Yay Zelda!

I actually meant Fi. I said that when I hadn't gotten too far into the game. I expected the speech to be a lot more frequent. It's less annoying that I thought it would be, but I'd still rather it not be there.
That's still not something new. Have you not played Twilight Princess? :/
Yeah. Fi does make more noises than other characters, but it was all still present in WW and especially TP. Midna spoke the same amount as Fi does...
Same thing happened with TP on launch. If they take the same path they did back then, they will probably print new discs and offer to replace them for free to whoever is affected.
Just finished the first 2 dragons. I should not have problems right? I have logged over 50hrs in this game do not want to loose it all.
Hifeno said:
Just finished the first 2 dragons. I should not have problems right? I have logged over 50hrs in this game do not want to loose it all.
It may depend on which dragons you finished. I copied my save game when I got to that part just in case.
Please someone tell me... IN WHOSE *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ING WORLD WAS THE HERO OF TIME EVER DEFEATED?????!

Lame... I'll stick to, each one is a legend of its own....
Ashen said:
Please someone tell me... IN WHOSE *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ING WORLD WAS THE HERO OF TIME EVER DEFEATED?????!

Lame... I'll stick to, each one is a legend of its own....

this is exactly why i hate this stupid ass timeline. It's like they were too lazy to figure it out so they were just like "well i guess link like... fails or something and that makes bad stuff happen". Like come on.
Two timeline theory was complicated enough, but made sense because at least time travel was involved. A third timeline where link fails though? That makes a lot less sense, and it technically could happen in any game, not just OOT. I always felt LTTP and Link's Awakening were meant to be last too.

But if it's the official timeline then there is not much we can do but accept it.
How about this: the "Hero of time failing" part is when Link goes back to the past for that one temple. Link abandons that timeline, and thus Ganon/dorf gets more and more powerful.
Ugh... The more I think about this timeline thing the more it pisses me off. Its like they just made this flax up just because fans wanted it to be so.

The major flaw in their design of this "timeline" is that its not really a timeline at all.

The fact that Link either lives or dies in OoT wouldn't somehow magically create some ripple in space time where one event or the other creates a new "timeline". NO, its either "Link Lives" OR "Link Dies". No matter which event were to occur, time would commence straight as an arrow from that point forth. No magical new timeline would be created just because one event or the other occurred as there is no time travel occurring at the point in which Link lives or dies.

What Nintendo have really created is a "possibility line", which lets admit, they can do anything they want with just to shut up maniacal fans of the series that wanted something official.

/end rant
I was raised to believe that Link was just an embodiment of the Triforce of Courage, Zelda the Triforce of Wisdom, and Ganon the Triforce of Power.

Then the three would be reincarnated into different forms when evil was about... Or something.