J.D said:
Bibin said:
J.D said:
If you have a broken DS, rewire the battery from that and stuff (I have no idea what I'm ta;ling about)

I can tell you don't. That'll power the CGB, but you'll need to implement a charge circuit still.
Uhh...that's what the and stuff stood for... :geek2

The charging circuit is integrated into the DS, though, so you can't transplant it.
jleemero said:
Hey, N00B, would you be allowed to buy stuff here?
Because if so, I can easily get a hold of things like a GBA SP, and I'm sure others here could too.
Yeah, I can buy stuff anywhere but ebay and other bidding sites. I just don't have any money right now... :neutral:
jleemero said:
However, the "better" solution would be to grab an existing "rechargeable battery pack" made for the CGB.
They have those!?! :omg: that would be perfect! Are they rare?
jleemero said:
a rechargeable battery pack made for the GBA.
The CGB one would be better...
themadhacker said:
There are rechargable GBC batteries that you an get cheaply.
Where can I get one?
EDIT: No, seems I can't buy off this site...
You can get cheapo ones at walmart, or better ones there too! It would be better to get something other than AA's though, check around for 3-3.7v batteries.
N00BModdr said:
eurddrue said:
You can get cheapo ones at walmart, or better ones there too!
Actual battery packs? or just rechargable batteries?
Just rechargeable batteries. If you want a battery "pack", get one of the ones for a GBA and put the cells in your CGB.
N00BModdr said:
If no one saw my edit, I can't buy off this site...
Well, you're pretty much SOL.

Also, CGB Rechargable Battery Packs:
Some are rare, namely the good ones. If you find one, it'll cost way too much.
The one's that aren't rare, well, they aren't rare for a reason, being that they're huge, ugly, and had poor battery life. Those ones are still overpriced, to be honest.

If you're willing to do some modification, adapting a GBA one to a CGB would be easy.
If not, buy yourself an overpriced ugly junk one on eBay.

Yeah, you're SOL.
N00BModdr said:
jleemero said:
N00BModdr said:
If no one saw my edit, I can't buy off this site...
Yeah, you're SOL.
jleemero said:
N00BModdr said:
If no one saw my edit, I can't buy off this site...
If you're willing to do some modification, adapting a GBA one to a CGB would be easy.
I am...if it's my only option...can I get a GBA one out of the original GBA?
Nope, they were third party made packs, the original GBA took 2 double A's.
Yes, but that would defeat the purpose. I still want it to be portable, just with a rechargable battery pack, like a DS or PSP or GBASP.
Bibin said:
J.D said:
Bibin said:
J.D said:
If you have a broken DS, rewire the battery from that and stuff (I have no idea what I'm ta;ling about)

I can tell you don't. That'll power the CGB, but you'll need to implement a charge circuit still.
Uhh...that's what the and stuff stood for... :geek2

The charging circuit is integrated into the DS, though, so you can't transplant it.
If you have a broken DS you can take the stuff from that.
don't do it noon. You cannot just take the battery from a ds and have it magically work. More when I'm off my touch.
N00BModdr said:
N00BModdr said:
If no one saw my edit, I can't buy off this site...
eurdrue: I know that...But I can mod a GBA battery pack to work, right?
Yep, should be same voltage! Probably just rechargeable AA's in there though.