The Pr0Cube: GameCube Portable WIP

Re: The Pr0Cube: GameCube Portable Worklog

No no it's ok I don't mean it to offend you at all, I will try to double up ground but I don't think it is a problem. Thank you for your help though.
Re: The Pr0Cube: GameCube Portable Worklog

Hey guys I haven't really posted an update in a while due to being busy with school and other things, but I thought I might just make a quick update. I received my Dalian Good Display 5" and it works fine just on 7.4v. It is the exact same one Tchay used for his Envision. Also, I received my custom regulators from a fellow user on here named zack. I am very happy with them and they work great. They power the CPU and GPU separately, having the output voltages be 1.7v, 1.5v, 3.3v, and 5v. That is it for now, I will try to keep updating regularly as much as I can.
Hey dude awesome! do you plan on using the IBM heatsink or would you use a trimmed version of the original heatsink? Also what do you plan on using for the case? Thanks dude!
I'm probably gonna use the IBM Heatsink and Fan because Zenl0c did a review on it and it was very good at keeping the system cool. For my case I'm going to make a custom case via vacuum forming. If you got any other questions feel free to ask. Thanks.
Hey guys I'm here with a pretty big update in regards to my GameCube Portable. The pictures say it all enjoy:


Newly trimmed motherboard, tested and works just fine. It is a CPU-11 Made in China and has a Purple Start Menu, so I am almost certain it is IPL 1.1


The Custom Regulators from zack that I received a few weeks ago. They work just fine and power the GPU and CPU separately as mentioned before. Big shout out to zack for these. THANK YOU!!!



Modded the Component Cable chip, added a 10k resistor as shown. The pin is lifted as it is suppose to so the resistor only touches the pin from the video chip to the bottom pin. I will add the H and V sync along with Red, Green, Blue, and Ground Wires later to test it out.




Dalian "Good Display" 5" TFT LCD. Same one as Tchay from his Envision (may it rest in peace) and will look amazing with the Component Chip.

That's all for now stay turned for more updates. Thanks.
Hey guys I am here with a pretty big update. More good things to come enjoy:

As you can see from the video the modded component chip works in VGA Mode of my Dalian Screen. The bios kind of looks the same as if would in av in regards to quality so I don't know if that's normal or what? I am pretty sure I modded the chip correctly because it does show up in VGA Mode. Once I wire up my wiikey fusion I will be able to test out some games for quality. Next step it making the wires shorter and more compact for my portable as the ones for testing are kinda long. Stay tuned :)
Hey guys I was wondering about the quality in VGA mod. When the GameCube boots up, the Bios Settings doesn't really look "amazing" compared to AV. I don't have my wiikey fusion wired up so I can't test video quality with games. I am just wondering if the bios is suppose to look significantly different than in AV. If it is am I doing something wrong? I mean I'm assuming I did the mod right cuz it does show in VGA mode. Maybe Tchay or Ashen can explain based on personal experience because I know they have used a Component Chip with the Dalian Screen. Thanks.
You're not going to notice a huge difference in the IPL. Once you boot up a game it should be worlds of difference.
Oh ok thanks Ashen...cuz I was kinda afraid that I did something wrong cuz I was like ?? When switching from VGA and AV, but thanks for clearing it up for me. Cant wait to try out some games on the screen and even progressive scan.
Hey guys just a quick update on my GCP. I attempted to wire up my wiikey fusion and when I powered on my GameCube, I got the standard GC Error as if nothing was connected. It probably was a unwanted bridge so I will attempt to wire it up again later this week. This time I will make sure EVERYTHING is correct. I will be using the New Haven Breakout Board trimmed a bit for easy soldering. To make sure it was not my wiikey I hooked it up to my wii and it was working fine, the wiikey menu was up and everything along with the blue light. So I know my wiikey fusion is good. Unfortunately I forgot to update my wiikey to 1.5 but I will update once connected to my GameCube. I will keep you guys updated.
Hey guys just another update on my GameCube Portable. The video shows it all. For the best quality chose 720p HD. Well here it is enjoy:

Thanks man really appreciate it. Everything so far is going smooth for me. Thank you everyone for all your help and support. I plan to finish this in around April.
Hey guys I'm here with a quick update. My dad and I have been working on the vacuum form table:


It is not 100% complete, I still have to make some minor changes and add some stuff to it, but overall I think it turned out nice (even though it doesn't look really nice lol). This week I will be working on some more mobo work. I still have to make the vacuum table frame where you actually put the polystyrene in. I am going to put some foam like ShockSlayer was showing at MR CT:


More updates to come.
Hey guys here with another update on my GCP. More work done to the vacuum table. Made the frame where the actual plastic will go. Still have to add some foam stripping to the table, cover up unused holes, and wing nuts to the frame.

Hey guys here with another update. The Vacuum Form Table is 100% Complete. Tested it out with my vacuum and it works. Will be buying plastic to make my case (High Impact Polystyrene either .090 or .1). Pics coming soon :D