Origins of your username?

Im a car enthusiast, and the Chevy Camaro is one of mine and my dad's favorites. My first name is Cameron, which is very close to Camaro. CamaroCam. boom. :)
Mine is derived from a old email of mine. (One that is still active, but I hardly ever use.) The email was nightriderhotwheelsman94(at)

And from that, I got my username. Been using the username since at least late 2006.
If you wrote my name out using numbers instead of letters (in this code A=1 B=2....) so it would be 19/5/1/14. I don't like writing slashes or 19 (I dunno, I guess I'm numerist :stare: ) so 19/5/1/14= S5114
Another one I use is ANDROID_000909 from when I liked android 17 from dbz, but for a yahoo acount someone already had that. It was originally going to be ANDROID_00090972 (my sister thought of it) But my mom said it was too long. (this all happened when I was 7) oh yeah sorry