YAP64/2: XCVG's N64p Project

Well, I kinda screwed it up.

Remember how I "de-located" the cart slot? Big mistake. I tried desoldering, but it wouldn't budge even slightly. So I ended up hacksawing, ripping, twisting and dremeling it off. Now I have this metallic, probably conductive dust on it. I think I've got most of it off but I'm worried about it staying in the cracks.

I also figured out how to do a docking port. I'm using standard double headers and part of a floppy or maybe IDE cable.

No casework, because my new batch of liquid ABS isn't ready yet.
Alright, I think I've got it relatively clean. I'll either work on it today or play a lot of Mass Effect. Probably the latter, because Mass Effect is really addictive, like crack for gamers.
XCVG said:
Alright, I think I've got it relatively clean. I'll either work on it today or play a lot of Mass Effect. Probably the latter, because Mass Effect is really addictive, like crack for gamers.
ive been having the same exact problem with mine. i was gonna work on my SNES, but instead i have played 36 hours of mass effect/mass effect 2 since saturday. its noncondusive to progress. but so worth it. :awesome:
Well, finished Mass Effect, but I'm going to buy Age of Empires III. So I'll still be distracted.

Did some more liquid ABS'ing on the case back and painted the front.


It's pretty bad, so I sanded it and painted it again. It looks better (but still bad) now, but I'm not going to be anal about it. Maybe one more coat. Paint is satin Fusion, because I couldn't find flat.

Also, used tinypic for the first time. It's fast.
Ok. Im Also curious to where you got those speaker grills. Im on the lookout for something like those:)