YAP64/2: XCVG's N64p Project

Well, this time instead of drilling the holes I've added some stick shrouds from an XBOX controller (the same one I stole the sticks from). I've tacked it in with drops of liquid ABS, I'll slather it tomorrow. The thing is the barren holes didn't really match the frankencased controls. I'm mostly busy tomorrow, but on Wednesday maybe I'll add the start button and do some wiring, maybe even drill the speaker holes.

After two false starts each accompanied with a long hiatus, it's finally starting to come together!
A bit more progress, but no pictures, sorry. I decided to use the Z button from the SuperPad Plus for the start button. I simply didn't like the N64 start button and wanted something different. Got a nice new Dremel 4000 as an early birthday gift. Man that thing is powerful. On a side note, my liquid abs has become stringy and gloopy. Is this because I keep topping off my old batch? Should I start from scratch next time?
Re: YAP64: XCVG's N64p Project

Quite a bit of progress in the last while. It's spring break here right now. Anyway, I'm not really motivated until I start working, so I haven't done as much as I would have liked. Mostly, I've been doing some casework on the front of the case. I've also trimmed the board some more. I used scissors, a knife, and diagonal cutters. I would like someone to tell me a better way to do it because I almost trashed the board with said technique. Anyway...


This here is the overall plan for YAP64. It's horrendously out of scale and does not accurately convey how tight things are going to be. Anyway, let's start with the top. You have the power switches, some vents, and then the volume knob, which I will have to trim down some. The headphone jack will either be there by the volume knob or on the bottom of the portable. On the front we have all the buttons, dpad, twin sticks, and FPS mode switch. Speaker grills too. And of course the 3.5" screen (thanks Palmer!). On the back is the huge lump of course. Unfortuantely due to the size and shape of the battery protection circuit, the fan will have to go on the back of the portable. It'll look awful and make setting the thing down a nightmare but it should work. And yes it is necessary; airflow in YAP64 is going to be a disaster. There will be vents on top and on the bottom, through the case into the lump, and then the fan will suck it out. Great in theory, the only problem is that there will be a lot of crap in the way. Of course I have the DualShock shoulder buttons there too. Twin Z buttons, L and R. Also on the back is one potential location for the power jack. It will either go there or underneath. Probably underneath, actually. Also underneath is the DB-15 dock port and that's about it. I still don't know where the power LED will go. I want to use a blue one but they aren't fun to look directly into. Maybe I'll do some sort of glow-strip thing? Nah, probably put it on the front, sand it and use a big resistor.


This is what I've gotten done so far on the front of the case. All the frankencase stuff has been ABS cemented in. I still have to cut some holes for switches and such, and clean up behind the things for board clearance and such. It needs some more bondo, then it'll be pretty much done. I'll get some paint eventually, flat black Krylon Fusion. On a side note, should I wear a mask when I sand this stuff? I sometimes do and sometimes don't. Yeah, funny coming from the guy who wears big thick gloves when using liquid ABS.


In this mess you can see the ghetto audio amp, screen, and lightly trimmed N64 board. I actually cut around the power connections and AV port so I don't have to do any rewiring. I know, lazy. I still have to relocate the cary slot, but I think I have to do that in place, unless I cut a huge hole in the back of the case. That is one part of this mod that scares me. I always hear about slot relocations not working and things like that.

Anyone know of a good imagehost? I've been using my Wordpress blog, and I'm pretty sure it violates their terms of service.
What's the point in the second analog stick? If it's just a double of the left stick, it seems useless and might get bumped while hitting buttons or something.
ToastBucket said:
What's the point in the second analog stick? If it's just a double of the left stick, it seems useless and might get bumped while hitting buttons or something.
There are a few games that need you to use the middle and left flank of the controller at the same time.
Very, very few, but yeah.

Also, if anyone knows the answer to his question about what to use to trim the board with, I need to know as well...I used scissors on the PSOne LCD board. They worked great on that, but I can't imagine using those to cut through traces.
Jidan said:
Very, very few, but yeah.

Also, if anyone knows the answer to his question about what to use to trim the board with, I need to know as well...I used scissors on the PSOne LCD board. They worked great on that, but I can't imagine using those to cut through traces.
tin snips.
or a jewelers saw.
or a hack saw (be careful)
or a coping saw
or a diamond wheel
or a razor (and time)
or a lightsaber
or a board snipper (yes, they do exist)
or cocaine
or a.....eh. you get the point.
More progress... almost ready to paint front, still have to do back and lump. Pics tomorrow.
Sorry guys, not going to be working on this for a while. I'm moving, you see, and I've packed up YAP64 and most of my tools. But after I move, get everything unpacked and sorted out and such, I'll start working on it again.
ToastBucket said:
What's the point in the second analog stick? If it's just a double of the left stick, it seems useless and might get bumped while hitting buttons or something.

Sorry for not answering this earlier.

It's a weird personal preference thing. After playing PC FPS games for almost 10 years, I just cannot play GoldenEye or Perfect Dark with the default controls. At all. What I do is use 1.2, holding the middle in my right hand and the left wing in my left. I use the stick to aim and d-pad to move. So I'm putting that in my portable. And you don't have to worry about it getting bumped; there is a switch.
For the dual analog sticks, did you put a switch in so that you had to choose one or the other or did you wire them up in parallel? If they are wired in parallel, wouldn't that affect the overall resistance and screw with the controller? Just a thought; I'm really liking the idea of the two analog sticks.
neverused said:
For the dual analog sticks, did you put a switch in so that you had to choose one or the other or did you wire them up in parallel? If they are wired in parallel, wouldn't that affect the overall resistance and screw with the controller? Just a thought; I'm really liking the idea of the two analog sticks.

Don't worry, I used a switch. It's a crappy switch and I should change it out, but it works.
So what did you isolate with the switch? Are all the leads for each analog hooked up to the switch or are you just changing between the ground leads? (If my questions make any sense.)
Actually, no. The board has four pot connections. Two are daisy-chained and they are power and ground. Those connect to both pots. The other two go to the middle of each pot. Those are switched.