The nobble64 worklog!

Basement_Modder said:
Just activate your newly-given Basement_Modder powers and do it in 25 mins.

(not counting wire stripping done beforehand.)

Well heck, excluding stripping, even I could do it in about 25-30 minutes :p
Finished the cart slot relocation! I won't be able to tell if it worked till friday since i'm leaving for my dads.

Here's some pix.



Right now It's just glued on but I will but some nuts and screws friday and put them in place.

Sorry for the crappy pictures, I had to use my webcam. Also those four ports at the bottom will be the mini controller ports that hook up into my breakout box.
Looks good.

@Jidan- wire stripping/ tinning only takes me like 5 mins, anyhow. I use pro strippers and tin uber quick
Just quickly wired up everything and it works! It's running off batteries too! Pics on friday. hopefully I will finish it then too.

This just made my night!
If you don't plan on having a headphone jack, then you need to bridge the three headphone contacts on the screen in order to get sound.