Whos's your FAVORITE portablizer?(ANY SITE)

themadhacker said:
my favorite is bacteria. I know, everybody hates him now, but he was one Heck of a portablizer. Being a perfectionist on his portables really payed off, especially on his psone and dreamcast.

What dreamcast? :o
He made a gimungous DC portable a couple months ago. I like some of his work, but some of his portables I don't care for. He knows how to make a good video.

As for my favorite portablizers:
  • Hail - Makes the best cases, his Ncube is my absolute favorite portable GameCube.
  • Benheck - He started the hobby and made my favorite CNC-cut cases.
  • Life of Brian - He hasn't really innovated much, but his case-making skills are amazing and his portables look solid.
  • Marshallh - Always turns out something that looks like a consumer product.
  • SS - His cases are not the best, but he can portablize in his sleep.
  • Rekarp - Wood is cool.
  • zenloc - Great portables, even better ones appear to be in the works.
  • sam_thorley - Organized internally, nobody else can say that. I like his MDF cases too.
  • techknott - Too much to say here.
  • Mario - Retro64 was awesome. I like his schematics, and his portable NES guide was better than Ben's IMO.
Honorable mentions - SifuF. He set a new standard in N64 portablizing with each of his portables, but he didn't detail many of his methods. It's admirable that each of his (few) posts were informative. G-force made some great portables for his time. My first post on BH was a massive bump of his NES mini thread. darthchris13 does some amazing casework, and if you haven't noticed, he has another WIP.

As you can see, cases matter a lot to me.
"SS - His cases are not the best, but he can portablize in his sleep."

I have never heard it said like that but I totally agree. XD

Bino Gas said:
He made a gimungous DC portable a couple months ago. I like some of his work, but some of his portables I don't care for. He knows how to make a good video.

As for my favorite portablizers:
  • Hail - Makes the best cases, his Ncube is my absolute favorite portable GameCube.
  • Benheck - He started the hobby and made my favorite CNC-cut cases.
  • Life of Brian - He hasn't really innovated much, but his case-making skills are amazing and his portables look solid.
  • Marshallh - Always turns out something that looks like a consumer product.
  • SS - His cases are not the best, but he can portablize in his sleep.
  • Rekarp - Wood is cool.
  • zenloc - Great portables, even better ones appear to be in the works.
  • sam_thorley - Organized internally, nobody else can say that. I like his MDF cases too.
  • techknott - Too much to say here.
  • Mario - Retro64 was awesome. I like his schematics, and his portable NES guide was better than Ben's IMO.
Honorable mentions - SifuF. He set a new standard in N64 portablizing with each of his portables, but he didn't detail many of his methods. It's admirable that each of his (few) posts were informative. G-force made some great portables for his time. My first post on BH was a massive bump of his NES mini thread. darthchris13 does some amazing casework, and if you haven't noticed, he has another WIP.

As you can see, cases matter a lot to me.
This post has got me wondering: have there been any collaborative portables yet? Get someone who can do good casework, someone who can wire/trim it all up really well, and someone who can plan it all or something like that. The only problem would be who gets it, but it would probably be a commission.
Nintendott said:
Is there going to be a competition this year?
from what ive heard. i wonder if it will be BH, MR, or both together, or both seperate? :dah: if there is, i will enter and (not) win.
A contest you say?

We should totally have one this summer. And it'll end the day of comicon. And we'll announce the winners live.

And hailrazer will give us prizes. Yes.....

it would be great. but i cannot go to comicon, so its a bad idea. back to the drawing board. also, relying on hail for prizes is a bit sad. :lol:
Nope, I'm bringing along a PS2 and GC to CC and we should portablize them during CC. Also, I'm donating most of the prizes. :awesomedj: (FIRST USE ON THE FORUMS!!)
Are laptops allowed in the competition? I've been thinking for the past 2 hours on what I would enter in a competition. I figure I'm not a high enough level to stand a chance with any run-of-the-mill portable, so I've decided to see if I can make a never before made laptop (probably with wall power and optional external or internal controllers, if that's okay).

Hint: The system wouldn't really work as a portable.
Dunno. Since there is no official contest, there is no official stipulation. But I'll tell you this much, it's MODretro, not PORTABLEretro.
