Great bargains from E-bay / Garage / Yard / Car boot sales

Re: Great bargains from E-bay / Garage / Yard / Car boot sal

Random seller. Not the ones with the huge tarps out there, "EVERYTHING ONE DOLLAR EVERYTHING, EVERYTHING, ONE DOLLAR PACILE PACILE PACILE( or however you spell that word they say)."
Re: Great bargains from E-bay / Garage / Yard / Car boot sal

Those guys are horrible. i brought some wico atari joystick and they told me 2 dollars. False advertising!

So, if i see some pie-headed fellow at the market, i'll be sure to throw one of those many decorative katanas they sell there at it.
Re: Great bargains from E-bay / Garage / Yard / Car boot sal

I bought myself two new balisongs when I was in Virginia City for the Fourth of July parade today. Didn't realize so many of the stores there carried them! Cheap ones, but they're neat nonetheless, and they were quite reasonably priced. Couldn't pass them up, and one of them's already stabbed me.

I found a BEAUTIFUL copy of Sgt. Pepper's in mono at an antique store, too. They seemed to know it was worth SOMETHING, as they wanted $60 for it, but since my poor condition copy was worth $100 several years ago I'm almost 100% sure I could turn a substantial profit on it immediately. But I won't- - soon as I got home I stuck it in a plastic cover on it and put it on my wall.

I also bought myself a beautiful American Indian anthro wolf t-shirt. Saw it and fell in love with it so I couldn't leave it behind.
Re: Great bargains from E-bay / Garage / Yard / Car boot sal

Twilight Wolf said:
I also bought myself a beautiful American Indian anthro wolf t-shirt. Saw it and fell in love with it so I couldn't leave it behind.
*Native American
Re: Great bargains from E-bay / Garage / Yard / Car boot sal

According to Wikipedia:

"According to a 1995 US Census Bureau set of home interviews, most of the respondents with an expressed preference refer to themselves as American Indians or Indians."

Also, the aforementioned shirt.
Re: Great bargains from E-bay / Garage / Yard / Car boot sal

DK  said:
I thought palmer was our only furry :shock:
I guess you still haven't heard about me. XD

ShockSlayer said:
pictures of the balisongs?

Since my camera is now missing you'll have to live with a crappy webcam picture.


The one on the bottom I bought from an Australian man. $13. The one on the top I got at the same store I bought my furry shirt. $10.
Re: Great bargains from E-bay / Garage / Yard / Car boot sal

They are pretty cool, yeah. Both decent flippers, but the one on top is hard to control. Slick finish on the weirdly-shaped handles meant I got stabbed with it as soon as I got home D:

The shirt was probably my favorite purchase, though. :3
Re: Great bargains from E-bay / Garage / Yard / Car boot sal

Super famicom, 2 controllers-$25

From some laptop seller at the flea market. I wonder if this will work on my TV...
Re: Great bargains from E-bay / Garage / Yard / Car boot sal

Composite should work, as far as I know. I think RF requires some weird high-number channel on an NTSC-U TV.
Re: Great bargains from E-bay / Garage / Yard / Car boot sal

Craigslist landed me a 20th Anniversary Gameboy Micro, Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, and Final Fantasy 1+2 for $30
Re: Great bargains from E-bay / Garage / Yard / Car boot sal

I got a brand new sealed official white Nintendo GameCube controller for $7 shipped on ebay. Official white controllers go for $47 everywhere else I can find.
Re: Great bargains from E-bay / Garage / Yard / Car boot sal

Last Friday I picked up two volumes of Penn & Teller BS and a Microsoft GPS-500 USB GPS receiver for $15 at Savers.
Re: Great bargains from E-bay / Garage / Yard / Car boot sal

Double post! :dah:

Went to Goodwill today and this followed me home:


It's basically a dedicated email computer for old people from 1999. You hooked it up to a phone line and it dialed out every few hours and synced with your service provider's POP or SMTP server. Runs off a 9v adapter (which was still in the random box o' AC adapters, amazingly) or three AAs. There's also a parallel port on the back for printing.


Still works!


Keyboard works too!


It's still full of someone's old email. (Nobody ever erases anything before they donate it...) Guess they weren't too happy with the service.


Wait you mean not only is it an email appliance but it's a CALCULATOR too?! :shock:

Oh well time to tear it apart!


Not much stuff on the back of the board...


Motherboard glory shot.

It's pretty useless as-is, but it's got a nice LCD pixel display, mini keyboard, and guts to play with. I'm thinking maybe it could become a portable terminal emulator with a Propeller or AVR, once I work out how to make the LCD do my bidding.

e: Whoa nice pink image artifacts, Shaky the Camera Guy. That will teach you to mix incandescent, fluorescent, and daylight. :facepalm:

e2: From what I can tell the CPU is a custom z80 and the screen has a resolution of about 330 by 128. Stumbled upon a built-in hex viewer, which is kinda weird...
Re: Great bargains from E-bay / Garage / Yard / Car boot sal


My weekend Yard Sale finds...
Gamecube with cables only (including a extra power cable) - $2
Back to the Future II VHS - 25 cents
1982 Wendys World Fair cup - 25 cents
1980 Guinness Book of World Records - 25 cents
General Electric 7-4110A AM/FM Radio - Free
Duck bill shaped noise maker - Free
Toy Tank - Free