Monstercrunch GCp Worklog

Bizarre ca n'a pas affiché le mot "français", peu importe ^^ d'ou tu viens? Je viens personnelement de terminer ma premiere gamecube portable et je serai ravi de t'aider :awesome:
Je suis dans le sud Ouest, pas super loin toulouse. Je viens de re-regarder ton topic sur ta GC, et franchement elle est pas mal ^^ Vivement que tu puisses fermer le tout :p
Pour ce qui est de l'aide, je te suis assez intéressé par ta coque, il semble que tu saches pas mal de choses sur la manière de faire, alors que moi...

Et enfin je me demande aussi où tu as acheté tes batteries ? Car sur le site conseillé par le sticky, c'est 40$ de fdp....

Tu peux me répondre par mp en français ou alors poster tes réponses ici en anglais (ça pourrait aider d'autres gens).

PS: J'ai quelques interrogations sur le Wiikey aussi (prix, difficulté d'installation, méthode d'installation...).

Si tu veux un compte rendu plus détaillé de mon travail, j'ai fait un blog ici: .
I actually closed it up, I'm currently with heatsinking, sort of in a .
Anyway, i didn't use any batteries in this one, the design wasn't good enough, and the batteries I own, I bought from Zenloc on his garage sale, for about 60$ so I'm no reference.

As for case making, I recommend vaccum forming, it's not that hard, check out the case section of the forums, and some of the pages of another thread of mine actually depict Beta helping me through vaccum forming : viewtopic.php?f=36&t=4029&start=20

And for the wiikey, I went to the official site, looked for official distributors in france, and chose "arcalide", in two days I had it, it was pretty good. As for wiring, check out ashen's threads, and look for the one about "easily wiring wiikey to ffc"

By the way reading the megastickies over and over again are the best thing you can do to obtain knowledge about portabilising, there's so much useful info there :awesome:
Good luck !

EDIT: by the way, wiring up a wiikey is pretty hard, took me 3 long tries
J'ai étudiè un petit peu de français en ecole. Pardon ma grammaire, j'ai étudiè le langue depuis un anne. Je suis tres mal!

@Liberty5: thanks for this answer, I'll probably use wiikey for an other one. I'll ask you if I have to face problem with my case.

@SonyQrio: it's not so bad -> I can understand you :mrgreen: .
I'm back ! With a problem :mrgreen:

I tried to relocate the power regulator but I have the image that is not clean... I tested if the screen was ok (I turned it on with the regulator plugged normally and the image was normal). So I decided to re-solder all wires, but still not good... but a little better.

So, could the problem come from the thin of the wires ? (I think they are a little bit too much)

I soldered it like that first:

and the second time like that:

Thanks for your help....

PS: wire I use ... teurs.html
I'm surprised your cube even boots up with this kind of wire, but heh, what do I know.
These wires are OK for most of the inside your cube. Except for power lines, you need much thicker wire. It will also fix the interference for the most part if the wires are thick enough.
Use wires from a PSU, they're perfect.
In my experience the wire for the 1.9v line needs to be thicker, Ive never had a problem with thinish wire on the 3.3v line. As said in the post before mine, try using thicker wire, should fix your dirty video.
Ok, it works ! But I used the wires from the tv cable and they are too big... so I can't move the regulator easily...
I have a new question: could I cut it like that ?:


(soory for the picture, but I didn't want to take one myself :roll: )

Hmmm well you should look at the cutting guide in the megasticky and if is cutting any traces then just reconnect them
I just want to cut the... I don't know the word for that :oops: I mean I'll not cut the mobo, just the grey thing that is used to cool the cpu. Do you know what I mean ?
You can cut the heatsink in all sorts of ways, just make sure it still fully covers the main chips.. Try to cut the less possible still, and don't forget air has to flow around it (don't start mouting stuff covering it totally)
Hi, I want to put a memory card inside of the gc, and keep one memory card slot outside. So I made this using ashen's pictures to know if it's the right way to wire it up:
