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Updated version of mine so far.
nobble said:

Updated version of mine so far.

the basis is ok, but the background is blarg. plus, what happens when a bunch of portables get made, a baby boomer if you will? oh yeah, alot of these arnt really modretro exclusives.
We should have our site display a banner of the 10 most recent portables made on the right side of the logo. Perhaps it could automaticlly grab the first picture in every finished thread in compleated projects and throw it up there?
What he should do is put the components in a series that actually makes something. Like an LED to a regulator to a DCin jack to a huge roll of solder to a switch. Much longer than that, though, so it can fit around the thing, but the point is that if someone builds the device in the logo it will actually function.


But seriously, I need some input. I'm going to extend it and add something to the other side of "ModRetro", but jlee said I mustn't put another portable. Because here at ModRetro "we're not about portables" :?
Ampersand, that's actually the best logo I've seen so far. If you replaced the N64Mini with something a little more general I think that would be a perfect logo.
Nice Amp! How about some tools? Like a hot glue gun or a soldering iron?
J.D said:
Ampersand, that's actually the best logo I've seen so far. If you replaced the N64Mini with something a little more general I think that would be a perfect logo.

DJ711 said:
Nice Amp! How about some tools? Like a hot glue gun or a soldering iron?
Actually sounds like a great idea. Maybe this is what you have been looking for to put on the other side.
I agree with the posts on this page. It's important to have the logo be person neutral and relatively professional, so one person's specific portable should not be in it. A soldering iron (not gun) forming a cross with a hot glue gun would be gold. It'd be like a coat of arms, with optional shield background.

EDIT: Something not unlike this:

EDIT2: But keep it simple and classy!
Coat of arms is a neat idea, but the wrong shape and it just feels wrong.

And ampersand, I really like your logo, but it needs to be less specific. Maybe a soldering iron, or maybe just nothing at all. Or maybe a chip on one side as a sort of homage to the original one?
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