Well-Known Member
Download podcasts HERE.
We're going to be recording the first Official Modretro Podcast soon. I need to know what time would be good for the most people to show up. A podcast that's just me talking will not be entertaining at all. If you're willing to join us, please reply with a day and time range that you think would work best (this weekend does not work for me).
I'm going to have to ask that you bring at least one vague topic that you want to talk about that we can bring in if things get slow.
The podcast is going to be recorded on our mumble server. You can download the Mumble client right here
Then just add this server, join it, and join the Podcast channel.
Server Address:
Port: 51999
Please show up. It's going to be a fun time.
We're going to be recording the first Official Modretro Podcast soon. I need to know what time would be good for the most people to show up. A podcast that's just me talking will not be entertaining at all. If you're willing to join us, please reply with a day and time range that you think would work best (this weekend does not work for me).
I'm going to have to ask that you bring at least one vague topic that you want to talk about that we can bring in if things get slow.
The podcast is going to be recorded on our mumble server. You can download the Mumble client right here
Then just add this server, join it, and join the Podcast channel.
Server Address:
Port: 51999
Please show up. It's going to be a fun time.