N-SexyFour Buildlog [CANCELLED]

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Re: N-SexyFour Buildlog [Vacuum Former Page 4]


Re: N-SexyFour Buildlog [ALL WIRED UP PG.5]

I played through SSB. It works and everything. I'll test the battery length tonight.

I just relocated the cart slot on another board, I'm making a Mini64 home console in a JB-55. SS, HOW THE Heck DID YOU FIT THE Dang N64 IN THIS THING. I'm going to have to rewire a couple of traces on the side of the CPU to avoid just jamming it in.
Re: N-SexyFour Buildlog [ALL WIRED UP PG.7]

Dang, I KNEW you cut the case. it ALMOST fit, right? like, HALF A MILLIMETER away. Well, I practiced soldering to the side of the CPU with my magnet wire, and it's really easy. I'm just going to relocate a couple of those to give myself some breathing room.
Re: N-SexyFour Buildlog [ALL WIRED UP PG.7]

I don't get it. :neutral2:

I'm doing a JB-55 N64p and I could fit a rev-4 board in just fine, but it had to be trimmed on the sides and the controller port part as much as possible, and the jumper pak has to be smt hardwired, making a RAM swap the only option for expansion pak compatibility.
Re: N-SexyFour Buildlog [ALL WIRED UP PG.7]

Pix. I'll post some of mine at some point to show my predicament.
Re: N-SexyFour Buildlog [ALL WIRED UP PG.7]

Not until:

A) my case has final paint (so far it has 1 coat of primer+sanding)
B)My screen gets here so I can make sure it fits with the current setup.
C)My camera finishes charging
Re: N-SexyFour Buildlog [ALL WIRED UP PG.7]

Basement_Modder said:
I don't get it. :neutral2:

I'm doing a JB-55 N64p and I could fit a rev-4 board in just fine, but it had to be trimmed on the sides and the controller port part as much as possible, and the jumper pak has to be smt hardwired, making a RAM swap the only option for expansion pak compatibility.
I seem to remember being able to put in one of my exp packs, I don't kno fo sho tho.

Re: N-SexyFour Buildlog [ALL WIRED UP PG.7]

SS didn't RCP wire his x64 lite.

Jumper pack fits fine in a JB-55 N64p without rewiring, not sure about exp. maybe.
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