designer noob
Well-Known Member
I was wondering is this how I solder wires to the controller board? The black are where wires go to the board and then a tact switch. The red is the common ground.

designer noob said:Where I live it is over 100 degress so, I can't turn on the oven or it will boil the house and everyone inside. This has created a small delay in completing my case.
Okay, where did you get the switches? I need some too.designer noob said:I have to wait for switches and they are coming from china. They are true DPDT switches. Everything needs to be added to the switch so, I can't hook anything up until I get it. I also, haven't found out the reason for my GBA grounding it self everytime. I am thinking its the switches, but I don't know.
A lot. I only started my YAP64/2 a few weeks ago, been here since the beginning.designer noob said:Also, how many people here in this forum hang around here and don't make anything? I think I am intitled to some credit or brownie points?
ZING!!designer noob said:Also, Bacteria not every one here can be genious like you. Making a portable in 1 to 2 days. Execpt for shockslayer.