Two days ago I was at my church's festaval. Most of the time I was workinmg at the pop booth, so I did not get to look around much. so when I got a break, I went over to the bid and buy booth (silent auction type thing). One thing caught my eyes. A computer bundle including a brand new compaq computer with vista installed, a new compaq monitor (crt, but who cares?), speakers, an HP color printer, keyboard, mouse, and a computer desk. There were almost no bids on it, and the auction was about to close, so I bid 195 on it. five dollars more then the next highest bidder. The booth closed and i won all this cool stuff. I later found out that somebody got the bundle for a retirement gift, and that he didn't want it. So rather than sell it off, he decided to donate it to the church's auction.
When I got everthing hooked up at home, I found that the old owner must have used it about once and never touched it again. No files were saved anywhere, and the game demos (the ones you get like three times to play on, then have to buy them) were not played once.
Best deal i ever got. I also found out that somebody was going to bid 300 on it, but shortly before the auction ended decided to play poker wit his friends or something. Bet he was pissed.