thought this would be the best place to come..
Now Im prety sure i did everything right but the wiikey fusion is acting strange.
1st of all. i did have it connected to a NC switch (1.9v and ground) and it would start with no light on.. If i pushed the switch it would light up red.. if i pushed the switch again it would light up blue..
So i decided to try and just ground it out then the light would start blue "when it felt like it"
if i dont have it connected at all "just floating no ground no 1.9" then it will also sometimes start up blue "when it feels like it"
Some times if i tap it to ground it will start blue. some times if i leave it grounded it will hang before the gamecube even realy starts to boot, but un grounding it will make it light up blue and the game cube start straight away..
Any way all thats just confusing me.
the next thing is it gives me Please insert a disk error. and i never see a linux/swiss screen.
(probably a good time to mention i got the wiikey fusion from some one, who says it auto boots swiss. But i forgot to ask if it was flashed with swish or uses a dol.)
and of course my connection method..
its a FFC break out boad with a dvd connector stuck to it.
Im pretty sure its wired up correctly..
This is a PAL mother board. so ipl should be fine from what i hear..
the lid switch is the original one that comes on a gamecube..
im prety sure thats all the details you will need.
Any how pictures speak a thousand words.
so i took a few..
Its probably something to do with wiering. so some pics of the solder points..
Also a pic of the diagram i made for wiering it up to start it.