Why are all the words ads? I am upset!


Founder of Modretro
Staff member
Hey guys, you know that terrible, horrible thing that some sites do, where they turn all your words into links? Well... I am testing them. TESTING!

Not the same as keeping! I think I know a way to make them show up for just non-members, but I want to try site-wide first. A lot of you guys might have software that hides it anyways.

So yeah, feel free to Sega and complain about the linkwords here. I am listening, and I want your feedback. If the general consensus is bad, then they will go away. :P

Love you guys. <3
*throws up*

There has got to be a better way to make money for hosting. I mean, MR ecstasy, anyone?
I guess adblock takes care of it for me, but still, those are pretty annoying ads usually. I would figure out how to make it apply only to guests, and then implement it. :P
Should probably put a small disclaimer at the top of the site for guests if you do. Don't want do discourage lurkers.
Antome said:
Don't want do discourage lurkers.

Never thought I'd hear that sentence. :P

But anyway that ad can get really annoying, but if there is a bright red disclaimer saying if you join they go away that might get more traffic to the site.

I still think the best way to get some more traffic is for everyone to remember to link to modretro in any mod videos they make, if they want to anyway.
I don't mind it, but is it possible to give those ad links a different look than normal links? Lots of places give them an underline or something to differentiate.
Kyosho said:
I don't mind it, but is it possible to give those ad links a different look than normal links? Lots of places give them an underline or something to differentiate.

Seconded. If you can't do it to word ads, do it to the actual links. It's frustrating clicking on a link thinking it's related and important but it turns out to be an ad.
They are disgusting, invasive, detrimental, and the general consensus is bad.

I'd attmept to tweak them if I knew where they were, otherwise...

Removing ads...tomorrow. :palmer:

I have them at bare minimum right now, you will rarely see them. When someone says "eBay", for example, it will turn it into an affiliate link to eBay.com. If you hover over it, it will say "link added by Viglink".
The general consensus is that they CAN be bad. In fact, there has not been a single report of people even noticing them until I specifically made it do so above. :P Does it bug anyone as long as I stay away from product ads? Linking the words "eBay" or "Newegg" to their respective sites does not seem like a bad thing.
People don't have to report them to notice them, I've been noticing them for the past few days, and XCVG's post indicated he noticed them, even misclicking them.

I think XCVG was just saying that in general, those kinds of ads are annoying. I doubt he has misclicked any of the ones here. Besides, where would you expect a link named eBay to go, anyways? :P

Does anyone else have some feedback? If people really are misclicking the links, please post.
PalmerTech said:
I doubt he has misclicked any of the ones here. Besides, where would you expect a link named eBay to go, anyways? :P

Does anyone else have some feedback? If people really are misclicking the links, please post.
I've clicked an ebay one thinking it was a link to an actual auction, a different color would be my only suggestion.
Considering this would only work if someone bought something through the link, and regular members already know to help out through the affiliate links forum when they go buy something, I see no reason why regular members should see the ads. If they want to help us out, they already have an option for that. Saying that, I think most everyone would be okay with leaving them on for guests and seeing how it works out.
I have misclicked several times, thinking that the link was inserted by the poster and was more than vaguely relevant to the post. I do not find them excessively annoying, but I do wish they were visually distinct from proper links. I would be okay with link ads as long as they are distinct from normal links. Camouflage is not good in this case.