Well, not fully but a little. As soon as I boot up the cube, it will say that the disc could not be read, proving that swiss is sending data to the cube from boot up. When I don't have an SD card in the slot, swiss will send no data, and the cube will go to the options menu. In this way I can tell that the WASP is not fried, and that it is even successfully running its firmware.
Keep in mind the wiikey "GC disc drive pin" is not supposed to be grounded. If it's attached to where it's supposed to go… see my post above ^
If I boot up my cube with the "GC disc drive pin" in the place it is supposed to be, but the pin 29 is left disconnected, I get flashing on my wasp, and it rotates between "Please incert disc" and "Reading disc". I think I heard somewhere that's a good thing, but I don't remember where.
I'm actually beginning to think the issue might be in my SD card/SD card reader. I guess it could also be the fault of shorted data wires. Anyone know which one is more likely based on my symptoms?