YAP64/2: XCVG's N64p Project

Do you even own shoes?

I remember my mom getting all concerned like, "doesn't it hurt your feet to pedal the bike barefoot?"
I've never been allowed to go out biking without a helmet and shoes. or money.(my parents don't even let me use sandals for that)
I opened the battery and it is HUGE. The PCB/charge/voltage regulator board is huge. The cells are huge. The whole thing is huge. I did quite a bit of thinking and managed to come up with a plan of attack. The battery will go in a huge lump on the back. It has a transistor or something with a heatsink which will be cut down or otherwise modified to make room for the Jumper Pak. The huge lump will either be blended fully with the case with integrated shoulder buttons, or be in the middle with shoulder buttons outboard. The cart slot will be at the top of the lump, facing upwards with the front of the slot towards the back. Fan mounting may be a problem. There's really no room to put it, and airflow will probably suck with the battery in the way. Inside the actual case will be the N64, screen, controls, speakers, amp, ports, most if not all switches, and voltage regulator.

EDIT: Like this:
Basement_Modder said:
With the "huge lump," the cart will probably only stick out like an inch from the system.

No, actually it will be relocated. It's hard to tell but the cart slot will be facing upwards with the cartridge partially in the lump. The lump is huge, I probably should have just used a ZN-45. I could make this thing a LOT smaller if I used my other batteries, but then I'd need a stupid charger and it would have much less battery life.

Hoping to get started this afternoon. Going to do the front half first and deal with the troublesome back half later.
Well, quick update. I managed to get the screen hole cut out. And by managed, I mean managed. The lock button thingy on my Dremel is busted and it's nearly impossible to change bits. So instead of changing to the proper sanding drum I used the cutting bit to grind after cutting the initial ugly hole. Then I used a file and managed to get a decent hole. It's not very good, but it should do fine. Yes, this portable is going to become an ugly piece of crap. I should have started simpler, but the problem again is parts are too expensive for me and there is no way I'm ripping apart a past project. Maybe I'll throw together a crap GenesisP or something. I do have all the parts, hmm...
XCVG, at this point, how much have you invested in your portable? If you're old enough, you could always get a part time job to help with funding. Money can be a huge issue when completing these, as well as patience.

It seems you have enough patience, so just find a way to get some money about you'll be good!
zeturi said:
XCVG, at this point, how much have you invested in your portable? If you're old enough, you could always get a part time job to help with funding. Money can be a huge issue when completing these, as well as patience.

It seems you have enough patience, so just find a way to get some money about you'll be good!

It's not so much that I don't have the money, it's that I don't want to spend it. And a part time job is out of the question. I'm way too lazy for that. I would get myself fired instantly.

Anyway, a little progress. I rather pointlessly connected the screen to the N64. Why, you say? Because I can. It actually looks better on that little screen than my TV. I also hooked up the audio amp, but for some reason the left channed isn't working. Probably something simple that I'll never catch. No more casework done today.
*Can'tSayThisOnTV*ing audio amp isn't working! How the Heck am I supposed to get this thing done if I can't even get the *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ing amp working?

EDIT: Nope, still doesn't work. I'm going to get some cheap PC speakers and rip the amp out of those.

This is beginning to piss me off. It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have such a tight deadline...
Well, new-ish plan of attack. Start working on the back part of the portable. Figure the amp out tomorrow, hopefully. And then deal with the front.
Slight update. I've trimmed the N64 board and jumper pak. I will probably trim the N64 a bit more later. I've also made a new heatsink for part of the battery's PCB so the jumper pak will fit. It's really thin and will probably be totally ineffectual. As for the amp, I gave up and bridged it. So now it's fake stereo sound. There was nothing wrong with my circuit; I looked it over a zillion times and fixed all the POTENTIAL problems. I guess I got a bad chip or something.

Pictures soon.
Big-ish update!

First of all, I've sorted out the audio. I think the chips are *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ed up, because I couldn't find anything wrong with my wiring. So I ghetto-rigged the headphones onto the amp that came with my mini speakers and added a volume pot. Boom, stereo and smaller. Only problem is the MASSIVE volume pot. I think I'll put it on top.

I do have a picture of the N64 trimming but it sucks. Imagine a stock N64 board with the front cut off just a bit past the jumper pak slot. I plan to trim the sides too, but not yet. I also have to relocate the cart slot, in place because of the way it's mounted.

The controller board had to be trimmed. You see, it has to more or less fit into the area under the screen. Just getting the little bit I needed was pretty hard. The thing is also crappily made and the traces peeled off like a cheap sticker. But I think I've got it trimmed and working. Though I haven't tested it. It's also wired to two XBOX sticks.

Last but certainly not least, I did some casework. Got the screen hole cut out, should file it some more but it will work out okay at this stage. The joystick holes were drilled with a speedbor/spade bit. The left side one worked great but the right one got a little gnawed. Oh well, I don't want this to get any more OCD than it already is. The d-pad and buttons I attached with liquid ABS. It works great but it's kind of a pain in the ass to make and use. I also worry about the safety of it, as the fumes are pretty nasty. Anyway, the d-pad isn't dried yet and the control cluster has been sanded. On a side note, I need a new Dremel. The lock button on mine is busted so it's almost impossible to change bits, and the motor is on its way out too.

So overall, a somewhat but not overly productive weekend. I was lazy and had just installed some games, so I ended up pissing away most of the weekend.
I think I'm going to have to move the right side stick hole. The left side one is fine I think, but the right side one doesn't leave enough clearance for the board behind. How would I do that? Cut a patch and ABS cement it in?
Yea patch the hole with a piece of abs plastic and ABS cement. Let it dry a few days. Grind it down and bondo it flat. Sand it smooth and then cut the new hole where needed.