Monstercrunch GCp Worklog

If you were going to use a step regulator, I would say go to the extra trouble and make custom regs for the whole GC. That would be easier then finding a step up reg that can handle 1.5-2 amps, make the batteries last longer and you could go for a cheaper pack because it would only need to be 7.4v.

This started out as a PM, but I might as well share my advice here, for what it's worth.

A propos de ta peinture : Oui ca a l'air bien tu t'en tires pas trop mal, meme si de mon cote en magasin je ne les paye que trois ou quatres euros la canette.
Enfin je pense que c'est la solution la plus simple pour toi. Donc aussi desole d'etre lent a la reponse, mais c'est les vacances ^^ je n'ai que mon telzphone pour te repondre.

As for painting, I assume you have applyied bondo to your case, in light coats. Now id you haven't already done it, sand it in circulat motion with higher and higher sand paper. Then with 400 or more grit, repeat the sanding under running water, to make it extra smooth.
Then wash your case like you would wash a dish, with soap and a non abrasive sponge. Rince well. And let it dry.
Then you can do you first coat, shake your can very well and spray it from at least 30 to 50 cm.
The first coat must be really thin, you can do as many light coats as necessary, but bear in mind that too much paint on your case will end up looking bad, so i'd say about three coats shall do it, it's your decision here.
Also, sand lightly with water between all coats.
The last coat can be a wet coat, meaning you can spray a little more.
Then clearcoat. One coat should be enough.
Home this helps, good luck ! Nice work so far !

EDIT : A coat too thick will form bubles and maybe cracks. Spray lighlty, this applys for the clearcoat.
Yup, I started painting the front of the case:


I did the two first coat but the result is not like I thank...


If we look closer, we can see a strange effect, like if there was sand on it. But I thank that whith this spray I should have a smooth surface =/


Moreover, there is not a lot of pressure with the spray... so it's a little difficult to paint with.
Monstercrunch said:
Yup, I started painting the front of the case:


I did the two first coat but the result is not like I thank...


If we look closer, we can see a strange effect, like if there was sand on it. But I thank that whith this spray I should have a smooth surface =/


Moreover, there is not a lot of pressure with the spray... so it's a little difficult to paint with.
Nice case. I like the texture.
That's what it looks like when you spray a thin coat, it's normal. off to sanding now, and maybe spraying from a different distance?
Yop, front case finished ! Pictures:



Now I'm going to put all the components inside, and then make the back of the case to close it up ! No wiikey, no batteries, it will not be very portable finally, but I hope you (and I) will enjoy it :wink: !
Hi everyone !

I'm going to finish my GCP, I "just" have to make the back of the case. But first I would like to fix a problem: I add a stereo jack port (like this) but:
- the sound is not clear at all (there is some "crrrfchchfchchfch");
- I can't have both of the sides working in the same time (sometimes I got left and right but the headphone jack is not "correctly" plugged in)...

Any idea for the 1rst problem ?

Christmas gift:
