs about MBB rules? We're a forum of at least 100 semi-active users; ergo, the actions of 4 people do not represent the entire community.