(17:01:10) PalmerTech: People keep saying that MR is dead
(17:01:15) PalmerTech: Naw, we just have ups and downs
(17:01:18) Bush: its like summer

(17:01:19) ToastBucket: Japanese Shiny Blaine's Moltres
(17:01:19) PalmerTech: OH
(17:01:20) PalmerTech: GUYS
(17:01:24) PalmerTech: I FORGOT TO TELL YOU
(17:01:25) ToastBucket: Porygon2
(17:01:25) Mako321: MR is SO DEAD

(17:01:27) PalmerTech: Would you like to lul?
(17:01:28) Bush: were more alive thanBH
(17:01:29) ToastBucket: Celebi

1) Mako321: TELL US WHAT

4) ToastBucket: Japanese Kabutops

6) Bush: yes lul
(17:01:42) ToastBucket: Japanese Hitmonchan
(17:01:46) Bush: TB STOP WITH THE CARDS
(17:01:49) ToastBucket: Dark Magneton
(17:01:52) PalmerTech:
(17:01:54) ToastBucket: Japanese Zapdos
(17:01:58) Bush: seen
(17:02:02) ToastBucket: all dose were shiny

(17:02:09) PalmerTech: Bac forgot to register his domain
(17:02:09) PalmerTech:

(17:02:11) Bush: and enormous lulz
(17:02:14) ToastBucket: LOLREDIRECT
(17:02:16) Mako321: LOL PALMER
(17:02:25) Bush: you should tell him
(17:02:27) PalmerTech: Yep

1) PalmerTech: Check the reg info

3) PalmerTech: It is all mine

4) PalmerTech:



6) ToastBucket:

(17:02:45) ToastBucket: or to porn
(17:02:46) Bush: toast
(17:02:57) grossaffe: Palmer, epic win
(17:03:01) PalmerTech: Also
(17:03:01) Bush: the most active members of TT are bots
(17:03:04) PalmerTech: I put it up YESTERDAY
(17:03:07) ToastBucket: nah Bush
(17:03:07) PalmerTech: With literally no content
(17:03:10) ToastBucket: deleted all of them
(17:03:11) ToastBucket:

(17:03:17) Bush: and I posted the only project
(17:03:19) PalmerTech: We are #5 in Google for "moddedbybacteria"
(17:03:20) Bush: oh well thank god

5) Bush: palmer

7) PalmerTech: We are the #1 result other than his own sites
(17:03:44) PalmerTech: We beat all his profiles on other sites
(17:03:44) Σigma: omg amazing
(17:03:46) Bush: you need a modretro show
(17:03:49) PalmerTech: His youtube
(17:03:52) Bush: or a palmer show
(17:03:53) PalmerTech: etc
(17:03:56) Bush: to 1up BH
(17:03:59) PalmerTech: lol
(17:04:04) PalmerTech: We have been talking about it
(17:04:11) PalmerTech: An MR podcast is in the works for summer
(17:04:12) Bush: really lol?
(17:04:15) bassmasta: 6301 E. Seaside Walk, eh?
(17:04:19) Bush: kick ass
(17:04:23) ToastBucket:
(17:04:29) Mako321: Palmer, let us join too

1) CHATROOM: ToastBucket is now AFK

6) PalmerTech: Feel free to mail me

8) PalmerTech: Or phone me
(17:04:40) PalmerTech:

(17:04:42) Mako321: I wanna rant and let everyone else to hear
(17:04:52) CHATROOM: ToastBucket is no longer AFK
(17:04:52) ToastBucket: I will do flax, Palmer.
(17:05:00) ToastBucket: More interested in the blog tbh
(17:05:02) CHATROOM: ToastBucket is now AFK
(17:05:08) Bush: blog?
(17:05:11) Bush: i like blog
(17:05:21) Bush: what makes MR cool
(17:05:23) PalmerTech: I see
(17:05:28) CHATROOM: ToastBucket is no longer AFK
(17:05:28) ToastBucket: I said Bog

