Great bargains from E-bay / Garage / Yard / Car boot sales

Got a digital camera with wide-angle and telephoto adaptors for $5. Also, a free AV receiver. Apparently the left channel crackles, and there is no remote. I don't have any speakers to test with though.
Not a great bargin, but an ok one: 3 table top tube radios for $30 (for the three together), a Halicrafters shortwave receiver, and one of the 12 transistor radios (cheaper one at the time with an inflated transistor count, most are just connected to ground) new in the box. The original matching AA batteries are still sealed in their plastic bags. I'll get some pics up later.
Yesterday, thanks to Steam having even MORE sales, I bought Left 4 Dead 2, Audiosurf, and DiRT for a grand total of ~$16!

And today, while I was at Target, I picked up Fallout Trilogy on clearance for $10! :awesomeTW:
RFID programmer/reader for $10 at Radio Shack. Originally a $50 piece of equipment. It'll probably end up in my eventual arcade cab, just for kicks and grins.

I bought GRID off of Steam yesterday for $5, and today, while I was at Game Force, I picked up a BEAUTIFUL copy of Space Channel 5 for the Dreamcast along with an NES Max controller for a total of $10. Turns out I left all my money at home, though, so I had to have my sister loan me some cash. DX
I found a brand new platinum GC controller at GameStop in a "used" bag for $6. The sitcks havent been worn down at all, no streaks on the triggers, the paint still has the rough feel to it, cord was still coiled, etc.
I got a Concise Introduction to Logic textbook for 10 bucks at Half-Price Books, it was the 10th edition...and the 8th edition was 50 dollars. A bit confused, but I'll take it.
Bought myself what might be a new Linksys WRT54GS router and some other random non-wireless Linksys router for $15!

I tried to buy just the WRT54G since I have no use for the other one, but the guy said no. Tried to get a reduced price on both of them since I didn't want the other one... still no. Oh well!

I also found a manual for a Sonic game for the GBA on the ground at some garage sale. The guy said I could have it. XD
Blast Corps (N64)- 50p
The day the earth stood still (DVD)- £1.50
Kraftwerk vinyl single- 20p
Garage sale right next door. Three power supplies and a 30GB IDE hard drive for $1. Could have bought some cables but didn't. There was also a set of 4.1 Altec Lansing speakers (nah, nowhere to put the rear channels), some HP PDA for $5, and a 7-port USB hub for $2. Didn't buy any of that. I did buy an Adaptec USB video capture box/TV tuner for $5. My dad wanted it for some reason so I didn't really pay for it. Anyway, I'll use it for gameplay videos and video reviews. It's too laggy to play on directly though, so I have to rig up some sort of splitter.
No, it'd be one of the Sonic Advance games. There were 3; they're not the same as the Genesis games.