NintenGO 64

Xbox joysticks wear down in days, they're absolute flax and the rubber on top wears down until you get to a sharp plastic piece that hurts your fingers a LOT as you play. (xbox and 360)
I have never had those problems. I own several XBOX and 360 controllers first and third party. On some of the third party ones the stick cap comes off easily, but that isn't specific to XBOX controllers. The joysticks aren't the problem. What you're describing is called wear, when one uses something excessively, ie gaming nonstop for two weeks. It's gonna happen no matter what controller you use. I actually prefer the XBOX sticks over Playstation ones; they have a little more resistance and friction.
I fixed it! Mario now runs in the direction I want, at the speed I choose! The only hic is that when I let go of the joystick he very VERY slightly tip toes in the last direction I went in, but I fix this by manually placing the joystick in the middle. It's barely noticable. I'm done with the controller, now to order the Step-Down Regulator and make sure this Mobo even still works!

EDIT: by the way, I've kept it the PS joystick, just for you :lol:
Great! Cant wait to see more progress. Good Luck,


EDIT: My 360 joysticks are OLD have little/no wear and still feel great! Maybe i'm just not an avid gamer :).
mymixed said:
Great! Cant wait to see more progress. Good Luck,


EDIT: My 360 joysticks are OLD have little/no wear and still feel great! Maybe i'm just not an avid gamer :).
I had a 360 for about 5 days, had to get it replaced due to the rubber whatsitcalled under the buttons breaking and the A sticking because of it. After I got my replacement new one, the analogs weren't discolored, they felt 10 times better than before, and the triggers weren't already worn to flax. (Mind you, this is from about 10 hours of gameplay too)
Okay, guys, I know that, when building a step down regulator, I need a 10v 100uf capacitor and a 2k Ohm resistor, right? Well, on the multimeter, the resistor shows up as 0.02. Is that what I' looking for?
Wire in the resistor and test the output voltage, I have no idea what your multimeter should be showing.
Lol, i'm at my moms church right now. Half asleep. Anyway, so I decided, like in "Dude Where's My Car?", SCREW THE UNIVERSE! mean building a step-down regulator..yeah that's it :sweat: I ordered a step-down converter, but not the one I advertised earlier. Bacteria (NO FLAMING!) suggested a WAY better one, and Mako, it's a lot smaller. It has 93% percent efficiency, that's 10% better than the one I was going to use.

Now, as for the ghost walking on the analog stick? Taken care of. So the controller is ready to be put in. This portable is 95% done. Just need the step-down converter, and test the WHOLE thing put together (not inside the case). It SHOULD work most definitely as I have done everything I need to. I'm very excited, for this is my first FINISHED n64 portable. In fact, my "Franken Vision" has spotted a school supply box as a case and I already began grooming it for Portablazation (lol, made up a word :lol: ). So if NintenGO is successful, I want to make MANY more :awesome:
Sonic4freedom said:
Portablazation (lol, made up a word :lol: ).
Others have already used that word before...

and I have ">ABS< VISION", where i would look at a pice of ABS plastic asking "do I really need this? could I make this into ABS cement?"
Royal said:
Sonic4freedom said:
Portablazation (lol, made up a word :lol: ).
Others have already used that word before...

and I have ">ABS< VISION", where i would look at a pice of ABS plastic asking "do I really need this? could I make this into ABS cement?"

Guess a laughing smiling face isn't enough to indicate sarcasm.

And ABSwut? What are you even talking about? :?
Yeah I know Mako, but every time I build one, it doesn't put out the right voltage :( Dude, I have over 15 of them, and I never ONCE made a working one. I swear its the resistors I'm using. I want to finish this portable, so ordering one was the only, and cheapest ($5.35! thats WITH shipping) alternative I had :(
Just keep in mind that it may be your multimeter. Have you tested it with any else, other than this project?
Yeah, It reads batteries and wall socket voltages fine.

But on another note, I was debating with a friend who also admires Trisixtyfource.
He said "YOURS wont be able to go in your pocket". This I know. But that didn't stop me from trying! :P

Here is my portable, partially finished (waiting on the regulator to power it), from the back. Don't worry, the cart slot will be hot glued upright when I install everything. But as you can see, it's a good thickness.

Here it is, more than halfway into my pocket.

Now while it doesn't go in as much as the TSF, i'm satisfied with where it is, and to be honest, I could probably slide it a little more. But showing its pocket-bility is not why I'm saying all this.

So my friend see's this and he's like "Congratulations, you have an ugly portable". Now I know this thing is not beautiful, but what he was referring to was the fact that in order for it to go in my pocket, it would have to have no back piece to cover the cartridge slot and the game. This was an absolute no-no. So I made this:

(See where I'm going with this)

Now with this piece (and it's "hooks" of goodness :lol: ) I can attach the back piece optionally. Like so:

So now, I can carry it in my pocket when I want, and then pull it out and attach a game IF I want:

And when I'm done, I just un-hook the back, and put it in my pocket.

I plan on putting LEDS behind the "Nintendo64" Logo to make it glow up. Meh, if this seems simple and pointless/redundant, thats cool. But I like it :)
Sonic4freedom said:
I plan on putting LEDS behind the "Nintendo64" Logo to make it glow up. Meh, if this seems simple and pointless/redundant, thats cool. But I like it :)
Mah Boi, Simple and pointless is what all of Modretro strives for!
Really though, I like it too. :awesome:
Shockslayer, my friend just fell out his seat laughing, because you quoted him. Dude, he WOSHIPS you. no lie. And *cough* I'm a big fan too :)