1) ToastBucket: it's a big toilet

3) PalmerTech: lawl

4) PalmerTech: So

4) Bush: is that it is not a single user centric site
(17:05:43) PalmerTech: What do we do with Bac's domain?
(17:05:49) Bush: its not benhecks, or crackterias
(17:05:50) CHATROOM: Σigma has been logged out (Timeout).
(17:05:53) ToastBucket: redirect to porn
(17:05:57) Bush: palmer
(17:06:02) Bush: parody site
(17:06:03) grossaffe: a picture of a dick exploding his head?
(17:06:08) ToastBucket: or just a bunch of pictures of Chrome NES 2000
(17:06:28) Bush: guys
(17:06:41) Bush: i want to kill haunted360
(17:07:15) PalmerTech: lawl
(17:07:16) ToastBucket: Palmer
(17:07:23) ToastBucket: Romlop's "blog"


3) Bush: romlop?
(17:08:03) Mako321: polmor
(17:08:06) Mako321: Romlop Yekul
(17:08:13) PalmerTech: I kinda wanna just keep the redirect
(17:08:14) PalmerTech: for the lulz
(17:08:25) Mako321: Palmer

0) Mako321: Clone of the MBB forums
(17:08:40) Mako321: People login and get their passwords changed
(17:08:47) Mako321:

(17:09:00) ToastBucket: brb
(17:09:00) CHATROOM: ToastBucket is now AFK
(17:09:13) Bush: make a fake forum
(17:09:15) Mako321: Steal Raizer's password and ban erryone
(17:09:20) Mako321: Bush, exactly
(17:09:25) Mako321: Steal passwords
(17:09:27) PalmerTech: I have considered it

0) PalmerTech: Question

5) Mako321: Answer

6) PalmerTech: If I made a fake forum
(17:09:40) PalmerTech: Would you guys sign up as clones of their members?
(17:09:42) grossaffe: don't steal passwords
(17:09:45) Bush: lemon scent yes
(17:09:45) PalmerTech: And make lulzy threads?
(17:09:47) Mako321: Maybe
(17:09:54) Bush: lemon scent yes
(17:10:01) Bush: brb
(17:10:01) CHATROOM: Bush is now AFK
(17:10:03) CHATROOM: <AFK>_Bush logs out of the Chat.
(17:10:03) PalmerTech: I call dibs on Bac

4) Mako321: I call dibs on the IGNOREER
(17:10:53) Mako321: Palmer, are we really going to go password phishing?
(17:11:02) PalmerTech: No
(17:11:07) Mako321: Drat
(17:11:09) PalmerTech: It would just be to make them rage
(17:11:13) Mako321: I still call Raizer

(17:11:14) PalmerTech: Although
(17:11:20) PalmerTech: We could copy all the finished project logs
(17:11:26) PalmerTech: Then tip the gadget blogs
(17:11:28) PalmerTech:


3) Mako321:


8) PalmerTech: Wait
(17:11:40) PalmerTech: Screw that
(17:11:49) PalmerTech: I can make a way better version of his site
(17:11:53) PalmerTech: Better looking, that is
(17:11:59) PalmerTech: Not his flax web design skillz
(17:13:07) bassmasta: what, freeforums and wordpress? is that even design?
(17:13:21) bassmasta: click template and go
(17:14:10) Zero: back, just in time it seems too

2) PalmerTech: Bass

8) PalmerTech: His wordpress is a "custom" theme
(17:14:50) PalmerTech: TBH
(17:14:58) PalmerTech: I will probably just keep it as a redirect
(17:15:05) Zero: I call dibs on Hail
(17:15:08) Zero: aww
(17:15:19) Zero: Plamer

8) Zero: find whatever thread on modretro mentions bacteria or moddedbybacteria the most
(17:15:45) Zero: redirect to that
(17:15:56) Zero: get #1 spot on Google

(17:17:04) CHATROOM: kylechu logs into the Chat.
(17:17:06) PalmerTech: Hmmmm
(17:17:08) PalmerTech: Naw
(17:17:12) PalmerTech: Hey, Kyle
(17:17:15) kylechu: Beating Super Mario World is worth is just for the credits
(17:17:17) kylechu: Also, hi.

