Great bargains from E-bay / Garage / Yard / Car boot sales

Maybe so, but that's the manual I found. Probably gonna take it to Game Force with some PS1 sports games. Not like I need them.
I went to some antique mall in logan ohio and bought a bunch of records.

I got alice cooper- constrictor, alice cooper-goes to Heck, deep purple- fireball, deep purple- machine head, ratt- invasion of your privacy, quiot riot- condition critical, steppenwolf- rest in peace, iron butterfly-ball, reo speedwagon- reo speedwagon, and rush- 2112 for $51
Went to a few sales and got these:

An Apple AirPort Extreme with power brick: $3
PlayStation 2 controller extension cord: Free
Four Sega Genesis games: Sonic the Hedgehog (Not for Resale, in the box), Mortal Kombat (Boxed with manual), Joe Montana's Sports Talk Football (Boxed with manual) and (I think) NHL All Stars Hockey '95 (Boxed with manual): $4

Went to the pawn shop and bought these PS2 games:

Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty (Greatest Hits)
Devil May Cry 3

Total price: $6.

All in all, not too bad! :awesomeTW:
Oooooooh. Complete MK for Genesis? Nice. Very nice. I'm jealous.

I got "The TV Set" starring David Duchovny for $3. I'm not too keen on Duc with a beard, but it's still Duc.
As you may or probably do not know, The Source (basically the Canadian equivalent of a RadioShack) now sells model rocketry supplies. A while back I got into it, then decided it was too expensive and gave up. Well, this place is way cheaper than a hobby shop. A complete launch kit with rockets, launchpad, etc can be had for $10 now (the decent one is $20). Engines are still expensive at $6 a pack on sale, though. So I picked up a rocket (pre-assembled, no room for error but BORING) and some engines (C6-5, biggest they had) with plans to put a camera in the nose. But I have no money for a camera now. I'm going to use one of those ultra-crap keychain cameras, by the way, because they are really small.

Then I went to the thrift store and bought an N64 for $20. Not a great deal, until you consider this. It has an expansion pack. Those cost $20 alone, but the thrift store guys don't know the difference. It's also a low serial number, but it's not like I have any RGB-capable screens so I'll leave it. It came with some flax game I didn't even bother trying. Controller, power supply and (composite) AV cable all included, of course. I really gotta find some use for all those extra power supplies and AV cables.
Model rockets are fun stuff. I used to have two. One got lost after its first launch launch -- it flew real high up, the wind caught the parachute, and it blew into some sap's backyard. The second one had a top and bottom half attached with elastic (you had to stuff the interior with fireproof wadding) designed to separate after reaching peak altitude. Well, they separated, but the wadding didn't work just one time, the elastic burned and broke, and only one half ever turned up. ;_;

I should get another one some time.
jleemero said:
The Source IS the Canadian RadioShack.
It's not like we canadians don't know that, when our radioshack turned into the source, the signs were the only things changed.
My first rocket (Firestreak SST) worked great, then after several launches I lost it in some trees. I bought a "Star Dart" kit, what a piece of flax. It didn't go together well IIRC, then after the launch the ejection caused the motor to eject, taking the hook with it. It crashed into the ground. Me and my best friend built a bunch once- I don't think any of them flew well. One was conventional, one was a payloader made from a water bottle (didn't work at all), a pyramid, a cocktail cup, and an engine taped to a pencil.

On another note, does anyone else think that the NAR model rocket safety code seems like a list of things that you shouldn't do that would be fun, almost like suggestions? I was reading through it and got a bunch of stupid ideas. Like making an all-metal javelin recovery rocket, filling one with explosives, and building a working model RPG.

I'm working on a new launch kit right now. I'll get pictures of the old one once I find it. Basically, it's a coffee can with a long rod through it for a launchpad, and the launch controller is a button, some bannana jacks and a battery holder on a random board. This time I'm going to build some sort of tripod, and the launch controller is going to be made out of one of those microphones for a two-way radio or whatnot (the kind you hold). A good launch controller isn't a cheap panel with a dorky key and excessively large light, it should be something a terrorist would use. Five feet of wire should be plenty, right?
Some interesting purchases today -- I've never made so many impulse buys in one day, though I have made more expensive ones.

At the GameStop in the mall, I found a copy of Gungriffon Blaze for the PS2 for $3.99, so I bought it since I don't have any Working Designs games and it sounded fun.

My Mom found some earrings at a boutique in the mall, and since I was in desperate need of some new ones and I liked them, I bought them. Cost $5. Masculine-looking ones, naturally. >_>

At Goodwill, I bought a big ol' pencil holder I'm gonna use for storing odds and ends that I don't like having to dig through my desk for, a DS Switch 'N Carry case (for DS, not DS Lite, surprisingly), and a 4' Monster optical audio cable, for a total of $2.57. They had Mortal Kombat 3 and Battle Arena Toshinden for the PS1 in Saturn-style cases for $5 each, but I ultimately decided against getting them.

At Walmart, I bought myself the StarCraft Battle Chest for $20. Never played StarCraft before, so I'm looking forward to trying it out! :awesomeTW:

Then at the GameStop near home I put another $5 toward my copy of Fallout: New Vegas. I've almost halfway paid off the game now!
Only one. Used to have two in my left ear, but the second was done wrong and got infected so I just kept it out until it healed back up. I'd like to get it redone sometime, though.
Went to the flea market today, and im pretty satisfied:

2 Silver gameboy pockets, one with a blank super mario land cart - 10
1 boxed DMG, with tetris, allyway, golf, and super mario land (all with instructions) - 15
NES deck with SMB/DH - 5

The Pockets are all in minty condition, as are the games included with the DMG.

The DMG contained within the box is in meh condition, the screen protector piece came off, and it doesn't even work. the nes is kinda dirty and the pins are loose, so i'll have to fix it up.

im going to put 1 pocket, the nes, the broken dmg and the blank SML up for sale if anyone's interested.
Bought more model rocket engines. Yes, this is a shameless plug for my thread. Get over it, nobody ever checks the "Other" section anymore.

On topic, I did post about the digital camera I got at a garage sale a while back, right? Maybe not. Anyway, it's a Nikon Coolpix 880. Good condition, but the battery door is sort of broken but usable. Came with wide angle and telephoto adaptors, but missing the charger. Still haven't bought one, but they can be purchased for next to nothing on eBay. It came with a 64MB and a 16MB CF card. I tried it with my PStwo power adaptor, and it worked but did not charge the battery. It cost me $5 IIRC.

Also, jealous at what Yoshilime got. Whenever I go to the flea market it's all people trying to make money selling crap, so there's nothing good and nothing cheap.