Ryan M.
Aren't you copying Ashen and Gman? Wii fusion?Sorry about that
Before building the portable, I should start working on the work space.
Aren't you copying Ashen and Gman? Wii fusion?Sorry about that
Before building the portable, I should start working on the work space.
Probably like $300 or close to it.Kind of, but It's probably going to be smaller
UPDATE: added all of the parts to my cart. In total, it's $170.75 w/ shipping. What's the average price for a first portable.
Hope it goes well man, make sure you read the whole guide, my mistake was I cut the Wii motherboard wrong 2 times in a row.Kind of, but It's probably going to be smaller
UPDATE: added all of the parts to my cart. In total, it's $170.75 w/ shipping. What's the average price for a first portable.
Yea that's true, I've spent like $120 on my portable and I'm not even doneIf your total price is that low, you are probably forgetting a few things. Also, try to come up with your own design and name rather than just copying someone else's. Wether it's the switch, the one from thingiverse, the lynx, or the fusion, you have just been trying to copy something else. Come up with your OWN design built around the parts you have available and your capabilities. If you are copying the best portables ever made, you are just going to be directly compared to them. It's not a good idea to recreate someone else's work unless you can make a significant improvement.
Can you screenshot your cart or write a list of what's in it?Kind of, but It's probably going to be smaller
UPDATE: added all of the parts to my cart. In total, it's $170.75 w/ shipping. What's the average price for a first portable.
Those aren't ds lite buttons, and you'll just have to get them and find out. Some things you just have to try out yourselfUpdate: Not COPYING Ashen's Idea. I'll just use my own creativity.
Question: What diameter holes should I make for DS Lite buttons to fit in the case?
Then I would advise using this battery pack. I can confirm that the board is somewhat small and supplies enough power to run a whole Wii. @gman and I have disassembled several and know that they use 4 genuine sanyo, LG, or Panasonic cells.Alright. Thanks for the info. Thing is, I would prefer to charge of Micro USB, and it's cheaper to use, because I don't need a fourth regulator, and it's more convenient.
Before you ask a question, you need to ask yourself whether you've done all the searching you can. If you need a soldering iron, go to Amazon, type in "soldering iron", and then start reading reviews. If you need a headphone jack, go to ebay, type in "headphone jack pcb" and find a switching one. If you need to know the size holes for your buttons, measure them.I am having trouble finding a switching headphone Jack, so can someone send me a link for one ? Also, I asked someone about the switching headphone jack, and they game me the picture below. Is it the recommended way?
Thank you very much for the info. I already have a soldering iron, but it sucks. Can you give me a link to a cheap soldering iron?
It is always on in a standby mode, and turns on automatically when current is drawn from the battery pack. Just put a switch in series for the main power line from the battery to your other components and you should be good to go.That batteries fine, but Is there a power button?
95% of the games could be dora the explorer, but they don't matter unless you're playing them. It's about the 5% and how good those were. That's why I have 10x more crappy GameCube games laying around than I have good GameCube games. That doesn't make it a lame console by any means, it just means you learn to sort out games that are worth playing. Don't forget virtual console eitherthat's plug and play with no modification as well.
"Somewhat playable"??? You have got to be kidding me with this trash. Why the Heck do you think so many people are into portablizing the gamecube? Because Of mario, link, and everything else that's so great about Nintendo. I think most people would agree with me that many of the greatest video games ever created came from Nintendo. The GC has an exceptional lineup. I will give you that the Wii does not have as strong of a lineup, but there are still some amazing games for the Wii. I think it's silly that you are posting this rubbish on a worklog of someone's portable wii. They obviously think it's worth portablizing.Personally i'd say the Gamecube line up wasn't too bad, don't know how big the library actually is because I have very little interest in Nintendo anything but when I hacked my Wii and put games on my external HDD, pretty sure 70% of the library was actually GC games.
GC is a faaaar better console than the Wii was, mainly because most of the games were actually somewhat playable.
The Gamecube library is better than the Wii library, and I have never met anyone who disagrees with that. But you know whats better than GameCube or Wii games? Gamecube AND Wii games. If the Wii didn't have perfect backwards compatibility or homebrew, Wii portables would never be a thing, because the wii would just be a steaming piece of garbage compared to the gamecube. But it does, so for most people, a wii is a better gamecube.GC is a faaaar better console than the Wii
"Somewhat playable"??? You have got to be kidding me with this trash. Why the Heck do you think so many people are into portablizing the gamecube? Because Of mario, link, and everything else that's so great about Nintendo. I think most people would agree with me that many of the greatest video games ever created came from Nintendo. The GC has an exceptional lineup. I will give you that the Wii does not have as strong of a lineup, but there are still some amazing games for the Wii. I think it's silly that you are posting this rubbish on a worklog of someone's portable wii. They obviously think it's worth portablizing.
I only said I thought it was silly that you were, not that you couldn't. I would hope that I can have an opinion as well.The only thing that's silly is telling me where I can and can't post, you aren't staff so please don't do that. If I break any rules a staff member will be sure to let me know, thankyou.
I'm guessing you never played red steel 2Of course you're allowed an opinion.
You did misinterpret "somewhat playable" though, since all I was pretty much saying is the Gamecube library is superior to the Wii's library because the Wii's terrible motion controls (and whilst motion control is a bad gimmick in of itself, the fact that the Wii's motion control is barely accurate at all doesn't help) really hurt every single game that forces you to use it bar a few rail shooters & FPS games, virtually the only games when it even works properly.
Although in my personal European opinion in a continent where we couldn't care any less about Nintendo, their games are vastly overrated anyway.