1) PalmerTech: Kyle, did you know of the MBB redirect?

9) kylechu: Yeah
(17:17:44) Zero: It would be so awesome if we stole all the pageviews he is so proud of
(17:17:45) PalmerTech: So cash
(17:17:50) Zero: since like he gets SO MANY
(17:17:56) Zero: *sense
(17:17:59) kylechu: Yeah, like 500
(17:18:01) PalmerTech: lawl
(17:18:03) PalmerTech: He emails me
(17:18:04) kylechu: Holy flax, man
(17:18:07) kylechu: So much
(17:18:12) PalmerTech: Tells me MBB is more popular than MR
(17:18:17) Zero: He really needs to lern2internet
(17:18:22) PalmerTech: I explain to him that we have 52x as many pageviews

6) Zero: page views =/= unique hits
(17:18:45) PalmerTech: Zero
(17:18:51) PalmerTech: We have 29x the unique hits
(17:19:03) PalmerTech: So we have more uniques, AND people stay longer, on average
(17:19:06) kylechu: Oh yeah, he stopped emailing you then, didn't he
(17:19:11) PalmerTech: Yeah
(17:19:13) PalmerTech: lawl

0) grossaffe: are the Ben Heck forums aware of what you've done?

5) Zero: I know Palmer, I was just making fun of him because I don't think he knows the difference

9) grossaffe: they may give you a medal
(17:19:40) kylechu: Why would BH care?
(17:19:43) kylechu: oh, lol
(17:19:47) Zero: BH hates him
(17:19:49) PalmerTech: Actually
(17:19:55) PalmerTech: BH does know
(17:19:56) PalmerTech: The mods anyways
(17:19:56) grossaffe: chairman of the League of Those Who Rather Dislike Bacteria
(17:19:58) PalmerTech: I told Triton
(17:20:02) PalmerTech: And he apparently told all the other mods
(17:20:06) Zero: lol
(17:20:10) PalmerTech: Because I got 4 mod messages in 10 minutes
(17:20:13) PalmerTech: All congratulating me
(17:20:14) PalmerTech:

(17:21:15) Mako321: Dayum Palmer, you slick
(17:21:24) CHATROOM: ToastBucket is no longer AFK
(17:21:24) ToastBucket: I got one of those automated "come back we miss you" emails

0) kylechu: I got one too
(17:21:41) CHATROOM: Error: Connection status: 500
(17:21:43) CHATROOM: Error: Connection status: 500
(17:21:47) ToastBucket: :/
(17:21:47) ToastBucket: even though I'm IP banned
(17:21:47) kylechu: But it was even better then usual
(17:21:56) kylechu: Mine didn't have the forum name filled in
(17:22:15) kylechu: So it was like "Hey {Username}, please come back to {Forum Name}."
(17:22:20) ToastBucket: LOLOL
(17:22:23) ToastBucket: mine was like that too
(17:22:25) ToastBucket: Palmer

2) PalmerTech: Kyle

4) PalmerTech: I got them, too

5) ToastBucket: any idea how Bac could get our chatlogs

5) PalmerTech:


6) ToastBucket: here
(17:22:41) PalmerTech: TB
(17:22:42) PalmerTech: Yeah
(17:22:45) Mako321: Toasty, spies
(17:22:47) Mako321:

(17:22:47) Zero: Spies
(17:22:47) PalmerTech: He has spies all the time
(17:22:50) kylechu: Palmer, you going to track how many people come through the MBB link?
(17:22:53) kylechu: That would be interesting
(17:22:53) Zero: MasenkoBlaster
(17:22:54) ToastBucket: I don't see them?
(17:23:01) PalmerTech: Heck, alareac could be a spy
(17:23:05) PalmerTech: I just do not care
(17:23:06) PalmerTech: Kyle
(17:23:07) Mako321: MasenkoBlaster is the most obvious spy ever
(17:23:07) PalmerTech: I can check
(17:23:12) Zero: MasenkoBlaster is a spy Toast
(17:23:26) ToastBucket: That was probably it then
(17:23:28) Zero: "THERE'S A SPY ROUND HERE"

