Hey guys! Long time, no update..until NAO!
So I traded my copy of Halo Reach for another N64 and did the same process as before.
I systematically tested the system as I took it apart, then came the
gulp rewiring.
I rewired the Cart slot and proceeded to hook it up to my TV. But for some reason, curiosity struck and I hooked up the PREVIOUS N64, just to make sure it was no good. Turned it on, and the LED lit up, started flickering, dimmed out, and turned off. So I wen't "Meh" and hooked up the NEW one. Turned it on and went "FFFFUUUUUUUU--!!". See, I don't know what it was, but the old one shorted and put the PSU in sleep mode, so now I had to wire the batteries up to the system. Did that turned it on, and got nothing. That panicky feeling starting creeping up again, so I shut if off and began to make excuses.
When I hooked up the batteries, I only hooked up ONE of the two 3.3v lines, plus the SDR (Step-Down Regulator) was outputting 3.1v anyway, so I remained calm. I bridged both 3.3v lines and turned it on. Smoke, Smoke EVERYWHERE! Shut it off and cursed a bit. I tried again with the other battery pack (I have two now) same thing. So I figured the power connector had a short somewhere on it, and took off the batteries (They're on the charger now, cause when the smoke came out, it ONLY came from the batteries and their voltage dropped to 0.53v)
So I went back over to the TV and hooked the PSU up to the new 64 and LOLWUT? it Worked! Rewiring was good, but I had to act fast cause knowing my luck, the forces of nature will be quick to move against me. So I tested different positions (shut up) and the cart worked in all of them, found a loosey (Lose wire) and re soldered it....and it STILL worked. hoped STRAIGHT to the glue gun and proceeded to OD on the glue. Tested it, still works. I can finally say, that if I get the batteries to work right (again), I will finish this by tonight. Wish me Luck guys