Yeah, It reads batteries and wall socket voltages fine.
But on another note, I was debating with a friend who also admires Trisixtyfource.
He said "YOURS wont be able to go in your pocket". This I know. But that didn't stop me from trying!

Here is my portable, partially finished (waiting on the regulator to power it), from the back. Don't worry, the cart slot will be hot glued upright when I install everything. But as you can see, it's a good thickness.

Here it is, more than halfway into my pocket.
Now while it doesn't go in as much as the TSF, i'm satisfied with where it is, and to be honest, I could probably slide it a little more. But showing its pocket-bility is not why I'm saying all this.
So my friend see's this and he's like "Congratulations, you have an ugly portable". Now I know this thing is not beautiful, but what he was referring to was the fact that in order for it to go in my pocket, it would have to have no back piece to cover the cartridge slot and the game. This was an absolute no-no. So I made this:

(See where I'm going with this)
Now with this piece (and it's "hooks" of goodness

) I can attach the back piece
optionally. Like so:
So now, I can carry it in my pocket when I want, and then pull it out and attach a game
IF I want:
And when I'm done, I just un-hook the back, and put it in my pocket.
I plan on putting LEDS behind the "Nintendo64" Logo to make it glow up. Meh, if this seems simple and pointless/redundant, thats cool. But I like it