

I've been planning this thing for a while now. I originally planned to call it the Pocket64 but Bo stole the name :( It is currently unnamed. Since I'm not comfortable with my N64 trimming abilities, I've commissioned Bo to trim and RCP for me. Anyway, I've done some casework already.


The button hole next to the analog stick (Retrocon) is the start button. It feels really confortable there when holding the unit. I still need to sand down the left side. The gaping hole at the bottom is where I originally had start but it got in the way of the screen. I'll probably put a low battery indicator there instead. C-Buttons will use a 4-way tact since I couldn't fit actual buttons there.


The thing is slightly thinner than a ZN-45 but it will have an internal cartridge slot sticking out the bottom. I'm still not sure what to do about the shoulder buttons since my fingers don't make it to the top of the case comfortably. I'm probably going to have to put them on the back.

Overall, I'm excited for this one. I'm also glad I'm doing some actual casework as opposed to my last portable :dah:
Re: Toast's 2nd N64

Why sticking out of the bottom? Seems like a bit of an odd area to put it.
Re: Toast's 2nd N64

Because I want to put ports and stuff on top and the cart slot takes up the whole side. I don't want an external slot because this thing is already kinda thick.

Also I'm looking for some paint color suggestions.
Re: Toast's 2nd N64

Alrighty then, I made some updates. Got the Dpad and C buttons in. The C buttons are going to be where that square hole is on the right side in the form of a 4 way tact. Since I use C-up to jump in Smash Bros, I added a C-up button to make jumping quicker and easier. Still have to fill in the hole on the bottom, get and install the shoulder buttons (Circular radioshack buttons like the ones on SS's AG-54p), and cut out the cartridge slot hole. Then it's just wiring up all the stuff and installing it. Also, this thing is gonna have an 8AH battery, and if I can I'll try to cram another in there for 16AH :awesome:

EDIT: Whoops forgot the picture
Re: Toast's 2nd N64

I say you paint the thing a glossy white with red over the control areas.
Re: Toast's 2nd N64


Here's what the dealio with the cart slot is. Sticking out the bottom like so. It definitely has room to go all the way in, but the Dpad gets in the way. I might try to shorten the dpad assembly but if not it still goes in a good deal and it's not really necessary.


Side-ish view. Still need to sand down a bit there.


Went to an electronics store today....a real one, not like Fry's or Radioshack. I was hoping to get some nice helping hands but I realized I didn't have enough money. Dang helping hands are expensive. So I got some cheap ones that are similar to the Radioshack ones but higher quality and cheaper. Also got 3 of these momentary switches. They're like the ones at Radioshack but they don't suck.


Also trimmed the mobo. The dremel slipped on the left side where those traces go from the CPU to the RCP so I have to rewire the farthest left trace. I plan to do RCP (of course :dah: ) and a RAM swap.


Here's the mobo in the case. Fits like a glove.

Re: Toast's 2nd N64

If you're RCPing, that is too big of a case. You could possibly fit a normally relocated n64 in there.
Re: Toast's 2nd N64

Nope. This thing is smaller than the TriSixtyFource and I don't want any pokies out the top. It may be slightly thicker but that's irrelevant. And a quick fun fact, I'm using dese for batteries. I'm 90% sure I can fit it in there. And I'm like 20% sure I can fit a second one in there givin' me epic battery life :awesome: