Official Modretro Podcast - Third Podcast is Finished


Well-Known Member
Download podcasts HERE.

We're going to be recording the first Official Modretro Podcast soon. I need to know what time would be good for the most people to show up. A podcast that's just me talking will not be entertaining at all. If you're willing to join us, please reply with a day and time range that you think would work best (this weekend does not work for me).

I'm going to have to ask that you bring at least one vague topic that you want to talk about that we can bring in if things get slow.

The podcast is going to be recorded on our mumble server. You can download the Mumble client right here

Then just add this server, join it, and join the Podcast channel.
Server Address:
Port: 51999

Please show up. It's going to be a fun time.
Re: Official Modretro Podcast - Recording Friday 5-6pm Pacif

I'll participate if you like.

Edit: I'm pretty much free anytime on the weekends unless I'm doing something, in which case I will work around it.
Re: Official Modretro Podcast - Recording Friday 5-6pm Pacif

Wait on a Friday? Aren't most people out doing stuff?
Re: Official Modretro Podcast - Recording time to be determi

Post edited. Please reply with a date and time that works for you.
Re: Official Modretro Podcast - Recording time to be determi

I usually just plan stuff on the fly. I could attend if you just select a Friday/Saturday/Sunday and time.

And as was said in chat, Mother's day wouldn't be good.
Re: Official Modretro Podcast - Recording Friday 5-6pm Pacif

Zero said:
Wait on a Friday? Aren't most people out doing stuff?
You realize what kind of people visit here, right? Probably not the ones with stuff going on on Friday nights. :dahroll:
Re: Official Modretro Podcast - Recording time to be determi

But the main people that we want in on the podcast actually do. :P
Re: Official Modretro Podcast - Recording time to be determi

I mostly moved it to give people more time to see this post and determine if they can come to it or not. And so people can hunt down a microphone.

The last attempt at a podcast died when nobody showed up. I don't want that to happen again.
Re: Official Modretro Podcast - Recording time to be determi

I'm good for this Saturday if you want me on it. If not, disregard that statement.
Re: Official Modretro Podcast - Recording time to be determi

I'm good for Sunday or late Saturday.
Re: Official Modretro Podcast - Recording time to be determi

Fine, any late Saturday/after 2pm est on Sunday
Re: Official Modretro Podcast - Recording time to be determi

I mean, I don't have an idea of my schedule next week... and after that I'm gone until late July... *goes to leaving/returning members thread*
Re: Official Modretro Podcast - Recording time to be determi

Most afternoons are good for me.

Next week especially. I am planning on doing all of my work for my online classes this weekend so all I will have next week is a final on Thursday. Soyeh. I am gonna be busy, but I can cut an hour out for this, so yeh.
Re: Official Modretro Podcast - Recording time to be determi

I say weekdays as well.
Re: Official Modretro Podcast - Recording time to be determi

I can make it any time hopefully.
Re: Official Modretro Podcast - Recording time to be determi

I dont do anything during the week, so im set.
Re: Official Modretro Podcast - Recording Friday 5-6pm Pacif

vskid3 said:
Zero said:
Wait on a Friday? Aren't most people out doing stuff?
You realize what kind of people visit here, right? Probably not the ones with stuff going on on Friday nights. :dahroll:
I party Friday and Saturday. Sunday would work best for me, or sometime during the week.