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Ok I can't get 8 bit games out of my head...

Version 1:

Version 2:

And mario one with possibly better font:
That one only shows off one console, one game even, while Ben's previous at least represented nintendo as a whole.

I really don't see what's wrong with the logo before our last, the one we've had for the most amount of time. the normal chip one.
Like I've said before, generic or not, the chip has become more or less our symbol. Also, this isn't an endorsement. If we actually do get an endorsement from Nintendo we can do one like that, but until then, let's try to remain company-neutral.

I'm going to quote our motto here.

Why reinvent the wheel, just improve it!


Anyone know how I can make a plastic effect like, bumpy 2600 cartridge plastic, to go around the "RETRO" half?

PS: I am using paint.net :3
epicelite said:
Anyone know how I can make a plastic effect like, bumpy 2600 cartridge plastic, to go around the "RETRO" half?

Not sure if this is quite how you wanted, but hope it is close. I couldn't get it to be bumpy.


My logo so far! The empty space is where my SNESp will go when it's done.(hopefully by friday!)

Here's a mock up with mine in it.

BenFTW said:
epicelite said:
Anyone know how I can make a plastic effect like, bumpy 2600 cartridge plastic, to go around the "RETRO" half?

Not sure if this is quite how you wanted, but hope it is close. I couldn't get it to be bumpy.


That is pretty cool, but I mean like make it like a 2600 cart label with plastic around the wood grain. :P

Well, if 2600 carts had wood grain. XD

I added screws.
Holy flax wazzup with the ghetto-ass paint logo??? :o

@Epic-I like yours a lot. Makes me think of mod as in modern.
I also like the one with all the portables. It seems like it would cause contriversy over time EG- "I want mah portablez on the logo!", etc.

Also, love the quick reply thing. Thank you, admin who read what I said on benheck!
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