OSSIM STUFF ON PG 17! Worklog: The TriSixtyFource

Re: Worklog: The TriSixtyFource

Oh, by the way, if you do want stereo sound, you can just run the pot in parallell with the 2 amps to make them both the same volume.
Re: Worklog: The TriSixtyFource

You do know that zeturi's diagram, while useful for mono sound, is not the only way to wire an LM386 ic, right?
Re: Worklog: The TriSixtyFource

I know that, it's the only one I could figure out. Can you show me another one that's small and requires minimal parts?

Re: Worklog: The TriSixtyFource

Re: Worklog: The TriSixtyFource

Zeturi's audio amp has been found to be flax actually, I built it and it A) sounded like flax and B) volume control was terrible.
Re: Worklog: The TriSixtyFource

SS, use really thick plastic so it won't make a difference even if you sand it down by a few mm.
Re: Worklog: The TriSixtyFource

It's alright, considering I can essentially replicate the case again because I have about 6 more retrobit shells.

Re: Worklog: The TriSixtyFource

Rekarp made an excellent schematic for the LM386. I used it for a secret portable that I never completed and was very pleased with the results. It's not the simplest way to wire an audio amp, but the extra capacitors are there for a reason. Link
Re: Worklog: The TriSixtyFource

I dunno snow, it actually sounded okay when I used it with a gamecube. SS also shows it being used with a gamecube, and it sounds fine. But I know when I tested mine later, it sounded crappy. Not sure if something happened to it.

SS, is the amp you're using right now the same one I posted before?
Re: Worklog: The TriSixtyFource

Yes, it is. I've been meaning to try what B_M said about the 1 meg resistors, although mario told me something amazingly similar about a month or two ago.

It's good quality sound, can you tell by the video?

Re: Worklog: The TriSixtyFource

I just saw a radioshack 10k ohm pot that was essentially 2 pots with one dial, and it was even a small wheel type, too! This can be used with zeturi's diagram and 4 LM386's.
Re: Worklog: The TriSixtyFource

That's what I thought when I first hooked mine up. If there is a way to get stereo sound with that amp, someone please post it. I'll use it in a heartbeat.
Re: Worklog: The TriSixtyFource

Mine sounded absolutely flax, and was built fine.

At minimum volume there was a loud buzz which got quieter as you turned it up, and the normal audio was absolute flax.