Unicycler17's GCP worklog FINISHED


Well-Known Member
This is my first portable, and I'm only 14.

For the case, I ordered a zn-45 and a rw-45 both from polycase.com. It will be a vertical format, and the rw case will attach on the back at the top to hold the disc drive (I know I can use sd cards, but I can't afford the wiikey fusion) The cases havn't come yet :cry: and Im using a 3.5 inch ebay screen.


I removed all the connectors from the board, and relocated the regulator board. I wired up a headphone jack, and wired up the screen without using the av cables. I used six wires to relocate the board, not using shockslayers discovery, and one extra so that it will shut off if it overheats.


Bottom of board with relocated reg board and no connectors


My headphone jack (probly won't have a normal speaker, just headphones) I used a headphone splitter that I cut up for this.


I knocked off two capacitors when removing av port, and soldered them on wires back on.I had to search on the floor for like 15 minutes, desparately searching for one of them. It was scary.

I removed all the large mounting hardware on the disc drive, and used broken pencils and hot glue to raise the plastic above the board.


I'm probably not going to relocate the daughterboard, and I will use the original heatsink.

sorry for gigantic or blurry pictures, I just figured out how to post them successfully
Re: Gamecube portable worklog

Thanks! Im using the original little power input board because I want to make sure that I get the correct polarties to the mobo, and The wire that connects from it to the mobo isn't always correctly marked. I removed the original push button on off switch, and wired in a "flippy" one. I also removed the power in part, and relocated it. I made this diagram for myself, and have basically re-created it, but I don't have batteries yet.

Re: Gamecube portable worklog


sorry for blur. I don't have batteries yet, but I figured I might as well figure out the switch between them and wall power, since I def want to be able to play off the wall.


and it works!
Re: Gamecube portable worklog


I got my cases


piled everything together to see what it might layout to be.... Thats an old broken mobo, not the one ive been working on.

EDIT The disc drives going on the back... not in front with the controls like in the picture.


Started to cut out the disc drive shape from the rw case, but my dremel cutting bit is broken, and it's slow progress with a box cutter.
Re: Gamecube portable worklog

I've decided that I am now going to use the SD card loading, and will now have a horizontal layout. It will be harder to do, But I think it will look better and be more comfortable. The problem is, I need more money, because I need to buy:

Wiikey Fusion
An SD card
New dremel cutting bit mount
Mini controllers

And Ill probably need some IDE cable for soldering the motherboard to the WiiKey. Ive never used IDE cable, but Ive heard good things about the stuff and it seems to make everything more organized.

I now won't be using the RW case, just the ZN45, and I won't do much work on it for another few weeks.
Re: Gamecube portable worklog

I got a dremel mandrel bit, and now im working on cutting up a heatsink in order to put a fan directly on it. I was planning on using jb weld to attach the fan to the heatsink, but i don't know if that will work.

Can jb weld get really hot?
Is it conductive?

EDIT: wow I just googled it and immediately found that JB weld is an insulator and will work fine up to 600 degrees farenheit.... It better not get that hot
Re: Gamecube portable worklog


After 6 dremel cutting wheels, plenty of pliers-pulling, and finally getting a grinding wheel from my attic, I managed to cut up my heatsink and mount a fan on it. The fan is mounted with 5 minute epoxy and is blowing air downward. I attempted to hardwire my memcard, but failed. I will try again tomorrow.
Re: Gamecube portable worklog

okay frankencased the screen's case into the ZN case.


I used JB weld. I think I might buy some Epoxy putty and make the transition from the raised up case to the ZN a bit better looking. Still tons of Sanding to do.

I think I might do a neon green paint, and tons of gloss. But I'm not going to paint anything until I have the controller figured out.

How do I mount the circuit board and internals inside the case? I've seen people JB welding nuts into the case and then screwing into those. But I need a rather tall screw post because I am mounting the mobo to the back, and the heatsink is pretty tall. I was thinking of using scraps of wood, epoxying them into the case, and using those as screw posts. Bad idea?

I ordered some momentary switches from ebay. I don't think I'll use them as the main buttons, but I will use them for the eject, start, and z buttons. Unless I do a terrible job at cutting a controller. Then I will use them as the main buttons.
Re: Gamecube portable worklog


I mounted the power button into the top piece of the case.

I don't have my camera now, so i've been holding things up to my webcam for pictures, so thats why you see my hand.
Re: Gamecube portable worklog


drilled some really crappy vent holes in each of the panels.

I got my memory card, and I tried to hardwire it, but the gamecube won't register it! It says the object in slot a cannot be used. any suggestions? I added a ground cable from the bottom of the board, but that didn't help.

I found an old gameboy advance, and I was wondering if I could use the powerswitch, headphone jack, and audio amp from it..... If I can ever get it open with those pesky tri wing screws
Re: Gamecube portable worklog

I don't have experience with them on the Gamecube, but memory cards can be finicky. Try using shorter wires, or different wires all-together. I recall when I did my PSOneP that the memory card simply would not work with solid core wires that I got from a cat-5 cable. I couldn't figure out what was wrong for the longest time.
Re: Gamecube portable worklog


BLUE! (looks for approval from Tchay) I'm just using momentary switches for all the buttons due to my lack of skills. And the two button holes at the bottom of the case are for the eject button and for the start button.

And yes. That is the box from a Nerf gun. Nerf is awesome.
Re: Unicycler17's GCP worklog

For the love of god, spend some extra time and use proper buttons. The controls are the most important part of the portable- they are the part you actually interface with. Radioshack buttons are beyond terrible. The rest of the portable looks okay, don't ruin it like this.
Re: Gamecube portable worklog

unicycler17 said:
I got my memory card, and I tried to hardwire it, but the gamecube won't register it! It says the object in slot a cannot be used. any suggestions? I added a ground cable from the bottom of the board, but that didn't help.
I had that first too.
Try using kynar wire (I did)
Also be sure that everything is connected the way it should.
Also, work on your soldering skills.
Based on your previous pictures... err... :roll:... you know....
Do you got both sences connected?
Otherwise it'll not work at all.
Also, remove that ground wire. It doesn't help.