5) kylechu: That doesn't mean we should accuse all new members of being spys
(17:23:57) ToastBucket: "Here's why you were banned; Raizer kicked you and recommended I IP banned:
(21:52:17) Kickback: shall we spam porn pics and flax on MBB?
(21:52:27) ToastBucket: not just yet
(21:52:40) ToastBucket: we should do it with my account though
(21:27:43) ToastBucket: probably shouldn't have picked that name :/
(21:27:49) Ampersand: nvm can't post it guess that's porn
(21:27:54) ToastBucket: I didn't really plan to go undercover though
(21:28:56) Ishmael1010: toast blew it
(22:27:03) ToastBucket: banned once again
(22:27:09) ToastBucket: that raizer kid is a "Flamboyant Homosexual"
(22:27:21) Kickback: lmao, again?

4) Ishmael1010: OH MY GOD

(22:27:47) Ishmael1010: THEY CHANGE COLORS!
(22:27:52) Ishmael1010: HOLY lemon scent
(22:28:04) ToastBucket: He started talking about how talking about drugs in the chatroom is bad
(22:53:03) ToastBucket: Raizer04 is complaining that I'm trying to cause an uproar
(22:53:07) ToastBucket: I wasn't going to
(22:53:11) ToastBucket: but I sure as Heck am now
So, why do you portray yourself as a good, friendly member - look at the above logs, they say the opposite. You were talking about causing us trouble, talking about drugs and calling someone a ""Flamboyant Homosexual"". Do you really think that is acceptable behaviour and justified??! That is the behaviour suitable for ModRetro, not on my forum. Bad behaviour like that on my forum means ban and deletion. Put yourself in my shoes, with the above information - how would you react to this data and would you do anything differently? I'm sure when you prove yourself to be decent, we'll give you a chance as I always like to prefer to believe the nice side of people wins out in the end."
(17:24:03) Zero: No one said that Kyle
(17:24:29) kylechu: I know
(17:24:43) ToastBucket: I wiggled my way out of that one and became a member again
(17:24:46) ToastBucket: for about a week
(17:24:57) ToastBucket: then Raizer banned me when I went in the chatroom again
(17:24:59) ToastBucket:

(17:25:17) PalmerTech: Also
(17:25:19) Zero: They just try and make drama out of nothing
(17:25:24) PalmerTech: We get over 100 visits a day to modretro.com
(17:25:25) PalmerTech: Wow

4) Zero: Palmer

7) Zero: you mean the index?
(17:25:42) grossaffe: alareac can't be a spy. He sounds too not-retarded-and-immature.
(17:25:56) ToastBucket: Yeah, alareac is fine
(17:26:02) ToastBucket: He actually did something I believe
(17:26:06) ToastBucket: dsv is a spy
(17:26:11) ToastBucket: because he is a Chicken
(17:26:15) Zero: I hope he is
(17:26:25) Zero: because I dislike him very much
(17:26:29) grossaffe: haha, if only that were true

2) Zero: DSV that is
(17:26:42) ToastBucket: I'm gonna go get some tacos
(17:26:43) ToastBucket: brb
(17:26:43) CHATROOM: ToastBucket is now AFK
(17:27:18) Zero: I wish we had a /spy command
(17:27:28) Zero: that would play TF2 clips
(17:27:42) kylechu: Any command that plays a sound ends badly
(17:27:47) PalmerTech: Ok, I just changed it to a permanent redirect
(17:27:50) Zero:
(17:27:52) PalmerTech: Which should, in theory
(17:27:53) Zero: like that?
(17:28:06) PalmerTech: Make Google think that since it is a newer site, it is the new location of MBB
(17:28:14) Zero: Palmer