Two of
these wired in parallel, giving me 3.7v and 10AH. I will then use
this buckboost regulator to give me the needed 3.3v, as the battery's voltage drops to about 2.4v near the end of it's life. The regulator accepts from 1.8v-5.5v and will output my needed 3.3v. It can also handle the 1000-1500 Amps (and more) that the 3.3v line will pull. I will then use a step up (I forgot the name of it

) to give me my needed 7.4v.
I did some math stuff and figured out that if I wire in parallel and step up, I get about 4-6 hours (4.2-5.7h). If I wire in series, I only get 2.5-4 hours (2.7-3.7)
The N64's 12v line draws 250-300mA at 7.4v and the 3.3v line draws approx. 1000-1500mA. If I wire in series like we have been all these years, that will be 1350-1850mA (12v line + 3.3v line + ~100mA for screen +~50mA for audio amp). 5000/1350=~2.7 and 5000/1850=3.7. If I wire in parallel and use the buck boost and step up, it will be around 1750-2350mA (12v*2+3.3v+screen*2+audio amp). 10,000/1750=~4.2 and 10,000/2350=~5.7.
If I'm right, this portable will be tiny, and have decent battery life. 4-6 hours aint bad in my opinion