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Afro, there are certain jaggies in the image that ruin the lineart. I don't expect you to understand, no offense, since you don't do pixel art, but it's a basic design aspect of isometric view.

If you want, I could make a shoop that shows what I'm talking about.
Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii do.

(In case you can't, one of the parts of the top border has one more pixel than all the others.)
Ampersand said:
Afro, there are certain jaggies in the image that ruin the lineart. I don't expect you to understand, no offense, since you don't do pixel art, but it's a basic design aspect of isometric view.

Are you kidding me?
You are telling me that pixels not being in a line is over my head?

Wow, Amper, that is a dick thing to say.
This isn't a logo, but I was bored today and decided to make a little pixel-art modretro button.

I could add a transparency on the corners there but I'm too lazy at the moment.
100% pixel-by-pixel hand drawn. In mspaint.
Afro, calm the *Can'tSayThisOnTV* down. I didn't say it was over your head, I said you might not've noticed. A lot of people don't notice inconsistencies like that.

Also, late entry is late:

Ampersand said:
Also, late entry is late:

The kern's a little weird, but it looks better than the one I made.
βeta said:
See the inconsistency?
Yeah. I drew a green block that I just cloned over and over.
Didn't put much thought into placement.
I still like Ampy's one with the portable on one side and the chip on the other. The late entry is pretty good but I like the other one better.
Why is this thread still going? The winner is clear. It goes beyond just a fancy looking name: it conveys the ideology behind the forum and pictorially summarizes the essence of our shared hobby.
Michaelthurston said:
Or a Thinner Version:
I still hold that Ampy's is better, but I do admit that Thursty's is good. I just don't find it "Retro" enough, among other things. It is very well made, though.
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