Nintendo64/Gameboy advance

designer noob said:
yeah, I have a dremel. I didn't even thing about using it for this. So, I will fix up the cases a little and then take pictures for you guys.

Do it, Do it now, Do it.

Can't wait.... I'm bored and impatient today :ninj:
lol, I hope your not that excited to see it because your hopes will probably be crushed.

Also, I can't do it for a while.

I am at school suppose to be working... but thats boring.
I have been doing some work on my case cutting done parts that were formed because of my bad vauum forming skills. The case isn't the best looking but, it will be decent after I am done.

I will post pictures after I feel its looks good enough
This are pictures of my case before I fixed it up any everything (I took them with my phone and they almost look digital). I didn't really thing my moldings inperfections would show up that much, but they did quite a bit on some parts. I didn't fix up the corners because last time I did they turned out like crap and I wasn't taking that chance again.

Edit: I called my design remix because I was taking Bacteria's idea of GBA/N64 and then marshalh's case design, which in my mind I butchered.

question: As, you see in my first post there are little pieces of plastic sticking up on the corners of my design? Why did that happen when the plastic when over it? I am thinking once I cut wholes in the top pressure on the mold will be released and it will fall out. Not 100% sure about that though.

Also, as you see in the fourth picture my clay is still trapped inside the vacuum. This is becasue I forgot to lift up after a certain period of time. Any idea's on how I could get it out?


lol, never said my clay working skills were good.

After, drawing the PS1 screen top shape the curved part. You have to cut some clay away. So, that the top part is like an inch forward and thats were it all went wrong. Yeah, I probably could have fixed it, but way to lazy for all that work. I will fix it up th plastic so, it looks decent.

Don't worry...
good job on the slang word for ugly. At, first I was ok maybe he doesn't like it that much, thats fine. Then, I looked it up and it said another word for ugly. Then, I was like you son of a Sega. Putting my down with a slang word so, I don't know.

Anyways... This is going to be the case come back of the year.

I have been working for about 5 hours to fix up my case. Pretty much all those scars that you saw on the case are gone and you can't tell they were every there.

The only thing I really need help on is were you cut the screen box. You can see that the top part is crooked, I can't really tell which, side needs to be cut to make it even, but I hope someone can look at my next picture and tell me which, side to cut down.
I be taking new pictures soon. I think, they are a lot better. I still have a lot more work to do on them still.

Update: I have finished cutting the D-pad hole and will glue it in tomorrow
Update: I started cutting the C holes, A, B, and the start button.
Update: I would have cut more hole sin the plastic, but I had to clean up, which took all my time. So, next week I would like to finish cutting the wholes and getting piece in.


lol, I don't know if I should take this shot, but at least I made my case.

At least, it went from horrible to not very good looking/bad. Maybe, if I do enough work I can get it to be decent.
You probably can. It wouldn't be very hard, you'd just need a LOT of sanding. (Assuming the inside doesn't look like the outside)
pLover said:
You probably can. It wouldn't be very hard, you'd just need a LOT of sanding. (Assuming the inside doesn't look like the outside)
Don't matter what the inside looks like, nobody sees it. :P

designer noob, even though the case started kind of bleh, I'm glad you're keeping at it. I'm sure with some work it'll look good. What are the dimensions of your case? If it's big enough, maybe just cut off the screen part and just frankencase in the old psone lcd housing.
That is genious zeturi. If I dremeled off the middle part and then sanding down the edges on the upward sides that are poking up (I have no clue what else to call them) and epoxyed it in. That would look a lot better.

Then, I will have to fix up the bottom piece a little.

question: The epoxy I use when sanded rips some of the plastic with it. Also, its really hard to sand down. I am just wondering is the epoxy located below right? ... lpage=none
Just buy or make some abs cement. Hailraizer uses the stuff all the time, so does themadhacker. I think it makes a better bond between the plastics.
kk alright. I have tons of plastic left over from the nintendo's and other random things.
Update: I started to do the AB holes, but later after fnishing the C-holes, I didn't like them.
Also, you can see the main scar is gone. The only reason you can see it becasue of the outline of the epoxy.
Update: I just bought a new screen
Update: Sides on bottom case shaved down to about right. I just need to reglue and then sand a bit more.


It's looking MUCH better than before. It could still be a little better, but if you were to do no more work on it, I'd be satisfied.
I have more work to do on the bottom piece. If you look at all the four corners they are only held together with a little piece of glue. If I were to sand anymore, the case would break apart. It would become very hard to glue it back. I would have to hold it together for the 20minutes. So, I have going to glue it together and sand some more.

Same for the top piece. I am going to glue and then do another round of sanding and cutting.