Adblock and ModRetro


Formerly Known As Dyxlesci
So, I normally run AdBlock software, but disable it on sites I like and sites that don't have intrusive ads.
So Im asking the moderators about the importance of ad revenue.

Does me keeping adblock off on this website help keep it afloat, or does most of the revenue just go to facebook (or whoever owns us)? If the revenue is truly helpful, I will keep it disabled, but if I am insignificant, then I would rather browse without the ads.
I haven't clicked on a single ad. and probably never will. The ads are not very relevant to me (Such as norton ads, and I use a mac)

I like modretro. Y'all have been welcoming, and taught me so much. I want to support it every way I can. But if leaving these ads on doesn't help, then I would love to disable them
This would be a question for Zero or Palmer. I don't remember the specifics, but I believe SS said it was generating around $130 a month for the in-text advertisements.
Dyxlesci said:
Does me keeping adblock off on this website help keep it afloat, or does most of the revenue just go to facebook (or whoever owns us)?
:lol: That was an April Fools' joke, but staff members never announced that. This site is still registered to PalmerTech.

Palmer pays for hosting out of pocket (I think), and obviously he has more cash now than he did during this site's first three and a half years. Prior to adding Viglink, Palmer said there was a net loss, and I can't think that whatever ads the site currently has could be netting that much. I have AdBlock myself, although there used to be a deterrent in that CloudFlare's client-side flax would crash whenever AdBlock was on.
Yeah that was an April Fools joke, Facebook doesn't own us and never will. Disabling adblock helps us, but no one will blame you for having it on either. Just do whatever you feel.
This is a community based site and nobody is trying to support themselves off of it. As such, the best way to help MR is to strengthen the community and create quality guides. The ads are only there to help cover the costs of keeping it around, but if there's nobody using the website and nothing new happening, it becomes less worth it to keep around. This is why there's been so much discussion on reforming the way information is presented, because we want to stay relevant, and we want to continue making dreams happen.
ttsgeb said:
This is why there's been so much discussion on reforming the way information is presented, because we want to stay relevant, and we want to continue making dreams happen.
You sound like Walt Disney with that last line.