pretty sure i spoted my wiring mistake..
i counted 4 5v points when there are actually 5..
so i had to move 22 and 23 1 point right...
so its acting much better now.
but i keep getting "disk cannot be read" if i have the sd card in the drive on boot.
i have it formatted with wbfs 4.0 but its on swiss so it prefers fat 32.
However even fat32 formatted gives me the same error..
Almost there i think.
ok so i decided to change my extra fat wire for thinner stuff. Also i cut every single wire to the same exact length.
plugged it in, and it works flawlessly.
Basically if your doing what i did and use a old dvd connector and use my pics as a reference..
22 and 23 need to move 1 pin right.
and you need to use really thin wire "the stuff i usually save for trace repair" not be cheap and use the cheaper fatter stuff.
also cut all the wires to the exact same length.
i can make a better diagram with paint as to how the pin outs go if any 1 would prefer, but im sure you guys can make your own if you wanted too.
here is what i ended up with
this is the new thinner wire install.
Most wires go round the back some stay at the front. All are the same length.
Most go around the back to keep the least amount of wires crossing each other
I used the fat wire for the lid button. (latency didnt really matter for that.)
I used an old 40pin ata/ide stranded wire for 3.3v 1.9v and all ground points.
for Ground I used the outer grounding plane that runs arround the entire motherboard.
I took 3.3 and 1.9 from the solder points where the motherboard connects to the regulator board, ( i was using 3.3 from the bottom of the board, but decided to keep all the wiers on the top.

Here is the old fat wire install. its not much fatter really so it goes to show what a big difference wire thickness makes.

and again this is the diagram i made..
the vertical lines represent the legs on the dvd connector. the circles represent solder points on the ffc breakout board..
Please remember that if you want to use this diagram to make your own that i failed to count to 5 in my original draft of this. so pins 22 and 23 on the dvd connector (top vertical lines) need to move 1 leg to the right ---->
This is for THE MALE PLUGIN connector. not directly soldering to the female connector on the board.. (please check your setup before you decide to use my diagram)
ok decided to add the corrected picture here because i could not find one with the pin outs like this on the interweb when i was making it.this is viewing the dvd connector from the top not the back, your ffc breakout board may have a diferent pin config..
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